Hey Charles,
I must of spent hours on your website. I have to say that I am impressed. There was not one thing on your site that I did not agree with. Maybe because we both know the shitty end of the stick. I would like to share something with you. Perhaps this will give you an idea why I am so pissed off, besides my raging hormones at 7months pregnant.
I recently moved in to a 4 bedroom apt, on the east side of Saint John. Glen Moir Holdings owns these buildings. Six days after i moved in 3 out of 4 bedrooms were soaked from the rain. My carpets were soaked and the smell of cabbage is unbelievable. Soooo i decided to do some reaserch on who owns this place because I want this problem fixed. I found out that Senator Donald Oliver owns these buildings, Mr. Oliver incharge of HUMAN RIGHTS. Human right my ass. I sent him this email:
Mr. Oliver,
I am taking the time today to send you this email in regards to your rental properties, Glen Moir Holdings Ltd. Our family recently moved in to one of your units at 14 Reading Crescent apt 1 in Saint John NB. We moved in October 6th. One week after we moved in it rained and we ended up sucking up 6 inches of water from 3 different bedrooms in our apartment. We contacted Rick Stagg (superintendent). Rick told us that those things happen because of the way it rained against the windows, and that we weren’t the only ones getting water, infact according to Rick there was five other units that had the same problem, including his own apartment, his ceiling leaks. Rick lent us the shop vac and he notified George the maintenance guy about the problem. George told us that there’s not much he can do to fix the unknown problem on a rainy day. George also kindly informed us that he has a budget of 100 dollars per building and that really there’s not much he can do with a budget like that. It's now October 21st and once again it is raining and the three same bedrooms are completely wet. Upon moving in Mr. Stagg informed us that he would be over for us to sign a one year lease. I am not going to sign a one year lease, where there is a potential for a health hazard. In a few months there will be a newborn in one of these wet rooms, I have a 7 year old in a wet room, and currently I share a wet room with my pregnant wife. I wonder how long it will take before mold starts growing under the carpets? This issue is serious, we pay 620 for rent, we would like to stay here and continue on, but we cannot put a price on our health. The last rainfall took us a long time to dry up the carpets by turning the heat up to max and waiting it out. The windows were all steamed up and there was a cabbage smell coming from the carpets. I guess this week after the rain stops, we will have to endure the heat being on max again and the stench coming from our rooms until it dries up.
Attached you will find some pictures of the first rainfall upon moving in. If you would like I can also send you pictures of today’s soggy carpets because they are worse than those I sent you. If you lived here what would you do? No matter if it rains upside down, we should never expect our carpets to be soaked the way they are.
Mr. Henderson
Anyways this email did SHIT. The coward ended up calling his middle man Tony Richard and demanded to know how we found out that the senator owned these buildings...DUH its called the internet....dumb ass. Anyways to make a long story short. Today is our 3rd time having soaked carpets in 3 weeks and we were nicely informed by the senators middle man Tony that its just too bad for us. We either stay in this apt and deal with it or we can move into a 3 bedroom down the street, own by the finest Senator Oliver. Never mind that we are on welfare and we cant afford to move again so soon. never mind that we have hook up charges everytime we move....or even the fact that our baby is going to be born soon and we cant afford to wait for another 4 bedroom to pop up.
So in all....after telling you all this. I thought you could give us a hint on what we should do next. I am tired of taking shit off people, I don't want to get sick staying here, or my kids for that matter. I can't afford to move even if they had another 4 bedroom available. What should we do? Oh and trying to find media contacts to get this on the news is pretty much impossible. We left a message on Roly MacIntyres machine, and seeing the rentalsmen tomorrow. I am not feeling hopeful.
Charles I feel like you have the experience and the knowledge in these types of situations. If you were me what would you do.
Charles if you are too busy to reply then that's okay too, I know you have court coming up. Atleast I got to let it all out.
Mrs. Amanda Henderson
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Father Brien is the best when it comes to gain trust from the kids!!!

