I would have never believed that I would hit that amount of visitors in such a short period.
On May 9th, I hit 10,000 hits and now we’re at 20,000. When we first started this blog? I believe that we would hit 10,000 by the fall!
Some people believe that myself and Tim Smith just push the refresh buttom to make the hits go higher?
Sorry! It cannot be done! Trust me I tried it!!!..lol.. Once you visit the site and if you come back later? It will still mark you for one hit!!!
I sure came a long way from writing letters to the Editor. I would be proud to have a letter printed in the papers. I just love to share my views with the readers on certain issues.
I started this a long time ago with the paper L’Evangeline.

During the Frigate program? I was really out of control with my letters. I wrote 500 letters printed in the Irving’s newspapers.

Someone told me that I should have a computer? I bought one and I quickly learned that it’s much easier to write hitting a keyboard than with a pen and paper.

After the frigate program, I would collect emails and added them to my list! I would write a letter and send them to everyone on my list!
It was funny! I used to call Rick Mantle on the talk of the town show and always gave away my email. Rick would tell me - Charles you must be lonely?

I just wanted to receive some comments on different issues!
Before the blog started, I wrote a letter about a poor family and needed money.
The next week, I received an envelope in my mail and it was from Ontario!
Inside was 10- 20 dollar bills with a note - Give this to that poor family!
The funny thing was that the person wasn’t on my email list!
I finally track down the generous individual and said- You trust me with
$200.00???? You don’t even know me???
He wrote back and said that he investigated me before sending the money! Now? This was all before this here Blog!
Bloggling is much better because it reached more people around the world!
It’s funny how the email system works. If I just meet a girl and asked her for her phone number?
She would quickly answer- Excuse me? But with an email? It’s no problem! I wonder why?
Then the Irvings moved in and quickly ordered the papers not to print my letters to the editor.
During my protest, I would collect names and of course I had many long time readers on my list!
Since the Irving’s media went by the orders of the Irvings to not cover my protest?
It was very difficult to spread the word of what was going on the front lawn of the Legislature.
After the protest ended? I wrote my book about the protest and 4 months later, I asked the Government for work and I was told that they were going by the
decision of those racist members of the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission that I wasn’t able to work!
Mind you, there’s many people on my list who never asked me to be on. Many were upset they received my views in their computers.
Over six months ago, someone approached me and asked me if I WOULD LIKE TO BE A BLOGGER?
At first, I wasn’t interested. The guy was WCIE!
Well? We started the blog and it so funny how far we came with this blog.
At first, we put all my long winded column in the blog.
Than people were complaining that it was too long.
We cut them down to a read more system. We add some pictures. Than we walked around with a camera in tow taking pictures.
Than more people noticed the blog from the information Highway!
Take a look at this stats from this blogsite!
VISITS Total 19,818
Average Per Day 149
Average Visit Length 4:46
Last Hour 11 Today 139
This Week
Total l66,678
Average Per Day 485
Average Per Visit3.3
Last Hour 29 pages
Today 628 pages
This Week 3,394 pages
That's a lot of pages been read by the public.
Yes, I sure came a long way from sending my updates to everyone on my list!
Today my blog site will hit 20,000 visitors and I believe this is a good thing.
I wish that I had some money to buy a bottle of champagne? o well..c'est la vie!!!
There’s many high profile people reading this blog and that’s good!
Hey? I'm the only guy hanging around the Legislature who's not getting paid!

This blog got better when this young guy from Ontario emailing me a letter that he wanted to joing the team of blogglers.
I named him artist WCIE!!!

I must admit that he does really good work!!!
Lets not forget WCIE Junior who will step forward if we need him.
Ohhh Lets not forget Tim Smith who’s always pushing the issue of VLT’s via this blog site! He also comes up with some good ideas for the blog!!!!

So thanks for reading this long winded blog and I’m very surprised that my blog has come so far in so little time!
Good word WCIE!!!! If it wasn’t for you? This would have never happen!
Thank God for the information Highway!
This is truly the larger blog in the whole province and I wonder what more changes will happen when we hit 30,000 visitors? I might add that this is the summer months and the hits are low.
Hey? Maybe someone from the media in this building will do a little story on our blog? Nahhhh...just like the protest? They just wish to ignore this guy!!

With God willing? This blog could be around for a long time! But it doesn't pay much but it's worth the effort to debate issues.
Please excuse the style and grammar of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway! Bye bye
Hi Charles,
CNN is having Dr. Sanji Gupta talk about Ritalon today July 18 between 9am - 11am. If you don't catch it you might find out what he said on CNN website.
yeah..it's going to be in a few seconds...thanks
not bad and I have been saying this all along...I'll try to find the transcript?
What going on in the Staes? It's much wrose in New Brunswick but as Bernard Lord said- The drugging and the killing of the children will continue till Oct 15, 2007!!!!
Charles, Send the media a note that the BLOG has had 20,000 visitors. Someone may pick it up. Great to debate the issues her. Keep up the good work.
There was this man from Saint John who started Bernardlord.com site. He was in the news in a day. What it the matter here? Why are they ignoring this one completely?
My God??? You don't believe that the Irving media would wish to promote this site eh????...lol..BVut it would be nice if L'Acadie Nouvelle did a piece because we need more Acadians in here.
You need a better desk.....Maybe someone will throw out one....???
no one throws anything out for nothing!!!
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