Monday, November 14, 2005
I don't have my glasses so here's a short one. BERNARD LORD LOST THE BI-ELECTION IN SAINT JOHN HARBOUR BIG TIMES!!!!!!
This is a quick note...there's a plan shitdown for maintenance for a couple of hours!!!!! No updates I guess!!!!!
The day before we came across the poor abuse scandal P.C. Pamphlets, we had a very interesting day.

We walked into the Liberal Headquarters to collect some Liberal brochures so we could go door to door in the South End.

I bumped into a few citizens on the streets whom I haven’t seen in years.

Tim and I went over his place so he could change into his Liberal uniform.

We decided in the morning to go and post some posters on the telephone poles around the area.

We left the building and guess who we bumped into on our first turn around the corner???
Margaret Ann Blaney!!!! The Minister of Transport.
She was all alone in the South End campaigning door to door.
I asked her if I could take a picture?
She quickly answered - Why? So you can make fun of me on your blog???

Since I was a nice guy!
I gave her two choices - Either take a picture with me or have a picture taken of her walking away?
Aren’t I a nice guy????…lol
No problem, we both smiled for the camera. Tim also had a shot at it!!!

We began going door to door and I must admit that the response was very good for the Liberals.
On one occasion, I bumped into an older couple.
I always apologize because I know they’re sick and tired of having people knocking at their doors. But after Monday?

-----These people will be forgotten by the politicians.-----
I told the couple that I represented Bernard Lord and I would like to have their support?
My God? For a minute, I believe that I was going to get murdered.
I quickly told the couple I was just kidding. It was just a joke.
Shhhh…..dangerous area to play jokes like this one….lol….
We continued going door to door till we noticed three individuals standing at a corner.
They turned and quickly walked fast towards us.
At a closer look, it was Kirk MacDonald < P.C. MLA > and a few workers from the P.C. Party.

The conversation quickly heated up when they began to debate the issue of VLT’S!
My God? I taught it was going to be a war.

I told the workers that no wonder they were standing at a corner because if I was part of the Bernard Lord team? I would be too afraid to face the voters in their homes.
I noticed Tony Huntjens teaming up with Margaret Ann Blaney. I asked Tony for a picture but I noticed that he wasn’t in a good mood. He reminded me that I’m suppose to be non-politcal and quickly tur ned his back on me and left! Darn camera didn’t work!
I shouted- That’s the reason you guys are going to lose. You’re too ignorant! You must talk to the people. He must have had a bad day!!!!!…lol
Even Claude William < P.C. MLA > is down here to lend a hand to Hooton.
Later that afternoon, while walking through the City Market, we were quickly confronted by two workers of the P.C. Party.
It was there that Jack Carr told Tim Smith those pamphlets was about the issue of Boarders and roomers rights.
I let them battled and continued walking up the City market until I bumped into Rodney Weston and Chisholm Portier.
I was surprised to see these two individuals in the area so I wanted to take a picture?
Someone on a cell phone quickly came to the rescue and in a rude manner told them to leave me be!!!!!
Ignorance? Well? I should have known that ignorance was in the air because Tim Smith while debating with the two workers noticed Bernard Lord and Michelle Hooton on the side alley in the market.
I guess that once Bernard knew that myself and Tim were in the area?
He quickly made a exit - Stage right!

I must admit that those P.C. workers are pretty sneaky….lol….distract the protesters and get rid of the Premier through a side door.
I don't believe that Shawn Graham is that ignorant.

That evening, we tried to put the puzzle together on the issue of this letter.

What did the message meant?
We wanted to know why would the Hooton camp send all these brochures all through the riding on the Saturday before the election???? WHY???
Someone sent an anonymous email saying that the same picture was on the Hooton Posters.

Tim quickly ran down the street and bingo!!!
He found one!!!
Then someone told us that there were posters around the City of the same guy serving donuts and Coffee.
It was 10:00pm!
I told Tim that I would go for a walk and try to locate one of these posters. I walked and walked until I reach the corner of Princess and Germain.
There it was!!!! On a street poll.

I brought it to Tim and I felt like we were taking orders from Deepthroat.
I felt like the two investigative reporters from the Watergate era. We had to get to the bottom of this issue.
One of us had to remain calm and I know it’s hard to believe but I was the calmer of the two because Tim was brought up in the South end and he took this issue to heart!
This issue was on both of our 10 ADHD brains today and we wanted the Liberals to go publicly and denounce this tactic by the Hooton Camp.

We had a little meeting and came to an agreement the Liberals shouldn’t lower themselves to their standards of campaigning and should concentrate on the bi-election.
Ok…sounds good but this issue will be address in the future until we find out the whole story about this Perkins guy.
Today, Tim and his daughter went into the bargain store.
I decided to stand outside and have a smoke.
I noticed someone sitting on a flower bed outside of the Hooton headquarters.