Sometime someone comes out with a good comment and this is one of them! What does the Irvings do with all the pictures that's not printed in their papers?
Very good question indeed!!!! Here's the comment -
I hate to say this because you are so camera crazy, but technically there is no law that says you can't take pictures on private property if you've been invited. If there was a sign posted somewhere that's a different story, but if not, tell this little irving pischer to get lost.
It was nice of you to delete the womans picture, but as you say, if she is making a public presentation she has no right to make such demands. In fact, you could bring a video camera and tape the event if you wanted to. Even further, if you have one of those tiny camera's then you can film even if they tell you not to. Go watch the news, they do it all the time.
I tend to agree though, while events like this deserve to be covered, a little discretion would be advised. You should only take pictures at certain times, many people do not like their pictures taken, and in the end you may do more harm than good. In New Brunswick it already takes courage to stand up and speak out. It makes it harder to find a job, and harder dealing with the government. Many people prefer their anonymity, and its highly doubtful that Irving will print many pictures.
However, Irving having all those pictures is an equally scary prospect. Very few get used, I wonder what happens to the others?
A little message for the cowards who leaves comments!!!!
Some people believe that they can dis-credit me by calling me a welfare bum.
Well, I am on welfare and that's the way it is!
As bigot Saint John Police officer asked me in Saint John - DO YOU WORK????
I didn't know in the eyes of Justice it matters if I work or not?
This is the reason a public inquiry of the Saint John Police Force will be important.
I might add that I was told by a lot of people < one this morning > that if I'm found not guilty on Thursday? The Police will get me on the streets.
Gestapo style in New brunswick? I just wish to say that I'm not affraid of nobody!!! If I'm attack??? This will just make me stronger!!!
Ok...I jump the issue here.....any comments that calls moi a welfare bum will be rejected!!!
I just wish to let you cowards know. I still post 98% of the comments but they're getting a little ugly.
I just wish to let you know.....I might be on welfare but I will continue blogging or speak out on Mis-Justice!!!!
Have a good day!!!
Well, I am on welfare and that's the way it is!
As bigot Saint John Police officer asked me in Saint John - DO YOU WORK????
I didn't know in the eyes of Justice it matters if I work or not?
This is the reason a public inquiry of the Saint John Police Force will be important.
I might add that I was told by a lot of people < one this morning > that if I'm found not guilty on Thursday? The Police will get me on the streets.
Gestapo style in New brunswick? I just wish to say that I'm not affraid of nobody!!! If I'm attack??? This will just make me stronger!!!
Ok...I jump the issue here.....any comments that calls moi a welfare bum will be rejected!!!
I just wish to let you cowards know. I still post 98% of the comments but they're getting a little ugly.
I just wish to let you know.....I might be on welfare but I will continue blogging or speak out on Mis-Justice!!!!
Have a good day!!!
Yes, this story will truly go around the Globe. Thank God for the information Highway!!! Just click below for more info....

While standing outside having a smoke.
I noticed this guy walking inside with a fancy camera.
He told me that he works for the Moncton Transcript.
I asked the Irving reporter if I could take a picture of him and he played along.
I asked him if he knew me?
He didn’t know who I was. < If he only knew? He would have kept on trucking!! >...LOL
Anyway . . . once inside, I would always take different pictures of the speakers or the people telling their sad stories.

One certain woman took the mike and I click my camera.
She shouted at the Mike - I don’t wish to have my picture taken!!! I have been watching you taking pictures for two days!!!
Well? As we know, I will not stand to be degraded in front of a group of people < never mind in front of more than 200 people!!! >
I quickly answered - Hey? If the Irvings can take pictures? So can I!!! < Maybe this will change after November 2th!!! >
Anyway, I showed two guys the picture and deleted the photo.
What I found funny was there were cameras all over the place but she single me out!!
Why? Who knows?
I confronted the woman afterwards and told her that I deleted her picture.
She told me in a rude manner - I’ll be checking your site!!!
I told her - Hey? I need all the hits that I can get on my site!!!..LOL.
The woman sounds like she has lots of problems’ < especially her attitude >
Anyway . . . I bumped into the Irving photographer and he wasn’t as friendly as he was went he met me outside.

He told me that I cannot take pictures because it’s a private building. If I do take one? I have to ask their permission!!!
But we both agree that we can take pictures of people in a public place such as outside.
I was a little confuse. < Not the first time >
I take a picture of the whole room and I got to ask permission to every each individual?
I don’t know.
I know that I was a little hyper with the camera but these are good souvenirs of the summit and I don’t use them in a bad way!!
Well, I’m a blogger and that’s what I do!!! C’est la vie!!!!

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