OverBoard With Mr.Lord!!
Overboard went Mr.Lord Into the river of shame.
And as he went down,he said with a frown
I have nobody else to blame
As the people they spoke My ministers I woke
Saying deal with these problems at hand
Putting them on the spot so I wouldn't get caught
For my plans that they don't understand
For I fooled all the voters on elections that day
Into thinking I’m the man for the job
They had no idea the price they would pay
Nor did I in creating a mob
I thought I could fool them into thinking I might
Be the premier of choice that would put up their fight
But instead I destroyed everything that I touch
Now the voters are saying they suspected as much
So they yell and they scream that they don't have to live
With a man such as me a ( Con-ser-va-tive)
And if truth should be told then I probably would
Agree with the people that I misunderstood
Reflecting back now with no choice I digress
My legacy, job and my life in a mess
And the rumor I’m hearing I suppose that it's true
Back in with the red and out the blue...
Be it Liberals or Tories, the people will choose
And with your new powers you must never abuse
For it turns out the people hold power of blame
So take care not to join me in this river of shame!
(Timothy Smith 2005)