Being nosy Charles, I decided to have a closer look.
I said to myself - Could it be the guy sitting in front of the office was this man???

The closer I came, the more it look like Russell Perkins.

Sure enough it was the guy and I finally came face to face with the individual who has become famous during the last 24 hours!

I approached the guy and said - So? You have been abuse?
My God? What a quick temper???
He jumped up and started shouting on the streets that he has been indeed abuse.
He shouted that he made only $580.00 and month and continued yelling on Charlotte Street.
I glanced in the Hooton’s office while this guy continue to yell and pointed his finger on my chest.
I was surprised no one came outside to calm the guy down. They were moving like a bunch of ants.
I said to myself- If this guy punched me in face? He’s really going to be abuse!
There’s one good thing about my six months protest. It really helped keeping my temper in check!
I said to the guy - I don’t know you sir and you don’t know me! I seen your picture on the piece of paper around the South end and I wish to know the story?
He told me that he didn’t know me also! So he couldn’t be upset of my story on the blog. You mean this guy would just blow his top without a reason? What a bad temper!
He quickly ended the conversation and walked in the headquarters.
I was told last night that someone called the office at 635-0213.
The workers handed the phone to this guy and he spoke a mile a minute. These words were so true because this individual was full of anger.
I noticed the twin brothers Jody and Jack Carr walking toward the Hooton’s camp and we had a good debate and we definitely disagree on the way that they distributed these pamphlets in the South End. I won’t go into the details of the conversation.
We chatted for over 15 minutes and it’s a very difficult task to continue a debate with two twin brothers. Because they both think alike!
Finally, my twin ADHD brother came to the rescue?

My god? I believe that we would debate the issue on the streets for a good hour but Tim had his daughter with him so he left.
Too bad because it’s all in fun! I took it in strides but they seen to be upset about something. I believe that these workers are finding out the hard way that Bernard Lord is not well liked in the riding.
It’s nice to live in a country were Canadians can debate different issue in great length without lowering themselves to violence.
Afterwards, I made it home and I’m trying to relax and get ready for the bi-election in the morning.
One more issue? What really got me upset with the issue of the homeless guy?
Will the Irvings and the Bernard Lord camp will get together and print a whole front page story in the Irving paper on Monday morning telling the voters that Hooten cares for the abuse voters in the riding of Saint John Harbour?
If this was their plan?
It’s no longer because I noticed the Irvings in and out of this blog all day long.
If the Irvings prints this story?
Well? They just reinforce my story that the Irving’s monopoly must be studied!!!!!

The day before we came across the poor abuse scandal P.C. Pamphlets, we had a very interesting day.

We walked into the Liberal Headquarters to collect some Liberal brochures so we could go door to door in the South End.

I bumped into a few citizens on the streets whom I haven’t seen in years.

Tim and I went over his place so he could change into his Liberal uniform.

We decided in the morning to go and post some posters on the telephone poles around the area.

We left the building and guess who we bumped into on our first turn around the corner???
Margaret Ann Blaney!!!! The Minister of Transport.
She was all alone in the South End campaigning door to door.
I asked her if I could take a picture?
She quickly answered - Why? So you can make fun of me on your blog???

Since I was a nice guy!
I gave her two choices - Either take a picture with me or have a picture taken of her walking away?
Aren’t I a nice guy????…lol
No problem, we both smiled for the camera. Tim also had a shot at it!!!

We began going door to door and I must admit that the response was very good for the Liberals.
On one occasion, I bumped into an older couple.
I always apologize because I know they’re sick and tired of having people knocking at their doors. But after Monday?

-----These people will be forgotten by the politicians.-----
I told the couple that I represented Bernard Lord and I would like to have their support?
My God? For a minute, I believe that I was going to get murdered.
I quickly told the couple I was just kidding. It was just a joke.
Shhhh…..dangerous area to play jokes like this one….lol….
We continued going door to door till we noticed three individuals standing at a corner.
They turned and quickly walked fast towards us.
At a closer look, it was Kirk MacDonald < P.C. MLA > and a few workers from the P.C. Party.

The conversation quickly heated up when they began to debate the issue of VLT’S!
My God? I taught it was going to be a war.

I told the workers that no wonder they were standing at a corner because if I was part of the Bernard Lord team? I would be too afraid to face the voters in their homes.
I noticed Tony Huntjens teaming up with Margaret Ann Blaney. I asked Tony for a picture but I noticed that he wasn’t in a good mood. He reminded me that I’m suppose to be non-politcal and quickly tur ned his back on me and left! Darn camera didn’t work!
I shouted- That’s the reason you guys are going to lose. You’re too ignorant! You must talk to the people. He must have had a bad day!!!!!…lol
Even Claude William < P.C. MLA > is down here to lend a hand to Hooton.

