Remember the girl who I called 777???
She’s the one who showed up with me at the building of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
She’s the one who can calm me down and keep me in check.
This morning, I found out the girl is very intelligent.
I gave her my human rights complaint and she told me that I have to write an introduction.
She quickly noticed that this wasn’t my cup of tea.
She spent one hour of her own time writing the little intro.
The complaint was against the caretaker and the Landlord.
I told her she did a great job but she was stern with by saying - Charles, I want you to stay calm once you give your complaint to the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.
After battling with these people for close to five years? It’s very difficult to remain calm.
I first made a stopover over the Ombudsman office.

Bernard Richard wasn’t around.
I left a copy of my complaint in his office. Why the Ombudsman? I’ll get to that later.

Finally, there I was at the front door of the Commission. I said to myself- stay calm...stay calm.. stay calm...

What will happen this time? Will Carl White once again show up in person? Will they do like the last time? < open the door only inches > as I was some kind of animal? What’s going to happen?
I knocked softly on the door.
After waiting 30 seconds, no one answered!
I rang the buzzer and still nothing.

Then I heard someone calling from a microphone- Yes Charles? What do you want?
I was surprise by this line of communication.
I quickly said - I want to talk to a case worker!!!
She answered- They’re all busy Charles!
Man! I LOST IT!!!!
I raised my voice telling the girl that I have a complaint for her!
What are these people afraid of anyway?

She asked me to come closer to the microphone so she could see me!!!
I told the girl that I just drop on the floor a bag and my human rights complaint is inside and left the building.
I was furious! They won’t even answer the door!!!!
Once around the corner of the building, I said to myself - Hey? They might just throw the complaint in the garbage bin and say- We never received a complaint.

This time around, I knocked on the door very hard and I believe they knew inside that I meant business! Because I seen them move like a bunch of ants!
I noticed two male individuals moving inside and Susan Butterfield quickly came to the door.

I was very upset and she knew it!!!
I told her that the Commission must start greeting the people who come here with respect!
What do I have to do? Go see your boss Margaret Ann Blaney?
I will do there right now!
I added that it was ridiculous to talk outside.
Susan remained calm and invited me in her office.
Once there, I once again told her that you people must start listening to the public.
The last time someone use the term – You people was Ross Parrot against the blacks. We know what happen afterwards.
Present inside her office was Christian Whalen

All three knew exactly who I was and must have wondered what’s going to happen now?
I understand that I have been calling them racists and their verdict on the issue of Ritalin didn’t help matters but what am I supposed to do?
Walk towards the sunset with my head down? Sorry...not going to happen! I will fight this verdict till the end of times!!!!
Susan leaned against her desk and I was sitting down on a chair.
I told them that I just came from the Ombudsman office and I’m concern on one issue.

The complaint that I made to the commission over four years ago had close to 2,500 words and I wrote it in one hour.
The grammar was terrible < worst than now!> therefore you people have agreed that negroes < never use the nigger word > and frogs can be assaulted.
Also that people with ADHD are close to mental retardation!

I made it clear that I didn’t write this introduction.
What I wish to know?
If someone cannot read or write? Is there someone from the commission who will help them?

Susan did assure me there was some people who would give a helping hand to these needy individuals.
Too bad this didn’t happen with me years ago But that was then and now is now!
I don’t have to deal with Carl White!
I’m dealing with the top dogs and they were all in the office.
In private, they must say that I’m a nut! But who cares??? There must be some very bad words being said about me because they sure look like they're scared of me!!!
I wanted to know when the Commission meets again and I believe the date is October 27th!
I made it very clear that I will be in the office on October 28th at 11:00am to know what happened?
They reminded me that it can be a long process. < close to nine months > I reminded them that someone told me it could take four years.

I reminded the people in that office that it was the Fredericton Police Forces who sent me here!
If nothing is done? The police must be called and the Human Rights Commission must tell them that boarders or roomers have no rights in this province.

I reminded the Commission that as we speak?
There’s a guy who sh@t in a garbage bag. He’s not allowed to use the washroom and if he complains to the health Department? He will be evicted and the cops will escort the guy out in one hour.

Can you imagine having only one hour to pack up and leave the premises?

I was direct and very straight forward.
I even reminded the Commission that I should have taken 10 Ritalin before I came in this building. Susan asked me if I was still on Ritalin? I told the director that I haven't ritalin in years!!!
I reminded the commission this issue isn’t about me! It’s for the rights of the boarders and roomers all around this Province.
You see? The problem lies with the landlord and the tenants.
Lets say that roomers or boarders had rights?

They would complain on different issues and the landlord would have to fixed the problem.

At the end, the landlord would jack up the rent but the welfare rate would stay the same therefore causing major problems in New Brunswick.
But to have a landlord or caretaker evicting someone or denying a tenant the right to a shower?

Well? This is not Human and this is indeed the Human Rights Commission.
The little meeting lasted for around 20 minutes and I did a lot of talking! < Can you imagine that one! >

I reminded Susan that a girl at one of the meeting Susan was a guest speaker told the audience- You must listen to what Charles is saying! He’s 100% right!

This is an issue that the Commission must addressed as soon as possible because the cold winter months is just around the corner and the boarders or roomers must be protected!

I reminded the Commission that I never wanted to come here but it’s the Fredericton Police Forces who sent me.

At the end, I quickly said- Why the hell do I did involved in these issues?
How come I can mind my own business like everyone else?

One member suggested that I have to get a job but I quickly reminded the Commission that once I say - Hey? I worked for the Irvings for most of my life.
Do you think that the Irvings will give me a good reference?..lol..

I don’t believe so!
Christian Whalen and I attend the same Church and I reminded them that thank God I go to church because this helps me!

What’s the odds of me being in the Capital facing these bureaucrats and MLA’S every day and my best friend is the priest who I have known for 40 years???

It’s a very scary process to have someone like me < not born again! >
I don’t preach the word of the Lord to everyone around me but I am a strong believer that he’s watching over me and there’s a reason for everything.
I just take it day by day.
People like me < ADHD > usually cross that thin line when we lose our temper and end up in jail.

80% of the inmates who’s in jail for assault have ADHD but I refuse to cross that line and I wish the Commission would understand this and stop treating me like an animal.
I will give credit where it’s due. I must admit that they moved very fast when I first complain but it must not stop for the sake of the roomers and boarders around this province.
After I left the building, I saw 777 and told her what have just happen.
I gave her a good hug and thank her for a job very well done.
The Complaint is in the Human Rights Commission hands and they don’t have to worry about seeing me in their office for a little while but I will be there at 11:00am on October 28th.
I pray that I won’t received the same reception that I got this morning!
The Commission must give some recommendations to the Government that boarders or roomers must be protected!

Here's a building on the right hand side who has many boarders.

What a day!!!

Please excuse the style of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information highway!!