Many Thanks goes out to that White Collar Irving employee! I guess that I’m not the only one who’s upset with the Irvings! Especially J.D. IRVING!!!! Ok. …Here’s some comments from some readers during the last few days…Enjoy and don’t be afraid to send me your comments!
I just received this little comment. I guess it’s from a Status Native! I removed the name. Read this one-
Mr. Leblanc, I've been reading your posts with greater and greater interest, but havenot been compelled to respond or contribute until reading your latest about racial slurs, the legislature, T.J. Burke and the Premier. I only know of the Premier through the mass media, but I do knowT.J. Burke somewhat better, and I can tell you straight that he is nothing but a lying punk and hypocrite. I recall observing his campaign when he ran in the last provincial election.No where in his campaign pamphlets did you see anything relating himto the aboriginal community in New Brunswick. When I questioned organizersabout this, I was informed that Burke did not want it generally known that he was a mixed-blood Maliseet person, at least not during the campaign. That was why there was no mention of it in the campaign pamphlets or signs.Disclosure would be fine when and if he got elected. Now he claims to be hurt by so-called racial slurs when he conducted his campaign as if he were ashamedof the very aboriginal community he now claims to represent. T.J. is obviously attempting to get away with sucking and blowing at the same time. In my view, he is a hypocrite and obviously without any credibility or ethics. As the sayinggoes, "He doth protest too loudly". I suspect there will be few sympathizers in theaboriginal community. In my experience, T.J. Burke will do, say, or not say anything to get what he wants, whether that be during an election or in his efforts to steal clients from other lawyers without any regard for the client. Unfortunately, it probably true that T.J. Burke is an embarrassment to both his so-called constituents and the Maliseet people he has attempted to keep in thecloset during his campaign. There is plenty more to tell in relation to my allegation that he lied in order tosteal clients from at least one lawyer in New Brunswick as part of his so-called practice of law.
CHARLES HERE- Could someone tell me if this is from the Mafia!!! Idon’t know how they ended up on my list? Read thisone-
It is your responsibility to remove me
Find a way or you may find yourself in hot water
I am obviously on your listMy address is ????????Please don't force me to report you to myadministrator. Others have been pursued in the past
Good luck
Here’s a Press release
FREDERICTON and the Maritimes: SPEAK OUT AGAINSTCANADIAN PARTICIPATION IN BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENCE!The Liberal Caucus, including Prime Minister PaulMartin, will gather in Fredericton on January 25-27.
Maritimers will gather at 7pm in front of the DeltaHotel parking lot on January 26 to send them amessage.
NO to Canadian participation in BALLISTIC MISSILEDEFENCE
NO to deeper Canadian integration with US globalmilitary aggression
NO to military subcontracts in our Maritimes
The peaceful demonstration is supported byorganizations and individuals across our region andthroughout our country. We are not alone.
Please gather at 7pm in front of the Delta Hotelparking lot on January 26.
Bring colorful placards and expressions against war.
Bring drums and noise makers.
Bring your voice.
Bring your friends.
All ages welcome.
For more information on Ballistic Missile Defence…
“Ballistic Missile Defense" Trojan Horse for the Weaponization of Space
Union of Concerned Scientists open letter to PrimeMinister Paul Martin
The Canadian Campaign to Oppose Ballistic MissileDefence
Write a letter to the editors of New Brunswick’s dailynewspapers
Contact CBC Talkback
(506) 451-4100 (local) 1-800-561-4222 (New Brunswick)
Speak Out: write the Liberals a letter
If you need a ride from Halifax or billeting overnightin Fredericton, please contact FREEDOM.
1- great improvement with spelling!
