Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Bernard Richard - Further, blogging is a new phenomenon and......
I recommend that in your appeal application you raise the third
criteria, extraordinary circumstances and the best interests of justice, as the reason you should be eligible for a Legal Aid Certificate.
Given the unusual and extraordinary circumstances that led to charges being laid against you and the uniqueness of your case it could be argued that it would be in the best interests of justice that you are provided with legal representation.
The protest that led to your summary conviction involved extraordinary circumstances, meriting legal representation, as you claim that the police failed to understand that as a blogger you were not acting as a participant in the demonstration.
Further, blogging is a new phenomenon and the handling of your court case could become a significant part of a larger body of law binding on other citizens and bloggers.
Based on the implication the findings will have on others,
you could argue that it is in the public interest that you receive a
fair hearing, part of which mandates the provision of legal
I trust the above is satisfactory to aid with your appeal. However,
should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
personally at this office.
Yours truly,
Bernard Richard
criteria, extraordinary circumstances and the best interests of justice, as the reason you should be eligible for a Legal Aid Certificate.
Given the unusual and extraordinary circumstances that led to charges being laid against you and the uniqueness of your case it could be argued that it would be in the best interests of justice that you are provided with legal representation.
The protest that led to your summary conviction involved extraordinary circumstances, meriting legal representation, as you claim that the police failed to understand that as a blogger you were not acting as a participant in the demonstration.
Further, blogging is a new phenomenon and the handling of your court case could become a significant part of a larger body of law binding on other citizens and bloggers.
Based on the implication the findings will have on others,
you could argue that it is in the public interest that you receive a
fair hearing, part of which mandates the provision of legal
I trust the above is satisfactory to aid with your appeal. However,
should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
personally at this office.
Yours truly,
Bernard Richard
NB Telegraph-Journal | News - As published on page A1 on August 15, 2006
Drugs could push election hot button
Carl Davies
FREDERICTON - While addressing the problem of drug use in New Brunswick can't be found in the Liberal election platform, leader Shawn Graham says it could emerge as a "hot-button" issue during the campaign.
Graham was speaking Monday after notes for a speech he never delivered were accidentally released to the media Friday.
According to Graham, the speaking notes were written by Fundy Isles MLA Eric Allaby, who wants a public inquiry into recent riots on Grand Manan sparked by residents' anger over drug trade on the island.
Those notes called for a provincewide inquiry into illegal drugs.
Graham confirmed Monday that such an inquiry is not in the party's platform, but it's something he's keeping a close eye on after the issue was repeatedly raised during his visit to Charlotte County this past weekend.
"We recognize that this is a serious issue," Graham said.
"This could be one of those hot-button issues that pop up on the campaign."
For now, Graham says he wants to keep the campaign platform focused on three main themes, energy, education, and the economy.
A public inquiry is not the only way to address the drug problem, Graham said.
"There are other options as well," he said. "It doesn't have to be as formal as a public inquiry."
Graham said one option could be a panel that travels the province for roundtable discussions on how best to address what can be a complex problem.
The Liberals will be promising a prescription drug monitoring program, more money for methadone clinics, and more money for at-risk youth.
The Liberal leader also noted that the drug problem "does play into education and the economy," two of the three main Liberal campaign planks.
Graham said he would prefer a serious issue such as this one not become a political football during the campaign.
But the issue has been earmarked as something that might have to be addressed in more depth as the campaign unfolds.
"It's something we're keeping an eye on," Graham said.
Drugs could push election hot button
Carl Davies
FREDERICTON - While addressing the problem of drug use in New Brunswick can't be found in the Liberal election platform, leader Shawn Graham says it could emerge as a "hot-button" issue during the campaign.
Graham was speaking Monday after notes for a speech he never delivered were accidentally released to the media Friday.
According to Graham, the speaking notes were written by Fundy Isles MLA Eric Allaby, who wants a public inquiry into recent riots on Grand Manan sparked by residents' anger over drug trade on the island.
Those notes called for a provincewide inquiry into illegal drugs.
Graham confirmed Monday that such an inquiry is not in the party's platform, but it's something he's keeping a close eye on after the issue was repeatedly raised during his visit to Charlotte County this past weekend.
"We recognize that this is a serious issue," Graham said.
"This could be one of those hot-button issues that pop up on the campaign."
For now, Graham says he wants to keep the campaign platform focused on three main themes, energy, education, and the economy.
A public inquiry is not the only way to address the drug problem, Graham said.
"There are other options as well," he said. "It doesn't have to be as formal as a public inquiry."
Graham said one option could be a panel that travels the province for roundtable discussions on how best to address what can be a complex problem.
The Liberals will be promising a prescription drug monitoring program, more money for methadone clinics, and more money for at-risk youth.
The Liberal leader also noted that the drug problem "does play into education and the economy," two of the three main Liberal campaign planks.
Graham said he would prefer a serious issue such as this one not become a political football during the campaign.
But the issue has been earmarked as something that might have to be addressed in more depth as the campaign unfolds.
"It's something we're keeping an eye on," Graham said.
First they put the blogger against the wal telling him he's under arrest.
Second, they parade the blogger 15 feet in front of all the media.
At the end, they force the blogger on the ground. I had two lumps on my head and they deleted around 100 pictures from my camera.
Going back to the first picture for a minute. Why didn't they just put the handcuff on while I was standing up? Why did three police officers jump on my back?
There must be a public inquiry on this issue.
He was charge with assault last year so I don't believe that he'll be there. As a matter of fact? I haven't seen the guy all summer. Much have finally realize that he was fighting a losing battle.
Maybe I'll learn the same thing one day?
Maybe I'll learn the same thing one day?
I wonder if the prosecutor will drop the charge?
I doubt it because we’re dealing with high powerful people here.
I also wonder if the Irvings will once again call me a protester or even cover this sad story?

You would have believe they would have covered the part where the Saint John Police Force deleted all my pictures? Something is very strange here. Not a news maker I guess? Which me luck!!!
Go read Bernard Richard comment at
I doubt it because we’re dealing with high powerful people here.
I also wonder if the Irvings will once again call me a protester or even cover this sad story?

You would have believe they would have covered the part where the Saint John Police Force deleted all my pictures? Something is very strange here. Not a news maker I guess? Which me luck!!!
Go read Bernard Richard comment at
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