It was a nightmare right??? That's it!!! I'm sleep blogging!!!! Can't wait to wake up!!!
Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is the first time that I’m involved in a Provincial election outside of Moncton or Saint John.
I will tell you that it’s a total different ball game in the Capital.
I attended Liberal nomination meeting and it was funny watching the snobs walking around.
This could also include the P.C. or NDP camps.
This is the Capital! It’s full of bureaucrats.
Anyway? It was funny because the only people I knew where the high micky muques of Society.
Often, I would chat with them and someone would move them along from me. It didn’t bother me at all but it was funny.

Rick Miles won the nomination and I took this picture.
I was the only guy who was taking pictures so I approached the new liberal candidate and said - Hey? Look at this?
I told Rick since I’m on social assistant!
This could be worth at least 20 bucks????
He quickly answered - Only if I beat Brad Green!!
A few days later, I was at the Fredericton Soup Kitchen and George Piers told me that the Liberals were seeking some workers and it paid over $100.00!
I made a stopover at Rick Miles headquarters and I was told to come around the office the next day.
I showed up and I noticed a guy in his 60s sitting on a chair going over papers.
I also noticed Rick’s wife speaking on a cellphone.
I approached the guy and said - I was told to come here so I could make a few bucks?
The guy look at me and said - We don’t pay any money. It’s all volunteers.
Its funny that I wasn’t told this the day before.
I continued by saying - George Piers from the Soup Kitchen sent me here.

He replied- George Pieweed??? < He could say his proper name >
I knew at that moment that I was dealing with one of the snobs so therefore I decided to have some fun. You must understand that this is the Capital and you’ll not suppose to say that you’re coming from the Soup Kitchen.

You keep that in the closet and pray they don’t know.
I said - You know??? There’s a Soup Kitchen down the street???? I come from there!!!! I was sent by George Piers. He runs the Kitchen!!!!
Well? You should have seen the look on his face. His attitude change 100%!!!
At that point, I was someone that should be ignored at any cost.
I believe that he taught that I was some kind of peasant that came from the streets?
Rick’s wife quickly came and she’s a nice individual. I met her during the nomination. < She's a sweetheart!! >

While chatting with her? The older guy said- WELL? WE’RE BUSY HERE!!!
Trust me!!! I lost it!!!! There’s one thing that I will not tolerate is a snobby bureaucrat degrading me when I’m talking.
I quickly said- Heeyyyy??? I’m so sooorrryyyy!!!! I’m out of here.
The wife tried to calm me down while I was walking out the door.
I quickly turned back and said - Listen??? If your husband wishes to be elected as a Liberal MLA??? If a person walks in here? Rich or poor? You must treat them with respect. They’re suppose to be equal!!!!
You must get rid of jerks like that guy and I quickly left the Liberal headquarters.
Yes...there’s a big difference from being in Saint John during an election.
Here in the Capital the bureaucrats truly believe they’re higher than the poor and it shows.
I believe the only instance the poor are equal to the bureaucrats is on voting day but it’s only for a few minutes every few years.
Sighhhhhh.....What a City!!!!!