2-Ritalin rise leads to ADHD probe Prescriptions of Ritalin increased 10-fold over sevenyearsHealth chiefs are to investigate the care of childrensuffering from hyperactivity after a 10-fold increasein the use of Ritalin in Scotland. New figures showprescriptions for the controversial chemical haverisen from 69 per 10,000 in 1996 to 603 last year. Theclass-B drug treats Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder (ADHD), which causes hyperactivity inchildren. NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (QIS) plansto look at how ADHD is treated and why the rise hasoccurred. A report by NHS QIS revealed the sharpincrease in the prescription rate on Monday. The body,which monitors and encourages best practice in thehealth service, will fund an audit into the way thecondition in youngsters is being treated north of theborder. NHS QIS will now fund an audit of the careand treatment of children with ADHD Dr David SteelNHSQIS It hopes to discover why the prescription rates differfrom region to region across Scotland and what thereasons for the rise are. Even after the recent risein ADHD, its levels in Scotland remain below that ofSwitzerland, the Netherlands and Iceland and stand atabout a third of that in Canada and the US. NHS QISChief Executive Dr David Steel said: "The increase inthe prescribing rate for ADHD drug Methylphenidate,commonly known as Ritalin, raises the important issueof what constitutes the appropriate level ofprescribing in Scotland. "We can see significantregional variations but, until we have a robust,evidence-based assessment of what the appropriatelevel might be, no-one can say whether this is theresult of under-prescribing, over-prescribing,demographic and social variations or some complex mixof all these issues. "That's why NHS QIS will now fundan audit of the care and treatment of children withADHD. It will seek to answer some of the questionshighlighted by this report." Social deprivation TheHealth Indicators Report - A Focus on Children alsorevealed deprivation as a factor impacting on a rangeof health issues affecting children in Scotland. Itfound stillbirth and neonatal death was highest formothers from areas of greatest social deprivation, at5.3 deaths per 1,000 births compared to 3.4 deaths forthose who were the best off. The report said that theteenage pregnancy rate had fallen last year to 7.4 per1,000 births, approaching the target of 6.9 by 2010.It also found that emergency admissions to hospitalfor asthma for under-15s had fallen to 22.3 per 10,000of the population last year, down from 49.2 in 1993. The report illustrates once again the excessill-health burden carried by children in Scotland'spoorest areas Dr Mac ArmstrongChief Medical Officer The report is part of a process of informationcollection and publication designed to aid thedelivery of high-quality care in the health service.NHS QIS Chairman Lord Naren Patel said: "Scotland hasled the way in delivering robust, clear information onhow the health service is performing. "NHS QIS iscommitted to building on the experience gained inScotland over the past decade, and making availabledata that can contribute towards quality improvementin the health service in Scotland." Scotland's ChiefMedical Officer Dr Mac Armstrong welcomed the reportbut said its findings gave him some cause for concern.He said: "Some of the findings are encouraging, forexample the drop in teenage pregnancy rates and thesignificant decrease in the number of children beingadmitted to hospital for asthma. "These trends showthe range of good practice and the better managementof ill-health taking place all over the country. DrMac Armstrong said the report did cause some concern"However, many more of the findings give me seriouscause for concern. The report illustrates once againthe excess ill-health burden carried by children inScotland's poorest areas. "The future of children inour most deprived communities looks much bleaker thantheir counterparts in the least deprived areas. "Thereport reinforces the need to focus efforts onreducing the gap between these two groups." TheScottish National Party's health spokeswoman ShonaRobison backed the investigation into Ritalinprescribing. She said: "There are clear regionalvariations concerning how many children are takingRitalin and this issue needs to be addressed as soonas possible." E-mail this to a friend Printableversion 3-5% British Kids Diagnosed With ADHD Poor Parenting And Junk Food Blamed, But Parents Demand 'Wonder Drug' RitalinBy Marie Woolf Chief Political Correspondent The Telegraph - UK1-15-5 Five per cent of children in England and Wales havebeen officially diagnosed with the hyperactivitydisorder ADHD ministers said this week, as new figuresshowed a dramatic increase in the prescription of thecontroversial drug Ritalin. Health ministers said"it was becoming increasingly common forpaediatricians" to diagnose attention-deficithyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which