It's from a blog I wrote months ago. For you newcomers? Just click here for the story-
Thursday, May 11, 2006
now I'm starting to be nervous,,,,,,,
The Current
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Friday, May 12, 2006, 8:30 a.m.
Friday host Rafe Mair returns to The Current this morning with a look at why Britain’s Defence Ministry spent four years conducting a thorough, scientific study of UFOs. Also, a dock worker-turned-blogger’s fight for the right to cover the New Brunswick Legislature. And American writer David Horowitz launches an "Academic Bill of Rights" to expose University professors he says are indoctrinating students with radical, left-wing propaganda.
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Disabled Persons
Mr. S. Graham: My question today is for the Minister of Transportation. As we have just heard,
a citizen of this province was applying for mobility assistance under a program for disabled people
which is run by the Department of Transportation. This person was not getting a response to his
application, so he sought help, as many people do, from the local MLA, to make sure that this
application would not be further delayed.
It turns out that the delay in receiving assistance from the minister’s department is not due to the
time needed to process an application for mobility assistance. It is because of a purely political act
of spite. The minister’s executive assistant, a former member of this House, wrote a handwritten
note to the member for Grand Lake, telling him that this constituent would not receive any
assistance at all until the department’s estimates were passed by the Liberal members of this House.
Can the minister tell us whether this policy to deny assistance to disabled people through this
program is being applied provincewide, or is it just restricted to New Brunswickers who live in
Liberal-held ridings?
L’hon. P. Robichaud : Le chef de l’opposition est complètement dans l’erreur cet après-midi. Mon
chef de cabinet n’a pas envoyé une lettre disant que cette personne n’aura pas d’aide sous le
programme. Au contraire, lorsque le député a porté ceci à mon attention, je me suis assuré que la
personne en question reçoive de l’aide du gouvernement. Selon moi, la personne va recevoir de
l’aide du gouvernement selon le programme en question.
Mr. S. Graham: The minister is wrong in his statement today. I will allow one of the pages to give
him a handwritten note, with David Jordan’s signature, which clearly states that assistance will not
be given until the budget is passed, which contradicts the minister’s statement totally. My question
to the minister is this: Did he instruct his executive assistant and former caucus colleague to write
this note to the member for Grand Lake? Can the minister tell us how many other applications for
mobility assistance are currently being put on hold because of this act of political spite on the part
of the minister’s office?
014 13:55
L’hon. P. Robichaud : Le chef de l’opposition veut faire de la petite politique cet après-midi parce
que la députée de Baie-de-Miramichi se retrouve dans une situation critique. C’est ce que le chef
de l’opposition veut faire cet après-midi.
Lorsque le député de Grand Lake a porté à mon attention la situation d’un de ses commettants qui
avait fait une demande sous notre programme qui vise à aider les gens ayant des difficultés de
mobilité, je me suis empressé de vérifier le dossier et j’ai dit au député, la journée même, que la
personne en question recevrait l’aide du ministère des Transports. C’est ce que j’ai fait et c’est ce
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que je continuerai à faire. Ce n’est pas parce que l’opposition a une députée qui se retrouve dans
l’embarras aujourd’hui que vous devez faire la chasse aux sorcières en accusant tout le monde pour
des erreurs que vous commettez vous-mêmes.
Mr. S. Graham: I just sent the minister a copy of the handwritten note that his executive assistant
sent to the member for Grand Lake concerning this case. The minister will note that I have taken
care to exclude any information that would identify the constituent who is applying for assistance.
The minister will clearly see that his executive assistant is clearly and deliberately telling the
member for Grand Lake that his constituent will not receive any assistance until the Liberal caucus
passes the departmental estimates. The trade-off is clear. Vote for the estimates or else your
constituents will be cut off. Call it intimidation, or call it blackmail. Does this minister feel that this
is the best way to serve the people of New Brunswick?
