Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Maybe you reporters might wish to investigate this site- recallbernard.com?
It’s out of business! I wonder why? This site has been around for over one year! Did you P.C’S buy this site? It was always full of comments! I wonder what happened?
Ok..The Month of February is Black History Month and it’s also the month where Ritalin is over prescribed!
How do I know this?
A doctor told me that October and February is the months that Parents comes to the Doctors and asked for Ritalin?
Why is that now? Why the month of February?
This is also Black History month and those racist members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission can hold their heads in shame!
They give the ok to the Irvings that the witchhunt against the black Population can continue!
Thank God these racists Irving supervisors are not allowed to hang them from the trees because if they could? They would!
The Irvings policies that no niggers or frogs shouldn’t be allowed to work within the Evil Irving Empire is ok because they have the support of those racist members of the Commission!
Ok…hey? Read this story that I heard on the news this morning?
Speaking of views on the information Highway? There’s a guy named Serge Landry who ran during the last Federal Election under the P.C. Banner.
Anyway? He was charged in Quebec. He’s accused of sending treating letters to politicians via the internet!
The courts sent him to a 30 day psychiatric observation!
So? Is this the way to handle out spoken citizens?
Well? My emails don’t threats anyone! I write the truth and there’s nothing that I would love more is having the police charged me!
Hey? This would be a great way to show how these bureaucrats treats people with ADHD or a Judge telling the rest of Canada and Blacks and Acadians can be assaulted????
What do they do? Bring them to Campbellton and drug them!
Afterwards, they go on the streets and say- Hey? I have ADHD! Do you have some spare change?
Sorry? Not going to happen!
I don’t agree that someone should used the information Highway to send death Threats and I’ll never do this but I will warn the public that if the ignorance towards the poor people continues?
Someone is going to cross the line! Look what happen on Christmas eve at Welsford?
A guy walked in with a shotgun and burned the place to the ground! He committed suicide and in a public way!
How many people have committed suicide during these last few years because of the ignorance of the Lord Government?
How many citizens can live on $264.00 an month?
Read this- Pope John Paul II (1920- ) is said to be the most recognized person in the world. He is the most traveled Pope in the 2,000 year history of the Church and speaks eight languages. Born Karol Joseph Wojtyla (pronounced Voy-tee-wah) in Wadowice, Poland on May 18, 1920 to an administrative officer in the Polish army and a former schoolteacher. In 1978, at the age of 58 the College of Cardinals elected him to lead the Roman Catholic Church.

You know what? It’s been 27 years today that I arrived home after I finished riding my ten speed bicycle across the States for a total of 9.000 miles!
It was the same period that John Paul 1 died and John Paul 11 took over! Every anniversary of his ordination as Pope, I always think of my Bike trip!
Speaking of Religion?
The Lord works in mysterious ways!
Last Friday, a Bureaucrat from the P.C. Party met me at the Library at the Legislature and gave me a nice frame of the speech that Bernard Lord gave on the floor of the Legislature of Father Brien!
For you newcomers? Let me see if I can locate the letter I wrote to the Editor of this fine Priest-
GOT IT---Here it is—
document.write(CETransPubCode("DG Readers' Forum"));Daily Gleaner Readers' ForumAs published on page A11 on December 18, 2004 Father Brien will be honoured Dear Editor: While sitting in my classroom in the late1960s, a mysterious man walked into our class. It was the new priest who was just ordained as apriest in Memramcook. He had black hair and wascarrying a guitar. His name was Father Emery Brien, and we all loved thisman. Emery was different from other priests. He got agroup together and played the drum and guitar in thechurch. This was very unheard of in those days. It was calledLe Groupe rythme de Memramcook. Every Saturdayevening, Acadians would attend the service and themain reason was to listen to these performers. In theearly 1980s, Father Brien was transferred to SaintLouis de Kent and a huge party was held in the valleyto say good bye to this fine priest. I might add there wasn't a dry eye in the area. I visited Father Brien once or twice while he wasstationed in his new village. After a few years, Ilost touch with Father Brien, although I did see himat least once. When I began my protest in my tent in front of thelegislature I was told that Father Brien was stationedin the capital. I just couldn't believe it. I quicklyphoned the priest and he came to see me. It sure was nice to see my old friend again. He wasthe main force of my protest. As I told PremierBernard Lord, Father Brien told me that I am doing theright thing. I told the premier that I had the Lord onmy side. If I could have the other Lord on the same sideeverything would be perfect. During the evenings, Father Brien would come and visitme and we would discuss many different issues. I wascurious about his views on the scandal in the Catholicchurch. He told me that some priests abuse their hold onpower. They believe they can get away with almostanything. He told me that many kids came to him for ahug. If the parents are not around, he makes certainthere's no hugging. He will hug a child if the parentsare around. It's a darn shame that the scandal ruinedit for the good priests. So, why did I decide to write about this priest youmay ask? On Dec 19th, after the 10 a.m. service, people willmark the 40th anniversary that Father Emery Brien wasordained as a priest. There will be a little get together in the basement ofSte-Anne-des-Pays-Bas after the first service.Everyone is welcome. - Charles LeBlanc Fredericton

The bureaucrat gave me a nice frame of the Premier’s speech and also another cabinet Minister.
Sunday morning, the Priest picked me up and he told me that he had a little present for me! It was two nice wooden Crosses.
I did ask the Priest weeks ago that I needed a new Cross because the one I was wearing was breaking up!
Minutes later, I told the Priest that I also had a present for him and gave him the Frame.
He really enjoyed the souvenir!
Before Messe, I asked him to wear my cross while he was giving the services! Afterward the Messe, I took the cross and put the religious item around my neck!
Never in my life would I see the day that I would be walking around with a cross around my neck!
I mean? I’m not born again and I don’t go around and preach to the word of the Lord but I’m a strong believer there’s a reason for everything?
The way my life has been going? There’s has to be a reason?
Sh@t!!! Over 1,200 words already and I really didn’t write about issues! Oh….well! Excuse the grammar and style of this letter because I just write the darn thing and send it along to you people on the net!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that recallbernardlord.com site is not accessible. Very popular site. Visited by many. There used to be a name on the site Maurice Gamblin, e-mail address gamwoods@nbnet.nb.ca Contact him and ask him about the problem.