some have warnedis simply a symptom of bad behaviour. Figuresreleased by health ministers showed that at least345,000 children aged between six and 16 officiallysuffer from the behavioural disorder, while the numberof prescriptions of Ritalin and other drugs to treatit has rocketed over the past two years. Last year,329,000 prescriptions were written for drugs combatingchildhood hyperactivity, compared with 271,000 theyear before. Opposition MPs cautioned that manychildren who had been diagnosed with ADHD werehyperactive because of poor parenting or because theyate junk foods full of chemicals. The LiberalDemocrat MP Sandra Gidley, a former pharmacist, warnedagainst parents regarding Ritalin as "a wonder drug"that could cure disruptive behaviour in allyoungsters. "Ritalin is regarded as a magic bulletby some parents. It is becoming so widespread that Ihave had parents in my surgery who regard it as awonder drug, complaining that doctors are refusing toprescribe it to their children," she said. "In somekids it is because they are eating so many additivesin junk food and often what is needed is somelow-level intervention from social services to helpwith parenting skills. In many cases, Ritalin is acop-out solution to a wider problem." Although manyparents say that Ritalin has helped treat seriousbehavioural problems in children who had previouslydestroyed family life, others fear that the drug isbeing too generally prescribed and given to manychildren unnecessarily. Studies by psychiatristshave shown that children with attention deficitdisorder are four times more likely than average tosuffer mental problems later in life. Researchers atHarvard Medical School have also warned that themisdiagnosis of ADHD in children, followed by theprescription of Ritalin, could lead to a greaterlikelihood of depression in adulthood. Dr StephenLadyman, the health minister, who released the figuresthis week to Tory health spokesman Tim Loughton, saidthat "a treatment programme" for ADHD should not "relyon medication alone". "It is recommended thatinterventions that focus on the behaviour of thechild, family interactions, classroom problems andlearning difficulties should be offered," he said. The Department of Health added that guidelines fromthe National Institute for Clinical Excellence saidthat children on Ritalin should "receive regularmonitoring and be taken off the drug if there was noimprovement of symptoms". The bill for hyperactivitydrugs is believed to exceed £10m a year. In NorthAmerica, where Ritalin prescriptions have also goneup, the drug has been sold illegally to children.
Hey old friend how’s things? I saw the report on the little girl, I couldn’timagine being her father and going through that nightmare.. I was wondering if you have a chance to copy thattape of the ATV interview & if you do could you give it toRoly and he could drop it in to printing plus for me hisoffice is very close.
CBC will be airing the interview that I did Thursdaymorning tomorrow morning (Sunday)
The responses are still very positive here on thissubject(VLT,S) I have an interview on CBC Monday morn I went out for a walk with my cousin today & peopleare still stopping me and discussing this issue I didn’t see question period Friday but I thoughtElizabeth said when I was there that it would be brought up.Do you know anything about this? and if so what was said? They SAY we’re in for another nor-eastern so don’tget lost in all that snow we need you at the legislature lol. OOhh about that picture, it’s not that you’re uglyit,s just that you make jille look good lol ( writeme--later--your friend
Tim (Keep Warm - Keep Safe)
5-Is that a real picture its so small?
6-my blog is
hello old friend,got your emails ( thanx ) My phone has not stopped all day (good) I went to see sheana today after school, she’s doinggreat and had a big smile & hug for me. I told her I washaving a meeting wednesday to bring her home she was happy tohear that!! I gave her the picture of natalie Mcmaster &me she said that natalie was very pretty,I agreed lol. I have an outpatient councilor already I go to see her Tuesday morn. I have an interview with cbc radio Monday morningfor follow up.
I have to tell you this!!! When I got home thisafternoon I had a message from Mrs.blaney (Margaret)I told yougovernment has heart lol. she gave me 2 numbers to reach her withany concerns On my walk today (bbrrr) I was so surprised to meetsooo many people that knew me the handshakes are endless whichis good!! I hope you’re keeping warm lol I talked to john heis going to give me a couple of hours of work a week to make upthe money I owe (this is good) Well I’ll let you go for nowbut will keep you up to date (I’m new at this typing thing so bepatient with me) Keep warm,Keep safe, your friend Tim (ttfn)
8-It seems that some church organizations could putthose machines out of business for good; because they could organize somebig all areas ,,not just Fredericton and St John..but, allover......