NB Telegraph-Journal | News - As published on page A1 on August 31, 2006
Lord regrets remark
Widow of former premier Louis J. Robichaud demands apology
By Shannon Hagerman
(File/Canadian Press)
New Brunswick Premier Premier Bernard Lord, widow Jacqueline Robichaud, and Lt.-Gov. Hermengilde Chiasson, along with his wife Marcia Babineau, left to right, gather by the flag-draped casket of former premier Louis Robichaud during a public visitation in Moncton on Monday, Jan. 10, 2005.
Lord has come under fire from the late premier's widow for comments he made earlier this week.
Premier Bernard Lord isn't backing away from labelling a New Brunswick public policy expert a Liberal partisan, but acknowledged Wednesday he shouldn't have mentioned Donald Savoie planned Louis J. Robichaud's funeral.
Lord has come under fire from the late premier's widow, Jacqueline Robichaud, who is asking for a public apology for comments he made earlier this week.
Mr. Lord had stated Savoie, an professor at the Université de Moncton, was a partisan Liberal and that his views on the Conservative election platform should be taken "with a grain of salt."
As evidence of this fact, Lord mentioned Savoie wrote a book about former New Brunswick premier Frank McKenna and that he planned Robichaud's well-publicized funeral in 2005.
Robichaud died on Jan. 6, 2005 at the age of 79.
Lord, who nominated Robichaud for the Order of New Brunswick, said he never intended to offend the Robichaud family.
"If my words bothered Madame Robichaud, I find that unfortunate, however the fact that I said that Donald Savoie is a known supporter of the Liberal Party and his criticism of our (rural economic development) fund I think has to be taken with a grain of salt, that is what I said," he said.
"Perhaps it would have been better if I would not have used that example.
"I never suggested in any way that the funeral was partisan because I know it wasn't."
"Perhaps it would have been better for me to not to even mention the fact that (Savoie) organized the funeral for Louis Robichaud."
Savoie, who also worked for former Conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney, refused to step into the fray.
"I don't want to partake in that debate," he said.
"I'll let people draw their own conclusions. People who want to go there in that kind of debate can go at it alone.
I won't be part of it."
Savoie had been asked to weigh two economic development funds promised by both the Liberals and the Conservatives in the Sept. 18 election campaign.
The Liberal economic development fund is dedicated to northern regions of the province, while the Conservative fund would be for rural areas across New Brunswick.
Savoie suggested plans to create a rural fund for all regions of the province could water down northern economic development.
Mr. Lord was asked to respond and replied:
"I have respect for Donald Savoie, for the work that he's done. But, I still recognize that he is a partisan person, who has written books on Frank McKenna, who planned the funeral of Louis Robichaud and I respect him for that," he said in French.
"But, I still have to take his counsel and his advice during an election campaign with a grain of salt."
The comment, which was published in part in the L'Acadie Nouvelle newspaper, drew a stern reaction from Robichaud's widow.
In a letter sent to the Telegraph-Journal Wednesday, Robichaud asked Lord to apologize for the comment, adding Savoie was a personal friend of her husband.
"My husband, the honourable Louis J. Robichaud, greatly admired Dr. Donald Savoie, and it was as a personal friend and not for partisanship or political ends that a week before his death, Louis asked Dr. Savoie to take care of all his funeral arrangements," she wrote.
"Mr. Lord, I am deeply offended that you would make such a comment, especially during an election campaign, and I ask, as wife of the greatest premier this province ever produced, that you publicly apologize for this inappropriate comment."
Lord said he never meant to offend the Robichaud family.
"I'm sure that Madame Robichaud loves her late husband dearly and she wants to do everything she can to protect his memory and I understand that and I support her in that and in fact we've done that."
The death of the late premier, who founded the Equal Opportunity Program in New Brunswick, sparked an outpouring of grief among ordinary and high-profile provincial residents.
Lord has often praised the late premier's accomplishments.
He continued to do so on Wednesday.
"The two greatest premiers in New Brunswick's history are Louis Robichaud and Richard Hatfield," he said.
Lord said the provincial government, on his authorization, picked up some of the expenses for the late premier's funeral and he also authorized a monument in Robichaud's honour in St-Antoine.
When the Conservative government adopted a new Official Languages Act in 2000, the premier invited Robichaud to sit at his desk on the floor of the legislature when the bill was passed unanimously by the house.
Don Desserud, a political scientist at the University of New Brunswick, said it was inappropriate for the premier to bring up Robichaud's funeral while campaigning for re-election.
However Desserud said he hopes both parties don't try to exploit the issue during an election campaign.
"People make mistakes.
"The public understands that and apologies go a long way to resolving these things. I don't think either party wants this to become an issue in the campaign," he said.
"I hope the Liberals won't try to exploit this and that the Conservatives will respond evenly with some decorum.
"This is obviously a very private woman who feels her privacy has been violated by a political campaign."
- with files from David Shipley
Only talk show in New Brunswick I guess. Should be interesting. It's only for 50 minutes but should be interesting!!!!

This is truly sad!!! I mean really sad!
I say it around 20 time per day and I will say it here in this blog.
I kiss the Cross often thanking God that I have no kids. I’ll fight for them till the end of time but to take care of them?
That’s a total different story! I’m not interested.
School starts next week and during my six months protest in front of the New Brunswick Legislature. I heard a lot of sad stories of the way kids with so-called learning disabilities were treated in the classrooms.
I remember hearing one story of a teacher asking a child in front of all the class - Hey Jimmy? Did you take your Ritalin this morning?
This sort of act is demeaning and degrading.
Of course, once these ADHD kids reaches adulthood? They are labeled as close to mental Retardation. These are orders from the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
I heard a sad story today.
A small child with a learning disability was told that he’ll have to wait one extra week to attend school.
The teachers will tell the whole classroom that the child has a mental disability and the kids have nothing to worry about!
Can you imagine degrading a child before he or she sets foot in the classroom?
I remember when I was in school. I had ADHD < BIG TIME > but nobody knew of this mental disorder in those days.
I always promise myself that I would do better this new school year.
Close to 30 years later, it’s worst because the teachers will degrade you in the classrooms.
I spoke to a few people about this and they told me this isn’t right at all!!!
Bernard Lord says - Hey? Drug the child and everything will be ok!
These kids are labeled even before they set foot in the school yard.
The teachers have no right whatsoever to degrade a child in front of the classroom. This is not human but what is these days?
This child in question is very intelligent just a little hyper.
Degrading this kid before the whole class will destroy him for life!!!
Did anyone else out there had the same problem with their child?
Jacques Poitras - Hmmm??? Once the election is over??? Should I quit this business and become a full time Blogger???? hmmmm????
Hey Jacques??? Blogging is fun but one word of advice...IT DOESN'T PAY ONE CENT!!!!

Brenda Fowlie is a P.C. Mla from Quispamsis.
I always like her. She helped me a few years ago while I was in Saint
She's the one who won by only 18 votes during the last Provincial election.

Once again, she's close to Saint John and I believe that all the MLA�s in the southern part of the Province are going to be defeated
on election day.
Too bad but Brenda won't be re-elected.

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