Thursday, December 20, 2007

You newcomers can read this sad and scary story by clicking below -
I have been getting lots of concerns from people on the streets about this one.
Lets see if I can be a good CSI agent?

The Manager of Sweetwaters Greg Morris < Found out his name later on > told me the Liberal MLA'S don't want you here!
Let the investigation begin!!!!
Rick Miles?

No!!!! He quickly email me a letter of apology!!! So he's out of the picture.
Greg Byrne?

Nope!!!! I chatted with the Minister outside and he told me to go inside but I said- With three thugs waiting for me at the door? No thank you! So Greg is out of the picture.
T.J Burke?

Nahhhh...He don't need three bouncers to do the job. He would try to do it himself. So he's out of the picture.
Shawn Graham?

Nahhhh...He wants to know what people are saying on the streets??? He's out of the picture.
Jack Keir?

Harm a fellow Blogger??? Nahhhhh < He hasn't blog in months!!!>
Roy Boudreau?

Orders from Dan Bussieres?

Nahhhhh..He's way to smart to be brainwash like Tanker Malley!

He's out of the picture....
Donald Arsenault?

Chatted with the guy on my way out....He was surprised!!! Nope not him....
Roland Hache?

Nahhh....He loves giving me smokes too much!!!!! Out of the picture!!!
Brian Kenny?

Nahhhh...A guy with red hair can take care of the job himself!!!!
Cheryl Lavoie????

Nahhh..she's a newcomer and a nice person
Hédard Albert ???

Nahhhh too busy yapping.....
Denis Landry???

Nahhhhhh...Denis has the biggest fist in the whole Legislature. He doesn't need three bouncers to do the job. He could knock me out with one punch!
Carmel Robichaud???

Nahhh..she's a sweetheart...it wouldn't hurt a fly!!!!
Bill Fraser???

Nope! He learned after Tanker Malley mistake. Out of the picture!!!!
John Foran???

With the R.C.M.P investigating my arrest in Saint John? Nahhhh he couldn't be bothered.....
Rick Brewer?

Nahhhh..good friend of Abel LeBlanc..out of the picture...
Victor Boudreau???

Nahhh too busy with the large amount of money coming into his office...Out of the picture!!!
Mike Murphy???

As much that I believe he would love to get rid of me? I don't think so!!!! Out of the picture!!!
Chris Collins???

He's a newcomer so I never really chatted with the guy!!! Nahhhhhh...
Joan MacAlpine or Wally Stiles???

Nahh they're too busy with each other.....Out of the picture!!!
Stuart Jamieson???

Nahhhh..He got enough of his own problems!!! Out of the picture!
Roly MacIntyre????

Too busy telling stories......Out of the Picture!!!
Ed Doherty???

Nahhh way too busy shutting down UNBSJ for the Irvings!!!! Out of the picture.
Mary Schryer or Bernard Leblanc??
Nahh...both newcomers
Abel LeBlanc?

With a broken leg? He would send T.J. Burke after me. Not bouncers!!!! Out of the picture.
Rick Doucet?

Being from the deep woods of Charlotte County? He can do the job himself. Out of the picture!!!
Eugene McGinley???

Too down on life wondering why he lost the Speaker's job? Out!!!!
Larry Kennedy???

Since he might be working for the big presription drug industries in New Brunswick? He could hire an expensive hitman. He wouldn't lower himself to the bouncers of Sweetwaters! Out of the picture!!!
Ronald Ouellette???

Nahhhh...un bon garcon!!!! Too nice...out of the picture
Bernard Theriault?

Wicked temper so he don't need any bouncers to finish Charles!!! Out of the picture.
Oppppssssss..... This CSI agent is closing in on the suspect.

I believe I found the guy who sent the bouncers after me???