L’hon. P. Robichaud : Encore une fois, on voit la stratégie du Parti libéral. Lorsque le député de
Grand Lake a porté la situation à mon attention, je me suis empressé de régler le problème le jour
même. Je l’ai porté à l’attention du député en question.
Ce que nous voyons aujourd’hui, c’est que le Parti libéral se retrouve dans l’eau chaude avec une
députée qui a commis non seulement une erreur mais au moins trois erreurs dans un manque flagrant
de jugement. L’opposition essaie de faire porter le blâme et l’odieux à des gens du gouvernement.
C’est ce que les Libéraux tentent de faire. On n’a rien à se reprocher dans le dossier. Au contraire,
nous avons réglé le dossier à la demande du député. Je trouve très déplorable la stratégie du député
de Grand Lake et du chef de l’opposition dans le dossier en question.
Mr. S. Graham: We believe that the minister needs to listen more to the information provided by
his Premier and his Government House Leader. According to them, the government, including the
Department of Transportation, had the authority to proceed with program payments until the budget
passed on April 7. However, he does not have to trust what his Cabinet colleagues have to say,
because section 35 of the Financial Administration Act states clearly that the government may make
any payments necessary to provide any services for which appropriations were made for the
previous fiscal year. Section 35 of the Financial Administration Act clearly states that your
government can spend any amount of money without the estimates being passed up until July 31.
Can the minister tell this House on what basis, other than for personal spite, he delayed this
application for assistance from the Department of Transportation? Make no mistake about it. The
information in a handwritten note from your executive assistant to this member clearly states that
until the departmental estimates are passed, an individual suffering from multiple sclerosis, during
MS Week, when we are out here trying to bring forward more services and more benefits . . . Your
government is saying no, because you want to play political games with the health and welfare of
a New Brunswick citizen.
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L’hon. P. Robichaud : La situation est tout à fait contraire à ce que le chef de l’opposition vient
d’affirmer. Lorsque la situation a été portée à mon attention, j’ai réglé le problème. Je l’ai réglé la
première journée que le député de Grand Lake l’a porté à mon attention. Que voulez-vous de plus?
Je me souviens de la réaction du député de Grand Lake. Je me souviens à quel point il était satisfait
de la réponse qu’on lui avait donnée la même journée. Il m’a demandé s’il pouvait appeler la
personne en question pour lui dire que le dossier était réglé. Je lui ai dit de le faire.
Ce que nous voyons présentement, c’est une tactique d’un parti en manque de direction qui se
retrouve dans l’eau chaude aujourd’hui parce que l’une de ses parlementaires a commis non
seulement une erreur mais trois erreurs au cours des dernières semaines.
L’opposition tente par tous les moyens de sauver la face, mais les gens du Nouveau-Brunswick
verront très clair dans le jeu de l’opposition. Le dossier en question a été réglé à la satisfaction du
député de Grand Lake et du récipiendaire.
015 14:00
Mr. Lamrock: My question is also for the Minister of Transportation. The note that has been
provided to him, which is from his executive assistant to the member for Grand Lake, says very
clearly: To Eugene McGinley. The letter will be processed when the budget passes.
I cannot reconcile that note with an intention to process the letter. It says very clearly that it will be
processed. Once the budget is approved, the letters will be processed. This minister, before, had a
letter grow legs and magically appear in the hands of a press secretary that violated privacy law.
When we asked him, he said: It was all the staff person. I had nothing to do with it.
Could the Minister of Transportation indicate if his staff person again did something without the
minister’s knowledge? If so, when is he going to start taking responsibility for the help he surrounds
himself with?
L’hon. P. Robichaud : On voit très bien aujourd’hui que les grands responsables du fiasco du
« lettergate » sont à la rescousse de la députée de Baie-de-Miramichi, autant le chef de l’opposition
que le leader de l’opposition officielle à la Chambre : deux personnes qui avaient été avisées de la
situation des fameuses lettres de Mme Robichaud, mais qui n’ont pas jugé bon de la réprimander et
de corriger la situation. On voit très bien ce que le Parti libéral pense des gens qui sont reconnus
coupables de conduite en état d’ébriété. C’est quelque chose d’acceptable pour le Parti libéral et
c’est quelque chose qu’il appuie. On a encore vu cela aujourd’hui par une autre ovation que les
parlementaires de l’opposition ont offerte à la députée de Baie-de-Miramichi et au chef de
l’opposition officielle.
