Everybody meet Joanne
To our dismay, not only has noone from Family Service NB contacted her... The space she now sleeps in, as can be seen from the photo above has been sealed tight with bolts and screws. The sad thing is, is that her belongings are inside including medication that Joanne needs. She is now sleeping outside the kitchen on the steps under mounds of blankets to keep warm. When will it stop?

The Fredericton Community Soup Kitchen
You know, its funny how people react to situations and act when they shouldn't... Instead of repairing the board now that they realize she is living there to protect her from the elements, why not wait until she has gotten the needed help and then repair the stairs once she is not using it. She has been under there for 4 months and they only repair the stairs now that she has created some attention. I wish some people would think before they act.
Someone contacted family services last monday to bring this situation to their attention and they told the caller that since there was no child involved it really isn't their problem. Huh? I think sleeping with Rats and Mice in my opinion can't be good for the health of the mother and her unborn child. I hope they act quick because now she has no shelter either. Anyways, here is a picture of her pregnant belly...

Joanne is five months pregnant
This story I don't really care how any person with a heart looks at It is absolutely barbaric for any human being to go through and I cannot figure out how any and I do mean any damn government official can turn a blind eye to this situation and for the love of god can sleep at night or live with themselves I think every damn one of them should take a long hard look at themselves in their mirror and reavaluate what their purpose is in life or on this earth if they do not believe this is one of them.
It seems the reality of this is it most definitly has come down to humanity? or money? ,Obviusly with this story we need no more prove than that which has been presented Charles you most definity deserve a hugh applaud for trying to bring this out to the public,It just sickens me to the core and especially when I read the part of the response of the worker saying there is no child involved maybe she has no children and can't see all that well because the picture of her is pretty self evident maybe you should take her over to that person and have her feel the non live within...
after reading this article i do see that this is a really sad situation.. but what do you want the government to do about it. Fredericton has a shelter and has a soup kitchen. Should the government fix all these problems for fredericton so we can pretend like things like this do not exist. i do not realize what bringing this to the governments attention would be, and what you want them to do? i do not think that these government people are heartless they just cant solve all the problems of the world when someone says so.
I just read the above comment... I don't think that Charlie and the WCIE are trying to get the government to do anything really. I believe they want to have Family Services tend to Joanne while she is pregnant and make certain that the baby is safe. Obviously for whatever reason, this Joanne woman is not capable of looking after the child herself so I guess now its up to the government to step in. Good job guys and keep up this great work.
now that comment is hopefully what each of us can get from this site and begin a combined effort to bring awareness to the cause at hand not to bicker about the government itself but what can be done to help those who help themselves,very very nice and goo point lets try to keep it up!!
now that comment is hopefully what each of us can get from this site and begin a combined effort to bring awareness to the cause at hand not to bicker about the government itself but what can be done to help those who can't help themselves,very very nice and goo point lets try to keep it up!!
Someone said above that government couldn’t solve all the problems. True. But Lord government is good at creating many. We cannot afford electricity thanks to Orimulsion fiasco. Auto insurance rates keep climbing because Lord government is too cozy with insurance companies. Many people have been left without proper medical care because of so-called health reform and lot more. In other words it is too busy creating problems.
Now in case of pregnant woman it is issues of compassion and Lord government failed the most on this area. Single mothers being evicted from public housing because their children are too noisy, a woman is not allowed to grieve the death of her husband and government is over her head to collect bills.
This pregnant woman needs help and Family and Community Services are ignoring it. Please someone state what is the role of the government anyway if it cannot solve the problems according to commentator above.
God bless you Charles & Joanne too! Thanks for the pictures.
Where is this woman's family & the father of the child? She definately needs help, and if I remember correctly, she has had other children in the past. Therefore I'm sure she knows where to go for help & how to get it. It's available to those who ask isn't it?
I know you have told us about the open "offices" at Social Services", but that's the way it is, Charles. I have worked in offices with these dividers & you really can't hear from one to the other unless the people are talking very loud. She should go talk to them. She really needs to for the child. I wish I had answers for you, but I don't have any more resources than you do & absolutely no "pull" anywhere. I'm praying you manage to come up with an answer for her very soon.
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