Kelly Lamrock!!!!! He always believe he's above everyone else.
I might add that he associated me with a murder and this is the reason I was ban from the Legislature!!!!
Maybe it's him who sent the bouncers from Sweetwater to have me harm or killed???
Who truly knows???
Former premier's top officials received large buyouts
Last Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 | 4:44 PM AT
CBC News
Five officials in Bernard Lord's Conservative government each received more than their annual salaries in paycheques and severance packages in the year they were bought out by the new Liberal government in New Brunswick.
The province's latest public accounts report, released Tuesday, revealed what each of them received in the last fiscal year.
The five Tory partisans had been serving in senior bureaucratic and Crown corporation jobs. Each of them worked about half of the fiscal year, then accepted buyouts after Shawn Graham's Liberals won the October 2006 election.
Last Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 | 4:44 PM AT
CBC News
Five officials in Bernard Lord's Conservative government each received more than their annual salaries in paycheques and severance packages in the year they were bought out by the new Liberal government in New Brunswick.
The province's latest public accounts report, released Tuesday, revealed what each of them received in the last fiscal year.
The five Tory partisans had been serving in senior bureaucratic and Crown corporation jobs. Each of them worked about half of the fiscal year, then accepted buyouts after Shawn Graham's Liberals won the October 2006 election.
Judge reserves decision on murderer's civil suit request
Last Updated: Thursday, December 20, 2007 | 12:18 PM AT
CBC News
A New Brunswick judge on Wednesday reserved a decision on whether to hear the civil suit of a convicted murderer against the man who prosecuted his case 32 years ago.
Erin Michael Walsh was convicted of the murder of Melvin "Chi Chi" Peters in 1975.
In July, Walsh filed a civil suit against William McCarroll, now a senior judge in Saint John, who was Crown prosecutor in the case. The suit also names all the chiefs of police in Saint John between 1975 and the present, the RCMP, the province and the Attorney General of Canada.
Walsh, who has a long criminal record, was travelling from Toronto when he arrived in Saint John in August 1975. He ended up drinking with a group that included the victim at a beach in the south end of the city. When later leaving the area, a struggle took place in a car, a shotgun went off and Peters was killed.
Last Updated: Thursday, December 20, 2007 | 12:18 PM AT
CBC News
A New Brunswick judge on Wednesday reserved a decision on whether to hear the civil suit of a convicted murderer against the man who prosecuted his case 32 years ago.
Erin Michael Walsh was convicted of the murder of Melvin "Chi Chi" Peters in 1975.
In July, Walsh filed a civil suit against William McCarroll, now a senior judge in Saint John, who was Crown prosecutor in the case. The suit also names all the chiefs of police in Saint John between 1975 and the present, the RCMP, the province and the Attorney General of Canada.
Walsh, who has a long criminal record, was travelling from Toronto when he arrived in Saint John in August 1975. He ended up drinking with a group that included the victim at a beach in the south end of the city. When later leaving the area, a struggle took place in a car, a shotgun went off and Peters was killed.
Just curious.....