Je n’ai pas terminé avec vous. Dans le dossier en question, celui-ci a été réglé à la demande et à la
satisfaction du député de Grand Lake et il a été réglé à la demande et à la satisfaction du
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récipiendaire, soit le demandeur ; que voulez-vous plus que cela? Nous avons réglé le dossier à votre
Mr. Lamrock: I know there has to be one minister over there who can, at some point, take
responsibility for their actions without blaming other people or changing the subject.
Two years ago, when the budget was being considered, there was an objection from this side when
the government began making cuts that were scheduled in the budget before the estimates process
was done. At that time, section 35 of the Financial Administration Act was quoted back to us,
saying: “Notwithstanding the provisions of this or any other Act, the Comptroller may make such
payments out of the Consolidated Fund as are required to provide . . . public services.”
The Speaker at the time, the member for Hampton-Belleisle, said: “Although the government’s
budgetary policy is put before the House for approval, its ongoing consideration in no way precludes
the government from continuing to administer the day-to-day affairs of the province.” That would
mean that if anybody is being told the government cannot do something because the budget has not
been passed, it is either a horrible mistake or a damnable lie. I know that one person will be
honourable enough to set the record straight. I ask the Government House Leader: Were you wrong
in your ruling?
Hon. Mr. Harrison: The honourable member is asking a question in my role as Speaker. I cannot
comment on that. That is something out of the past, in another job situation.
Water Supply
Mr. Armstrong: My question is for the Minister of Environment. I wrote a letter to the former
minister dated November 22, 2004, requesting a supply of water for the residents in the Penobsquis
Loop Road area. The minister of the day responded quite positively by arranging for fresh water for
household purposes. The minister also suggested that the department would act immediately for a
long-term supply of water. It is now 18 months later, and we are still trying to obtain a long-term
supply of water. Could the minister inform the House today what steps he has taken to arrange for
the long-term supply of water?
Hon. Mr. Holder: The Department of Environment has continued to work on this file. I have had
many conversations with the member opposite. He has come to me on cases where other wells have
gone dry and an expedient solution was needed to try to get services to those people. Our department
and I have continued to work with the member opposite on that. We will continue to do that. With
respect to the water supply, that is ongoing. We are trying to secure that water supply. We have a
source now, and we are continuing to work with the department and the local community. We will
continue to do that.
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016 14:05
Mr. Armstrong: We can always sit back and say that we are working, we are working, we are
working, but 18 months . . . Can you imagine? After 18 months of continuous work, we do not see
anything yet. There is not a stake in the ground, not a hole drilled, and not a piece of pipe
laid—nothing. I suggest to the minister that all his action has resulted in absolutely nothing up until
this point—18 months later.
I have taken the opportunity to speak to the minister, as he suggested, over the past several months.
He has indicated that they have identified a source of water that is located on a parcel of land that
is leased by the Department of National Defence from the Department of Natural Resources in the
province of New Brunswick. Keeping in mind that it is my understanding that this parcel of land had
been used for military purposes, what steps has this minister taken to ensure that this parcel of land
is not contaminated by substances that would have, or could have, been used by the military?
Hon. Mr. Holder: The member has raised this question with me before, and I have told him that
I have my department looking into it. I do not have any information at this point. We are continuing
to look into it. We do not want to jump to any conclusions and scare the residents that this water
supply may be contaminated when it is not.
Having said that, I take the member’s comments very seriously. We will continue to look into the
matter, and when I have something to report to him, I will. Thank you.