Later that afternoon, while walking through the City Market, we were quickly confronted by two workers of the P.C. Party.
It was there that Jack Carr told Tim Smith those pamphlets was about the issue of Boarders and roomers rights.
I let them battled and continued walking up the City market until I bumped into Rodney Weston and Chisholm Portier.
I was surprised to see these two individuals in the area so I wanted to take a picture?
Someone on a cell phone quickly came to the rescue and in a rude manner told them to leave me be!!!!!
Ignorance? Well? I should have known that ignorance was in the air because Tim Smith while debating with the two workers noticed Bernard Lord and Michelle Hooton on the side alley in the market.
I guess that once Bernard knew that myself and Tim were in the area?
He quickly made a exit - Stage right!

I must admit that those P.C. workers are pretty sneaky….lol….distract the protesters and get rid of the Premier through a side door.
I don't believe that Shawn Graham is that ignorant.

That evening, we tried to put the puzzle together on the issue of this letter.

What did the message meant?
We wanted to know why would the Hooton camp send all these brochures all through the riding on the Saturday before the election???? WHY???
Someone sent an anonymous email saying that the same picture was on the Hooton Posters.

Tim quickly ran down the street and bingo!!!
He found one!!!
Then someone told us that there were posters around the City of the same guy serving donuts and Coffee.
It was 10:00pm!
I told Tim that I would go for a walk and try to locate one of these posters. I walked and walked until I reach the corner of Princess and Germain.
There it was!!!! On a street poll.

I brought it to Tim and I felt like we were taking orders from Deepthroat.
I felt like the two investigative reporters from the Watergate era. We had to get to the bottom of this issue.
One of us had to remain calm and I know it’s hard to believe but I was the calmer of the two because Tim was brought up in the South end and he took this issue to heart!
This issue was on both of our 10 ADHD brains today and we wanted the Liberals to go publicly and denounce this tactic by the Hooton Camp.

We had a little meeting and came to an agreement the Liberals shouldn’t lower themselves to their standards of campaigning and should concentrate on the bi-election.
Ok…sounds good but this issue will be address in the future until we find out the whole story about this Perkins guy.
Today, Tim and his daughter went into the bargain store.
I decided to stand outside and have a smoke.
I noticed someone sitting on a flower bed outside of the Hooton headquarters.

Being nosy Charles, I decided to have a closer look.
I said to myself - Could it be the guy sitting in front of the office was this man???

The closer I came, the more it look like Russell Perkins.

Sure enough it was the guy and I finally came face to face with the individual who has become famous during the last 24 hours!

I approached the guy and said - So? You have been abuse?
My God? What a quick temper???
He jumped up and started shouting on the streets that he has been indeed abuse.
He shouted that he made only $580.00 and month and continued yelling on Charlotte Street.
I glanced in the Hooton’s office while this guy continue to yell and pointed his finger on my chest.
I was surprised no one came outside to calm the guy down. They were moving like a bunch of ants.
I said to myself- If this guy punched me in face? He’s really going to be abuse!
There’s one good thing about my six months protest. It really helped keeping my temper in check!
I said to the guy - I don’t know you sir and you don’t know me! I seen your picture on the piece of paper around the South end and I wish to know the story?
He told me that he didn’t know me also! So he couldn’t be upset of my story on the blog. You mean this guy would just blow his top without a reason? What a bad temper!
He quickly ended the conversation and walked in the headquarters.
I was told last night that someone called the office at 635-0213.
The workers handed the phone to this guy and he spoke a mile a minute. These words were so true because this individual was full of anger.
I noticed the twin brothers Jody and Jack Carr walking toward the Hooton’s camp and we had a good debate and we definitely disagree on the way that they distributed these pamphlets in the South End. I won’t go into the details of the conversation.
We chatted for over 15 minutes and it’s a very difficult task to continue a debate with two twin brothers. Because they both think alike!
Finally, my twin ADHD brother came to the rescue?

My god? I believe that we would debate the issue on the streets for a good hour but Tim had his daughter with him so he left.
Too bad because it’s all in fun! I took it in strides but they seen to be upset about something. I believe that these workers are finding out the hard way that Bernard Lord is not well liked in the riding.
It’s nice to live in a country were Canadians can debate different issue in great length without lowering themselves to violence.
Afterwards, I made it home and I’m trying to relax and get ready for the bi-election in the morning.
One more issue? What really got me upset with the issue of the homeless guy?
Will the Irvings and the Bernard Lord camp will get together and print a whole front page story in the Irving paper on Monday morning telling the voters that Hooten cares for the abuse voters in the riding of Saint John Harbour?
If this was their plan?
It’s no longer because I noticed the Irvings in and out of this blog all day long.
If the Irvings prints this story?
Well? They just reinforce my story that the Irving’s monopoly must be studied!!!!!

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