Thursday, May 19, 2005




Anonymous said...

They are addicted all right. This trio and rest of them. Do you know on how many issues Lord and gang have completely ignored public outcries?

VLTs and people continue to suffer

Ritalin and children continue to pay the price

Auto-Insurance and we all are paying the price

LNG tax breaks. Initially Saint Johners will pay heavy price and then rest of the province

Hospital closure and healthcare fiasco in rural areas. Rural folks are paying price and will continue to do so

Not signing childcare $100 million deal with feds. Children are paying price and their parents are paying the price.

$6 million for Molson at the expense of Moosehead.

Lord and ministers ignore the demonstrators and refuse to listen to their concerns

Poor are being ignored and too many are ending up in soup kitchens and temporary shelters

It is too much to take.

Anonymous said...

I just had a coffee with Tim this morning and Charlie he loves what you've done with these pics,He is having a meeting with a councilor right now he had one yesterday and the day before with the mayor and his adviser so far they all endorse his ideas,good for him but I hope he gets his computer back soon because he's driving me crazy,Charlie I can verify your story about his determenation when he gets frustrated.
Good luck to the both of you on this issue and have a great day!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I know that he's going nuts without his computer. His ADHD mind is flying all over the place and he has no connection to the outside world. I am very affraid on one issue? Once he gets his computer? WATCH OUT!!!! Because he's going to make up for lost time!!!! I don't believe this blog will be to handle it??? for the kid words!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Smith is exactly right and has more than proven his point on his second trip to the Capital I can't wait to hear the reason for such a long lapse in time to make any sort of commitment to this issue other than the obvious reasons stated in the editorial picture put before us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,

Love the fun blog, came across it while having a break. Ta.

Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger,

Thank you very much for WHO IS WRONG AND WHO IS RIGHT?????, it was an informative post, very useful.

I'm currently researching information for kid adhd, would that be a topic that you are familiar with?

If you could help point me to the right direction it would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and effort.

Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing

Anonymous said...

Hello Blogger,

Hi, my name is hoe bing and I am on a search for the latest information on ADHD.

Initially I was surfing websites to find information on adhd in children but I found a whole heap of pure commercial content that led me nowhere.

It was such a relief to come by your blog and find some useful information. Thank you!

Personally I am working on a holistic approach to adhd and would value your input greatly.

I have a blog and also a subscriber following who would definitely benefit from your insights on adhd.

If you could take a moment to visit adhdpodcaster and make a comment, it would be very much appreciated.

P.S Would you be interested in joint venturing and researching adhd solutions?

Hope to hear from you soon.