Mr. Armstrong: My third question is to the Minister of Environment. There is a major concern
throughout the community over a source of water that has, over the years, been used for household
purposes as well as for drinking water. It was tested by the Department of Health, and it showed
contamination. The Department of Health has identified this and has displayed signs that suggest
that it is unfit for human consumption.
It has been brought to my attention that this supply of water is still being used in some situations.
I do not want to appear to be an alarmist, but we have to recognize what happened in Walkerton,
Ontario. We certainly do not want a repetition of that. I urge this minister not to play politics any
longer and to ensure that, over the next several months, we see some signs that we are moving
toward a long-term supply of water.
Have the necessary funds been arranged to move this project forward, if and when it has been
identified as a safe source of water, for all intents and purposes? If not, how much delay will we
experience before this funding is in place?
Hon. Mr. Holder: The member opposite is talking out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand, he
is telling me to hurry up and get moving with this project. On the other hand, he is telling me that
there may be a concern.
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Quite frankly, the first time I ever heard of this concern was from the member opposite. I have raised
it with my officials, and we will continue to look into this issue. This is the very reason why we need
to proceed in terms of making sure we have a supply that is safe and that will deliver for the people
in that region.
On one hand, he cannot tell me that he wants us to hurry and then, on the other hand, tell me that
he wants us to be careful. Which is it? I can tell you that we are going to continue to work with the
people in the Sussex-Penobsquis region, and we are going to deliver a water supply that is safe and
Médicaments sur ordonnance
M. V. Boudreau : Mes questions sont destinées au ministre de la Santé. L’Institut canadien
d’information sur la santé a rendu public hier un rapport intitulé Dépenses en médicaments au
Canada 1985 à 2005. Ce rapport démontre que les médicaments prescrits continuent à représenter,
de loin, la plus grande proportion des dépenses en médicaments au Canada. De 1985 à 2005, la part
des dépenses en médicaments prescrits assumée par le secteur public, c’est-à-dire le gouvernement,
a augmenté dans chaque province et territoire à l’exception, entre autres, du Nouveau-Brunswick.
Les dépenses en médicaments prescrits par habitant assumées par le secteur privé, c’est-à-dire de
la poche de la population, ont augmenté. Elles varient de 280 $ par personne, au Manitoba, à 475 $
par personne au Nouveau-Brunswick. C’est le plus haut taux au pays. Le ministre continue de nous
dire à la Chambre qu’il investit des montants records, et que le gouvernement fait toutes sortes de
belles choses. Toutefois, en réalité, ce sont les Néo-Brunswickois qui paient de plus en plus cher
pour leurs médicaments. Le ministre peut-il nous expliquer le pourquoi des statistiques dévoilées
Hon. Mr. Green: I keep talking about the wonderful things that this government is doing in health
care, because that is exactly what is happening. It does not matter what region of the province one
visits—you can see very tangible, positive results of our government’s health care plan in action.
017 14:10
The member opposite neglects to elaborate on the information that came from CIHI yesterday. It
also points out that New Brunswick is, I believe, second in the country in terms of the percentage
of our health care spending that is going to prescription drugs. I also know that, since this
government took office, we have added about 230 new drugs to the provincial formulary under our
Prescription Drug Program, and that is another commitment that continues to grow.
M. V. Boudreau : Le ministre essaie de nous faire croire que ce gouvernement fait des choses en
santé. Nous avons les pires listes d’attente au pays. Cela prend le plus de temps au pays pour
accepter de nouveaux médicaments. Nous avons les taux les plus élevés d’hospitalisations pour les
conditions chroniques au pays. Nous avons les dépenses les plus élevées pour les médicaments sur
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ordonnance. En 2001, nous étions 12 sur 13 compétences a e u Canada. Ce n’est pas quelque chose
dont on peut se vanter, mais toujours pas les derniers. D’après les chiffres les plus récents de 2005,
nous sommes en toute dernière place. La moyenne nationale se chiffre à 640 $, et le Nouveau-
Brunswick est à $702 ; la dernière position au pays. En termes des dépenses privées qu’un Néo-
Brunswickois doit payer de sa poche pour des médicaments prescrits, nous en sommes à 475 $, le
montant le plus élevé au pays.
