The first day I was arrested? The Irvings named me a protester in their papers.

The second time they again wrote - Protester Charles LeBlanc!
I just ignored the issue until a few people confront me on the streets.
I said - Enough is enough!!!
I called the Irving paper and the editor was very rude to me. I decided to play their little game so I wrote a letter to the editor telling the readers that I wasn’t a protester. I was a blogger!!!
My letter was not printed so I wrote an email telling the paper to warn Jamie Irving that I will pursue this issue big time. I will blog this issue to death.
The next day, my letter was printed.
The next time I appear in court the Irvings covered the story.
The story they printed was ok until the last paragraph.
The Irvings wrote - Charles was ban from the New Brunswick Legislature for harassing the public.
This issue had nothing to do with my trial. It was just a way to discredit me.
They could have written - Allegedly or supposedly harass the public?
I wrote a letter to the editor about this issue but the Irvings wouldn’t print the story.
I sent a letter of complaint to Senator Munson but never received a reply.
You can read my presentation to the Senate by clicking below-
So? My first day in court on Monday. I noticed the CBC team was in the court room but no Irvings.

I was told yesterday there was a story in the paper.
I check it out and it was this-
Officer deletes photo at arrest
As published on page B2 on November 21, 2006
SAINT JOHN - A Saint John police officer who pinned Charles LeBlanc to the ground during a protest in the summer testified Monday that he deliberately deleted a digital images of himself off the blogger's camera.
Sgt. John Parks told the court he arrested LeBlanc as approximately 30 to 40 protesters attempted to storm the convention centre, the CBC reported Monday.
As LeBlanc was arrested, he was knocked to the ground by Parks and Const. Tanya Lawlor. Parks testified that he then found LeBlanc's digital camera and deleted the photo.
According to media reports, Lawlor testified that LeBlanc was not listening to police and resisting their efforts. After the incident, Lawlor said she looked up LeBlanc's blog on the Internet, and found pictures of herself using a baton to ward off protesters, set to the song Kung Fu Fighting. She said it made her feel humiliated. The trial is to continue today.
They must have taken it from the CBC website.
Once again, yesterday the Irvings weren’t in court to cover the story and I might add there’s nothing in this morning paper.

I noticed a woman in court sitting beside me. Afterwards, I asked her - What's your name? She quickly answered- I'M ANTI-IRVING!!!
People in the area had a good chuckle on that one.
Many asked - Where's the Irvings? < Noticed I don't say Newspaper reporters? >
The question is why? Now? I know for a certain fact that if the trial had turned against me or another issue that I was charge with?

The story would have been on the front page.
I remember when I protest in a tent for six months in front of the legislature. I was protesting the Government to do a study on Ritalin.
It took 50 days for the Irvings to cover the story.

Hundreds of citizens in the Fredericton area asked me the reason this protest wasn’t in the papers?
I remember one woman showed up with a protest sign for a few hours during my protest and was on the front page the next day.
Personally, It doesn’t bother me if I’m in the paper or not. < Those days are long gone >
My main concern is the way the Irvings are controlling what goes in their papers.
We have no talk shows in New Brunswick and there’s no way to get the message out beside blogging but it’s not everyone who owns a computer.
I bet if I’m found guilty on Friday? The story will be on the front page.
The Irvings are using this way of communication to brainwash the public. They will discredit anyone who they feel is the enemy and that individual is not allowed to write a letter to the editor.
This is very scary stuff!!!
Democracy in New Brunswick is dead when it comes to our Irving Newspapers!!!
I might add that CHSJ Rdio < IRVING OWN > didn't cover the trial also!!!

New Brunswickers do live in a Hogan Heroes World. We have to go underground to spread our message to the public.