Friday, July 21, 2006
Someone sent me this one...Anyone out there with funny pictures? Send them to me....
Smoking ban blamed as VLT profits dive
Last Updated: Friday, July 21, 2006 | 4:00 PM AT
CBC News
Revenue from video lottery terminals in New Brunswick declined last year, in part because of the province's ban on smoking in bars and restaurants, the Atlantic Lottery Corporation says.
The lottery corportation's 2005-06 annual report shows that money generated by VLTs fell by almost $8 million, or six per cent, from the previous year.
ALC spokesman Robert Bourgeois said a province-wide smoking ban imposed in October 2004 was one of the major reasons for the decline.
"There were other factors as well, such an increase in competition from unregulated internet sites," Bourgeois said Friday. "But definitely, the smoking ban would have been one of the factors."
The ALC reported a profit of $394 million in the report released Friday.
It’s raining hard out there so I’m going to write a blog about my court appearance in Saint John on Tuesday at 9:00am!!!
This is going to be a very interesting case.
This is the first of its kind in New Brunswick.
A blogger being arrested for taking pictures and once in the jail cell?
The Saint John Police Force deleted all my pictures. I mean all my pictures. Even the ones that I took with friends that I haven’t seen for years.
The pictures I took of the protesters running inside the Atlantica Conference could have been use as valuable evidence but the cops deleted them all or did they?
Very interesting indeed?
I heard so many opinions on this issue that I don’t know what’s going to happen but one thing is certain?
I do want a trial on this issue.
I heard the Government and the Irvings wish to use me as an example on this issue because the Irvings owns all the newspapers in this Province and they want to make a perfectly clear that only Irving employees will be allowed to take pictures.
It would be like Hitler went he took control of the media in Germany.
Lets say that a truck explodes in the Capital for example?
People in the area will not allowed to take pictures.
You’ll have to call an Irving employee.
Sound crazy? Well, that could be a fact?
So what’s going to happen in Saint John?
I heard that the charges were drop against a protester from Halifax. He had four charges against him but they’re drop.
My charge is obstruction!!!
I heard that the cops or prosecutor will drop the charges hours before the deadline.
Last evening, I had a nightmare about this issue.
There I was in the court room sitting beside the Legal aide lawyer while the prosecutor was across the room.
Sitting behind the prosecutor was the Irvings.
They showed me a suitcase full of money and looked at me with a thumb down!!!
Close by was Bernard Lord with his cabinet smiling and laughing with other P.C. friends.
Also with them were a few Liberals. All were in agreement on this issue.
Behind them were all kinds of bureaucrats with a huge smile on their face.
The Unions were also present.
Even my bigots friends were there.
At the end, the judge sent me to a Mental Institution for 10 years!!!!
Everyone was happy that Charles LeBlanc was gone from the public eye in Fredericton and no more Blogging!!!
Far fetch??? You tell moi???
Not sure but one thing is certain.
I heard that the judge could order me to delete some stuff from my blog especially the pictures of the Saint John police Force?
If they believe that I will delete anything from my blog site? They are sadly mistaken
I would go to jail first.
Can you imagine a blogger being jailed in Canada???
Maybe China or North Korea but Canada? This will be a first!!!
Now we have another problem?
If there’s a trial? I will demand a Judge and jury.
We need a judge from outside of the Province because I blogged the story of that judge that was sent to prison for 5 years.
Now....we need a jury!
We must find 12 people who don’t have any relatives who works for the Irvings.
After this is all done?
We must asked them if they have ever heard of Charles Leblanc???
Where are we going to find these people????
In the Caves of the Bay of Fundy????
This will be indeed cost hundreds of thousands of dollars but it will be worth it if the Governemnt and the Irvings can control New Brunswickers via the courts.
Am I nervous??? Of course not!!!
I’m still angry that I never heard back from the Police officer who I gave a statement of what happened to me.
The police deleted all my pictures and I was told they will tell the public that I can’t prove it so therefore the case is drop!
Nobody calls Charles LeBlanc is liar.
Yes, I do hope that the charges against me are not drop because this will be a first in Canada and I know that I could end up in jail.
We must not forget that every group who fought for their rights had to spent time in jail to put their point across.
I am ready and willing to do this.
But there’s only one itty bitty problem with this issue.
How do you treat a blogger that’s in jail?
Once he or she gets out? They will blog their experience to the whole world.
So what do you do with a blogger behind bars?
You have to shoot them!!!!
This is a joke but read between the lines.
Wish me luck on Tuesday at 9:00am because this will truly be a first in new brunswick!
P.S. The only reason that I added all these pictures is because the Irvings could change the whole story if I end up in Jail. At least the visitors will have a good idea what is going on here?