Le rapport du vérificateur général de cette année a clairement indiqué que nous devons avoir un
programme de surveillance pour ce qui est du Programme de médicaments sur ordonnance.
Mr. Speaker: Ask the question, please.
M. V. Boudreau : Le ministre peut-il nous dire quand ce programme sera en place?
Hon. Mr. Green: On the last point raised by the member opposite, we are definitely moving
forward on the prescription drug monitoring program for New Brunswick. I have spoken of that in
the House before. The program will be in place in either 11 months at the nearest date or, at the
most, 23 months. We are working very well with the pharmacists’ association of the province,
making good progress, we feel. That is another initiative of the provincial health plan, another
positive enhancement of health care in this province. That is why 90% of New Brunswickers said
that they are happy with the health care system in this province compared to a national average of
only 85.5%.
M. V. Boudreau : Le ministre refuse d’accepter que les Néo-Brunswickois paient le plus au Canada
pour leurs prescriptions. Le gouvernement semble être content de ces statistiques. Le rapport du
vérificateur général a spécifié que les bénéficiaires du Programme de médicaments sur ordonnance
comptent parmi les citoyens les plus vulnérables de la province. Il s’agit de personnes à faible
revenus, de pensionnaires des foyers de soins, d’enfants pris à charge et d’adultes handicapés qui
vivent dans des établissements résidentiels et de personnes ayant de graves problèmes de santé. Ce
gouvernement est au pouvoir depuis sept ans, et il a reçu des dizaines de millions de dollars
additionnels du gouvernement fédéral. J’aimerais que le ministre puisse nous donner un plan concret
avec des échéances concrètes à savoir quand nous aurons un programme de surveillance en ce qui
touche les médicaments sur ordonnance au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Hon. Mr. Green: I have been very clear on this point and said just a moment ago that the
prescription drug monitoring program is under development. We are working with stakeholders in
the province, particularly the pharmacists. That process is going well. If the members opposite want
to look at a concrete plan not only for this, but also for every aspect of health care in New
Brunswick, I suggest that they read, once again, this government’s provincial health care plan that
was introduced by my predecessor, the member for Tracadie-Sheila. Throughout this province, in
region after region, there are positive results from a very positive plan.
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Plan provincial de la santé
M. Albert : Mes questions sont pour le ministre de la Santé. Les temps d’attente à l’urgence et les
temps d’attente pour recevoir des soins peuvent causer des séquelles graves et même conduire à un
décès. Le ministre de la Santé nous dit que tout baigne dans l’huile et affirme qu’il est satisfait des
services d’urgence. Pourtant, la semaine dernière, nous avons été mis au courant de deux cas graves
à l’urgence de l’Hôpital de Tracadie, mais il y en a de nombreux autres. Depuis la mise en oeuvre
du plan de santé, des histoires d’horreur s’accumulent, et la population est de plus en plus inquiète.
On met la vie des gens en danger. L’urgence de Tracadie-Sheila ne peut suffire aux besoins de la
population acadienne. Quelles mesures le ministre a-t-il mises en place pour corriger et régler ce
018 14:15
Hon. Mr. Green: As a matter of fact, in this fiscal year, we are investing $800 000 to upgrade the
emergency room at the Tracadie hospital.
It is very true that, in recent days, we have been hearing about two specific cases at the emergency
room in the hospital at Tracadie-Sheila, so let’s put that in context. How many emergency visits
were there last year at the Tracadie-Sheila hospital? The answer is 31 675.