Prayer and Devotions
The True Coming
by Father Barry O’Toole, LC
Resolution: Make a brief visit to the Blessed Virgin today. Ask her to teach you how to be docile in accepting and fulfilling God’s will in your life.
December 20, 2007
Thursday of the third week of Advent
Luke 1:26-38
“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, ‘Greetings, full of grace! The Lord is with you.’ But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I am a virgin?’ The angel said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.’ Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her.”
Introductory Prayer: Lord, just as you entered Mary’s life by sending your angel, I would also like you to enter my life today. I believe that you have been waiting for this moment to be with me. I, too, have longed for this moment of “re-creation.” I hope in your kindness and mercy, for without you, Lord, what would my life be? I want this time I spend with you to be a demonstration of my love for you. I want to be more completely yours, as you have given yourself to me.
Petition: Lord, help me to overcome my egotism and allow you to enter into my life.
1. The Logic of Love - When someone injures us physically or morally, how do we usually react? Generally we try to separate ourselves from that person. Sometimes we create distance by attacking back and giving a show of force, thus obliging the other person to flee. Other times we ourselves flee, or at least recoil, trying to protect or remove ourselves from danger. The bottom line is that we are egotistical: We are thinking about ourselves first. God isn’t that way, because he truly loves us. When man injures God through sin, turns his back on God’s love, withdraws to a faraway place, and shuts God out of his world, God goes and searches for him. This is the true meaning of Christmas. Man thinks he has “confined” God to heaven by locking himself outside heaven’s gates. But — God lowers himself, becomes human and comes down from heaven in order to get outside and open that gate for us again. He doesn’t do this for his own sake, since there is nothing that man can give God that he doesn’t already have. God does it for man’s sake, since without God, man is emptiness and nothing.
2. A Change of Heart - Why do we reject God? There is a beautiful text from the liturgy of Good Friday which poses this question by saying, “My people, what have I done to you? Or in what have I offended you? Answer me. What more should I have done, and did not do? I led you out of the land of Egypt, and you prepared a cross for me. I opened the Red Sea before you, and you opened my side with a lance. I gave you a royal scepter, and you have given me a crown of thorns. With great power I lifted you up, and you have hung me upon a cross. My people, what have I done to you, or in what have I offended you? Answer me” (Reproaches of Good Friday). Our real problem is egotism. We think about ourselves before we think about God or anyone else. We see God’s laws as an encroachment on “our” freedom (our desire to follow our whims and fancies). God becomes a tyrant that we must eliminate from our lives in order to be “happy.” We order God out of our lives; we shout, “Crucify him!” And with tears in his eyes and a heavy heart, he allows himself to be crucified. This is real love that respects our freedom. However, he sends his Holy Spirit who continues to knock at the door of our hearts, asking us to repent and readmit him into our lives.
3. Mary Our Model - Mary is a perfect example of what God would like every human being to be. God sends an angel to knock on the door of Mary’s life. Even though she is startled and afraid, she listens to God’s messenger. Without understanding all of the implications of God’s plan, she accepts in faith, because she grasps that this is what God wants. She truly loves God more than herself. She seeks only to fulfill what is pleasing to God, without asking herself what this might imply for her. She has a loving trust, a belief that God cannot desire anything but the best for his beloved daughter. This is what God expects of each one of us. He asks us simply to consent to his plan; he will take care of the rest. This requires a daily conversion to God and a daily acceptance of his will in our lives. This is what Mary did as she “kept all these things in her heart and meditated on them” (Luke 2:51).
Conversation with Christ: Lord, as a consequence of accepting of your plan, Mary and Joseph are traveling to Bethlehem. When they arrive, they will search for a worthy place for the Messiah to be born and will be turned away. Help me to prepare a place for you in my heart, so that when you come knocking at the door of my life this Christmas, I will be prepared to open that door and allow you to be born there. Help me to imitate Mary’s example and to prepare my humble abode for your Son. Thus I will be able to enjoy the richness of contemplating the beauty of the tender baby, the Savior of the world.
Resolution: I will make a brief visit to the Blessed Virgin today, asking her to teach me how to be docile in accepting and fulfilling God’s will in my life.

Lately we have been hearing of many youths dying behind the wheel of a car.
This could be from racing or drinking.
Really? This is really nothing new because I know many people who died in Memramcook in my younger days.

But there is one big difference?
The age of getting killed or the cause of accidents seem to be at a younger age.
What really pissed me off is listening to the politicians saying we need to spend more money of education!!!!
That’s pure BS!!!
These days it cost a fortune to obtain a driver’s license. You need to go through a course and other systems.
Now? I got one question?
We all know there’s absolutely no discipline in the homes.
Today’s kids know the number 911 before the words Dada or Mama!

The Justice System made certain that discipline will not be tolerate in today’s household.
Which could be a good thing.
But is it?
The school system is the same!

You can't touch a child in today’s world. < HERE IN NEW BRUNSWICK WE DRUGGED THEM!!!! >
I often wondered why someone would become a teacher these days?
No discipline in the household and the Schools?
So are you going to have respect towards our law officers?
Click below to read a blog I wrote last year -

Of course not!!!
So? No respect toward parents, teachers or the law?
How the heck do you expect our youths to have discipline behind the wheel of a vehicle?
Totally impossible!!!
The Justice System better give the word Discipline a stronger version because we are going to see many more deaths on our roads because of our youths!!!!
P.S. I said it before and I will say it again!!! Thank God I got no kids!!!!
The human race is like an animal who needs to be told what is wrong and what is right!
No discipline? You have animals running lose on the streets.

It’s as simple as Bonjour!!!!
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