There’s a by-election in Moncton East today.
In my opinion?
Who cares??????
I didn’t once blog about this issue because I truly don’t care who wins?
I received a few emails asking me the reason I don’t blog Questions period anymore?
Well? Guess what? I haven’t watched Questions Period ever since both political Parties agreed that I should be banned from the New Brunswick Legislature.
I can’t be bothered.
On a few occasions, I knew that questions period were on television but couldn’t be bothered.
If I feel this way especially with a new Government in power?
This means that many must share the same feeling.

I received the transcript of the questions period but can’t be bothered reading it or blog them because I believe it’s all BS!!!
As for the ban?
I’m going to push the issue this week.
I had a meeting last week with someone pretty high up in the Liberals ranks and if the Liberals wish me to go public with this issue?
I will have no choice but tell the readers the truth reason that I’m banned.
This will be very dirty and filthy!!!
Will the Liberals be that low to force me into going public with this dirt?
Will the Liberals spent hundreds of thousands to have me arrested? I am ready to go to court on this one.

Those four individuals will have to step forward and testify why I was harrashing them.
Trust me!!! This wil not be a Bonnie O’Dea case. I know for a fact that I didn’t harass anyone. Might be a pain in the butt? But no harassment!
Who truly knows?
Maybe from this day on? I might not vote again because it doesn’t matter whose in power?
They’re all the same.
Stay tuned!