M. Albert : Le problème n’est pas réglé. Il y a encore de plus en plus de personnes qui ne sont pas
soignées et dont la vie est en danger. Le plan de santé ne fonctionne tout simplement pas, et le
ministre devrait l’avouer. Il ne répond pas aux besoins de soins de santé d’une population de 50 000
personnes. Ce plan a fragilisé — et il le sait — grandement les soins de santé des régions éloignées
et rurales du Nouveau-Brunswick, spécialement dans la Péninsule acadienne. Les temps d’attentes
sont désastreux, et les listes d’attentes pour les chirurgies sont très longues et s’allongent
constamment. Les femmes accouchent dans les ambulances. On nous avait promis un plan de santé
qui permettrait d’améliorer les prestations de services de santé dans la Péninsule acadienne. La
réalité quotidienne confirme le contraire. Le ministre a-t-il l’intention de modifier le plan de santé
et l’adapter afin qu’il réponde adéquatement aux besoins d’une population de 50 000 personnes?
Hon. Mr. Green: I am never going to agree with outrageous statements that are designed to do
nothing more than incite fear and that have absolutely no basis in fact.
The Provincial Health Plan in this province, Healthy Futures, is a very positive, forward-looking
plan that is having tangible results on the Acadian Peninsula and in that whole health region. It is
not only the investment that we are making in the upgrades to the emergency room at Tracadie but
also, for that whole region, the significant upgrades, over $11 million, for the hospital in Bathurst
and the very comprehensive set of services being offered at the community health centre in Caraquet
that was not there before.
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M. Albert : Le ministre n’a rien écouté. Il ne le sait pas et il ne s’informe pas. Un annonce de
L’Écho de Bas-Caraquet informe la population que, à partir du 6 avril, des soins additionnels sont
offerts à Caraquet. Je vous en énumère quelques-uns : réactions allergiques, lacérations et éraflures,
hameçons insérés dans les tissus mous, accumulation de cire dans les oreilles, corps étrangers dans
une narine ou dans une oreille, piqûres de moustiques, administration de Tylenol, contraception
d’urgence, soigner les poux, douleurs et démangeaisons de la région anale, saignements du nez et
évacuation du sang sous l’ongle. On essaie de nous faire accroire qu’on n’offrait pas ces services
avant le plan de santé. C’est ça la réalité. C’est un manque de respect pour l’intelligence des gens.
On veut rire de la population. La Péninsule acadienne paie très cher pour satisfaire aux caprices de
ce gouvernement. Ce plan de santé doit être changé et modifié et ça presse. Le ministre va-t-il le
faire? Si oui, quand?
Hon. Mr. Green: Let’s look at what has happened just within the last month in Caraquet at that
community health centre: an expansion of services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as of the first
week of April. What else is happening at the community health centre in Caraquet? The following
services, among others: lab, medical imaging, electrocardiography, occupational therapy, speech
language pathology, physiotherapy, and an expansion into new areas—oncology, chemotherapy,
pulmonary rehabilitation, cardiac rehabilitation, pediatric rehabilitation, geriatric day care, pain
management, obstetrics, and feeding clinics.
Video Gambling
Mr. Murphy: I congratulate the Minister of Health on his Percy Mockler imitation.
My question is to the Minister of Public Safety. Forty-two percent of VLT revenue is acquired from
problem gamblers. Since the government took over VLTs through the Atlantic Lottery Corporation,
they have gone from slow-moving, loonie-driven machines to those that now take $5, $10, and $20
bills. Therefore, in the view of some, the definition of “VLT” has changed in the last several years.
019 14:20
Has the minister looked at the existing law to see if the Atlantic Lottery Corporation is acting
outside the spirit of the law by providing these machines?
L’hon. M. Volpé : C’est une bonne question, mais je veux la retourner à l’expéditeur. Le député de
Moncton-Nord est-il pour ou contre les machines à sous? Il y a deux semaines, il nous a demandé,
à la Chambre, de faire en sorte qu’il puisse utiliser ses chevaux sur les pistes de course. Il veut un
casino situé dans un hippodrome chez lui, avec des machines à sous. Aujourd’hui, il nous dit que
ces machines ne sont pas légales. On aimerait connaître sa position sur le sujet.