9-I now know why there are waiting list at the hospitalfor people needingoperations. I was told yesterday that a Dentist here injured his back inDecember and he was able to skip all kinds of namesand had his MRIyesterday and a Specialist is operating on him today. That really ticks meoff as a taxpayer that is for sure. It just shows howthis Province isrun. If you have money they take care of you first. If you don't yourwaiting list can be over a year. How fair is that tothe poor person whohas had to put up with pain for more then a year ? Iam sure this is notan isolated case that is for sure and he didn't payout of his own pocketeither.
10-Why would you even imply that bureaucrats were theones who didn't noticethe little girl? Why are you so hung up on people whowork for a living -regardless of political stripe? Maybe if you used halfthe time seeking workthat you do in seeking problems with the rest of theworld, you might be ahappier person.
11-You're right Charles. TJ dishes it out quite a bit.Bernard Lord wouldnever intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Theliberals have stoopedto an all time low in their miscalculations.
12-Of course it counted - you're God, aren't you!!
13- So glad to hear that its over for Tim and letshope that the Government listens. Good for youCharlie for sticking by him in his time of need. Weall know that you have a big heart and it showed withthe friendship that you showed Tim.
14- <> hi charles how are you? got homeat 1:30 ,atv was waiting for me did a short interview,everything was closed down here
won’t see sheana ( my sheebeedeebee lol )untiltomorrow global called me and said they want to come with mewhen I go very tired just going to relax this evening ,let meknow if you get this replay ok. ( had 29 messages on answeringmachine lol ) got all your messages from day 1 to present day will look for yours tomorrow bb for now ( yawn lol )
15-Thanks again Charles. I went looking for him todayand couldn't find him...Good to hear
16-Charles, you need a blog:
(not that I would expect you to stop writing youremails, just a blog would also be a good way to reach more people)
17-Charles....I have not got time to read the itemsyou are sending as I am tooinvolved in a number of other matters, and they aremuch too frequent andtime consuming, so please delete my name from you listat the present time.
18-I know that the Catholic Church's around don'tobject to people gambling, in fact around here they even have their own gamblingtents at the festivals and 50/50 drawings etc...But, some churches do have rulesagainst gambling and they will be the ones that will help in thesecauses....ONE PERSON CAN'T DO IT ALONE, EVEN IF THAT PERSON STARVESHIMSELF.......PEOPLE NEED TO BOYCOTT THESE STORES AND IR YOU GET PEOPLE TO PUT UP SIGNS ANDBOYCOTT THESE PLACES AT THE CHURCHES ---THAT WILL GIVE HIM THE NUMBERS THATHE NEEDS....IF EVERYONE THAT READS THIS---TAKES THIS SERIOUSLY ANDGOES TO THEIR CHURCH OR BUSINES OR CLUB AND ASKS THAT THESE PEOPLE BOYCOTT THESTORES THAT PROVIDE THE MACHINES FOR TO ADDICT PEOPLE DOWN TO THEIR LASTCENT............
19-No one says abortion is a good thing, but choice isa good thing. That's what the escorts favour: freedom of choice. What theyoppose is bullying and intimidation. Women who have no choice but to go tothe Morgentaler clinic have to deal with emotional torture from the"protesters". I've seen it.
Thank God for the clinic escorts! The women who haveto use the services of the clinic have a hard enough time, and they need thesupport provided by the escorts to get past the persistent and judgmental"protesters".
20-Hi Charles,
Thanks for your updates. Could you please remove RolyMacIntyre fromyour mailing list for the time being.
21-Please remove me from you list. Thanks.
22-I fugure Chretien woulda done anything to pull awayfrom you. Duceppemighta hadda go somewhere but at least he'll chat abit. It makes him lookunlike the angry Quebeckers like Levesque andBouchard! Duceppe seems like a nice guy.
23-Quos t'avais a dire a Gilles Duceppe? What did hehave to say to you?
24-You sound busy? Or you do not want to miss athing, that’s probably morelike I seen Tim's picture in the paper andits really sad thathe is going to die. This government has got to go andI think that youwill see it in the next election. I hope that its alandslide and a bigembarrassment to them because that is what they are tous New Brunswickersright now. Tell Tim to eat because they are not worthdying for.
25-Charlie speaks with a separatist! From Quebec!!! You'll do anything forphoto op:))
26- Yourprotestor friend is in the front page of the paper, He got more attentionin one week then you got in 6 notreally.
