Well this morning is the big day. I must admit that I am getting sick and tired of talking and blogging this issue but what can a person do?
One good thing about this mess that happened on June 9th.
It took my mind off the Legislature < A little > I must admit there’s still lots to blog about which my lawyer told me not to discuss in this blog.
There has been lots of action happening during the last 48 hours which I will not blog.
All I will say is that the Justice system needs some change and hopefully T.J. Burke will step forward.

My two main concerns...
#1 - The deleting of close or more than 200 pictures from my camera by the Saint John Police Force.
2# -The way that I was arrested! I was walked for 30 feet and assaulted. < Something is not right here! >

3# - Our Legal Aid system must change.
4#-There has to be a public inquiry on this issue.
I am very concern of the way the prosecutor did press ahead on this issue?
Is there a connection between the old Bernard Lord Government and this accident?

Maybe the Sergeant At Arms Dan Bussieres made a phone call to Saint John?

Is there a connection between the Fredericton Police Force and the one in Saint John?

Two weeks before my arrest in Saint John, I posted these pictures on my blog site and ATV News used them in their newscast and a Police is charge with assault.
This time around? It’s going to be very interesting because the two main cops are going to testify.

On November 2th, it drove me nuts staying in that courtroom because the main issue was the protesters.
It went on and on. I wasn’t a protester so therefore I got nothing to worry about.
The bottom line is this?
If I’m found guilty? It will be the end of democracy in New Brunswick.
The Local police force will be able to grab anyone from the streets who takes pictures.

You will have to phone an Irving employee telling them to come and take pictures.

The Irvings owns all the newspapers in this Province so therefore they’ll be the only photographers who would be allow to take pictures of different events.
Guilty or not guilty?
I will continue denouncing the tactics of our bureaucrats in this Province.
The media said that I could land in jail from six months to two years?
Well, I’m not paranoid but if I go behind bars?
I would be murdered and it could be set up by our Police Force?
Just think about it?
They would announce a news conference and say - Charles LeBlanc was murdered last night and you know what kind of attitude the man had??? Case close!!!...lol

I know for a fact that someone very powerful is pushing this issue because there’s no way in the world the Saint John Police Force can explain the deleting of 200 pictures!!!
But then again? What the hell do I know?
I was certain the charges were going to be drop but it never happens.
Some say that the Judge could order this site shut down....lol....
We just shut it down and open a new one!!!
This is a very serious case and it could change the way our Police Force acts toward our citizens.
This could quickly change into a Police State!!!
But then again? What the heck do I know?
While in Saint John a couple of days ago, I had a little chat with the guy who took my camera.

It was a friendly chat < goes to show you what kind of danger I am??? >
He asked me if I’m going to take the stand?
Some people are telling me the Crown haven’t proven their case so I should not take the chair?
What do I have to lose?
I’m not guilty and I’m not sure what I’m going to do?
One thing is certain? I’ll be sitting on the front row this time around with my notepad. It's very difficu;t to hear in that courtroom.
As the judge said months ago - This should be very interesting!!!
I will be taking every word said tomorrow and will blog it afterward. Do they have the internet in Jail???...lol
It’s funny because when I was first charge? The prosecutor told the Judge that the case would only take half a day!!!
I quickly stood up and told the court that it’ll be at least one week!!!
If I could call in all the witnesses?
It would take close to a week.
This case is a huge waste of taxpayers’ money but the prosecutor insists on pushing this issue.
In closing, whatever happens in Saint John on Monday?
I would love to say a BIG MERCI BEAUCOUP to Harold Doherty for stepping up to the plate.
My God? Can you imagine if the Justice system had their way? It would have been an impossible task to defend myself.
I didn’t even know what was a disclosure?
Harold is like a pit bull!!!

Once he takes a case?
He goes all out! He’s a very good lawyer and I would recommend Harold to anyone!!! Thanks a lot Harold and I might add that he checks this blog twice per day to make sure that I don’t blog issues about the case. < He must be sick reading this blog!!! >...lol..

I might add that he’s also a blogger so he knows what’s at stake here!

You can check his blogsite by clicking below -
I bet this is a first in New Brunswick? A blogger blogging away his case all summer long before the day of the trial.
So, here we go and wish me Luck!!!
Bye bye