Mr. Murphy: His comments are not confirmed by the record and, in fact, are not correct. I am
asking about the enforcement of the existing law, and my question to the Minister of Public Safety
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is with regard to whether it is correct, under the existing law, that banking machines are next to these
L’hon. M. Volpé : Je ferai certainement un suivi avec la Societe des Loteries de L’Atlantique.
Celle-ci respecte les règlements et les lois. Je ferai certainement un suivi et je prends les arguments
du député de Moncton-Nord en délibération. J’irai chercher des informations supplémentaires.
Mr. Murphy: I appreciate that the minister believes that ALC is following the law, but what I have
asked is whether he has sought to follow the spirit and intent of the law as it was passed a number
of years ago. There could be certain enforcement measures, such as taking the banking machines
out and taking out these VLTs that strip people of their livelihood by using these $5, $10, and $20
bills. Also, we now have many casinos in New Brunswick where the liquor license allows a certain
number of VLTS in place. They have these additional rooms that are connected; in fact, sometimes,
they have 15, 20, or 30 VLTs under one roof.
I will ask the Minister of Public Safety: Has his department looked into somehow shutting these
operations down?
L’hon. M. Volpé : Comme je l’ai mentionné tout à l’heure, je vais considérer les arguments du
député de Moncton-Nord et faire un suivi. J’aimerais faire quelques commentaires supplémentaires.
Premièrement, je pense que le député de Moncton-Nord devrait se rappeler qui a apporté les
machines à sous au Nouveau-Brunswick. Il était président du Parti libéral du Nouveau-Brunswick
à l’époque, alors peut-être qu’il devrait s’en rappeler. L’autre commentaire que je veux faire est le
suivant : comme je l’ai dit tout à l’heure, le député de Moncton-Nord nous a demandé, il y a deux
semaines… Si ces machines sont vraiment néfastes pour la santé des gens, pourquoi le député de
Moncton-Nord veut-il un casino situé dans un hippodrome à Moncton pour les gens de cette région?
Je ne peux pas comprendre pourquoi le député de Moncton-Nord passe une journée à défendre les
gens qui veulent des casinos situés dans des hippodromes, alors qu’il passe le lendemain à défendre
ceux qui utilisent les casinos situés dans des hippodromes. J’aimerais connaître sa position. Je ferai
certainement un suivi, mais j’aimerais rappeler au député de Moncton-Nord que c’est le
gouvernement du parti qu’il représente aujourd’hui qui a apporté les machines à sous au Nouveau-
I received an email today and they invited me to be a guest on a program call - The Current.
It's on CBC and suppose to be on the air after 8:30am!
The main issue is to allow bloggers in the press gallery in the New Brunswick Legislature.
Little by little the word is spreading.....
Wish me luck....I'll be ok....just have to explain the issue in hand.
No Anti-Irving and Anit-Bernard Lord rant!!!!
( 1 JOHN 2:1 *NKJV )
Dear Charles,
Now if you are feeling low because of something that
you have done wrong, or a sin that you have committed in
the past, know that you have forgiveness through our Savior
Jesus Christ. For when you repent it is written; "COME NOW,
Our sins then are not only forgiven, but they are also forgotten
by our Heavenly Father as well! For it is written; "FOR I WILL BE
( HEBREWS 8:12 )
So don't beat yourself up, or hold those things back when you
talk with God. Instead, always speak to Him as you would a
loving, caring, understanding Father. After all Charles, that's
what He is! Also remember that; BLESSED IS HE WHOSE
Now have a Wonderful Day Charles, and tonight may your
dreams be sweet indeed! Amen.
With My Love & Prayers,
your servant Allen
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The show should be around 3:00pm!!!!! Channel 70.....The issue will be about Tanker!!!!
Most of us saw this picture on the news.
Myself? I didn't know that Stephen Colbert was present that funny evening.
I guess the President was amused....
I pasted the sites in this blog...check it out!!! It's funny!!!!
You can see the President and his side kick by clicking here -
The Stephen Colbert one is right here. Just click here-