27- Did Tim eatyet? I hope so for the sake of his daughter. Like Isaid this governmentwould watch him die without any conscience and thatsnot what we want. Heshould go and see Bernard Richard and put a complaintin. He also shouldhave a petition going, you could help him Charlie withyour
28-Tell, my pretend boyfriend, (Tim) that now isenough to make a stand ,he doesn't have to be a martyr....He looks nice and sexylike he is...........
29-Hi Charles: Just saw your account of meeting withprotester Tim Smithat the shelter.Did he give a name of the family next door losingtheir house??? I'minterested in a possible newsreport on the subject. Cheers
30=Dad was reading thepaper and he was as pleased as me with all of therecommendations thatBernard Richard made. He is exactly what we needed! Whatever he gets paidhe is worth every cent! I am so pleased for theseniors because theyreally ripped them off and that is stealing as far asI am concerned. Theywork all of their lives and they paid their way andthen the Governmentwants it all. It just wasn't fair that is for sure. You are better off ifyou had never worked in your life because then thegovernment would takecare of you. Its nice to see someone with a heart inthe governmentcircle. I am trying to talk Mom and Dad to sell theirhouse and move toMemramcook. Why should they stay here and pay for theCity of Saint Johnpension fund. The water taxes are getting out ofcontrol. I am some gladthat I am selling my home in the spring. Norm hasmade it much easier forme that is for sure. What is there here in Saint Johnthat would make youwant to stay. The only thing I will miss is thepeople that I know and Ican visit. Its too bad because this has been my homefor 44 years and thecities bad management and the highest taxes in theProvince helped me moveon. C'est La Vie! Talk to you later and have a goodday!
31-Hey what is this Charlie--- a dating service forTim?!! Anyways- if he looksupon this as a fast and drink lots of fluid(likeeveryone has said)- likeOXO cubes in water- he should be okay- fasting is verygood for those ofregular health---but water alone can still causeproblems- he'll need someelectrolytes, milk has some- try pediatric drink forkids in the drug store-perfect mix- tastes like really bad cool aid but willkeep his hydration andenergy up. Also it's expensive- but he could cut itwith water.
32-Charles: It is ok that I remain anonymous. Sounds good :):)
33-Charles: I saw little note about photos. It depends who wantsto use them. Once I know who it is I will be happy toprovide my name. This also goes to tell you that I doread your updates.
34-I fear that our future may be in danger of morechildren being,that my eyes have beenopened up to the criminal actions of someabusers,tobehavoiur's of thers.thats all for now
35-Yahoo, please shake Bernard Richard hand because hesounds like he knows what he issaying, its a lot better then listening and trustingElvie, because Elviesays one thing but really means something else. Iknow because he told methat we would have a methadone program here in SaintJohn last year. All Ican say is LIAR.
36-Thanks again Charles. I went and saw Tim thismorning and was able to find him a pair of warmermittens and some thick wool socks. He still needs warmboots though (unless the socks are thick enough to dothe trick). And how come the Human Rights Commission--maybe itshould be called the Human Rights Comedy)--are nowherein sight on this issue? These machines should be seenas preying on the vulnerable and should be considereda human rights concern. They should approach the issuethemselves. However, even when asked, like when youapproached them with your concern, they do NOTHING.I've heard of another similar example too, where anissue was ignored. Are they only there to make it SEEMlike these important issues are being covered?
37-I don't know who this man is; as I'm not from yourneighborhood.....and it looks like your eyes areclosed and neither of you look very pleased!
38-Hi Charles. You did well at the meeting. Thanksfor coming.
39-Reg. 5 year old-----Part of the fault was with thebus driver, but part of the fault is with the parentswho only gave a direction note to the little girl togive the driver....who in their right mind would dothat? Thank God for the older girls who helpedrescue her....but why two hours.....She could of beenhit or kidnapped.....???? or worse.....I don't thinkthat I could of relaxed by giving a child of mine,just a note......!
40-Hey dude ... I thought I had you on my auto delete lol
41-Still receiving and reading most of them Charlie. Thanks
42-Hi Charles, thanks for the postings, but pleasetake me off your email list.And please do not use this post in one of yourupdates.thanks,
43-Hooray For Tim Smith !!
44-I'm still answering my mail...but, I am glad thatTim is eating....Have a good day!! Anything new....Itwarmed up into the 30's so it is not sooooooo bad outthere!
45-How did you get this address?
46-yup I am receiving them Charles
47-I received this message and one yesterday but therewas a few days before that that there was nothing.
48-Hey, guys- we can to help this protester win andget him back on food!,,,Yes, I'm the girl who likesthe protester enough to try and keep him well... HOWMUCH TO YOU LIKE HIM AND HIS CAUSE?.....HE'S WILLINGTO DIE FOR IT!! AND WE DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM DIE ,DO WE?????? WHO IS WILLING TO TAKE THIS CAUSE ANDPROMOTE SOME BOYCOTTS.....????? HE'S WILLING TOSTARVE HIMSELF...HOW MUCH WILL YOU DO???? AND CHUCKYBABY HAS TO PUT THIS KIND OF STUFF IN HIS LETTERS FORYOU TO EVEN READ THEM.....SO LET'S ALL FIGHT !!!!!
49-The only way to fight the machines in the businessis to boycott the business....Then the owner's of thebusiness will get rid of the machines.
50-This is very sad that the government doesn'tlisten...and I knew that they wouldn't care....if factwhat surprised me is that they admitted and said thatthey couldn't care less....Tell, Tim that he did his best
51-THIS IS FROM SOMEONE WHO RUNS THE IRVING FRENCHPAPER—From: "Leblanc, Patricia"<> Add to AddressBookTo: "'charlie leblanc'" <>Subject: RE: IF YOU DON'T HAMMER THIS TO DEATH??? I'LLMARTYR IT TO DEATH! !!!Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:03:58 -0400
I don,t know who you are but Iwant you to stop sendingyour emails to myoffice or else.Ihave no clue who you are or what you represent final notice patricia leblanc
52-I agree with all of the comments telling Tim toeat---as he isn't going to prove more than he alreadyhas....And, the stupid government would let him starveto death....or make sure that he is labeled an unfitDad and put him in a mental hospital to save hislife.....Tell him to "Stop It"!!!Stop it right now....and get the churches in theneighborhood to help him in his fight......
There's a real appetite now for video gambling horrorstories becauseof Tim's protest. If you or he hear of someone whohas gone through thesame kind of thing and wouldn't mind supporting Tim bytalking aboutit.....let me know.
54-I must say that you do not look
55-Why don't you write about trying to get a job in NB. How you are treatedwhen you apply and where you apply. What are employers looking for??
56- Good morning Charles hope you had a good weekend I went to cbc to do a live interview this morning I think it went well. I don’t know how to listen to (maritime magazine) interview from Sunday if you could send me a link I would be grateful! The subject is still alive & well here. there’s alot more I could talk about but I’ll do that after supper just going to take it easy today ( Day 17 no play ) good for me!! keep in touch --(keep warm - keep safe)
57-THIS IS FROM ONE OF THE SPICE GIRLS PROTESTERS-Hey charlie , how are you ? I hope your doing good . I m doing real good. All us girls kinda split up but we still talk once in a while . I would like to keep in touch with you in the future. I live in Saint John with my boy friend and I don’t think I could be happier. My email address is . So if you get some time write me and tell me whats all new…. Miss you lots charlie. You are a good person and I will never forget you. Always in my thought Charlie .,
58-Please remove me from your mailing list.Thank you!
59-Yes, no doubt like any other small community. Kids here also sell their ritalin. Now, my nephew, who shall remain nameless of course, told his mom a few years ago that ritalin was doing nothing for him. So, he stopped taking it. Unlike other kids who keep the prescriptions going, he stopped. He is now able to control himself. I guess with maturity some things "calm" down eh...I dunno...Ritalin is not the only drug here, there is marijuana, cocaine, LSD, heroin amongst others.
60-Thank you for asking. I sent my comments as a private communication to you andwould prefer not to have my name included at this time. You may, however, feel free, whenever privately requested, todisclose my name as the source of the posting in thatcircumstance.
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