As Premier? Frank McKenna was the best when it came to communicating with the public.
I used to send him my views on certain issues and he would quickly reply!
It sure isn’t this way with the Lord Government. I never received one email from Bernard Lord!

Ok…Going back to Frank!!!
I don’t know if it was because I wrote letters to the Editor and he wanted to make me happy?
I’ll never forget the time Frank flew me in a helicopter from Saint Martin to Saint John.

This was my only time in a helicopter and I must admit it was a wonderful experience.
I bumped into Frank McKenna at the end of my protest and he gave me his email address.
Months later, I deleted it by mistake so I emailed one of Frank’s closest friend but I never receive an email from the individual.
All I wanted was Frank McKenna email so I can add him to my list so he can read what’s going on in this Province?
Maybe Frank McKenna doesn’t communicate with the peasants!

I mean? He’s way up there these days!
Maybe he heard that James Irving gave the orders to all the newspapers not to print my letters?

Maybe he also learned that I appeared in front of the Senate Committee blasting the Irvings?
You can read the transcript at-target="_blank">Charles
Why bother emailing poor moi???? Maybe he's too high class these days?

But I will confront the former Premier the next time we come face to face!!!

I’m not asking much! I just want to add Frank Mckenna to my mailing list!
Is that too much to ask???
I used to work on the McKenna campaign when Dr. Russ King was running. I met Mr. McKenna on about two or three occasions, and he is a nice person to talk to, but he is a politician first. He left this Province in the middle of his term and he lied to the People of New Brunswick. when it came to Bill-88. He promised that he would not entrench bill-88 into the Constitution, bill 88 is the biolingualism bill. As soon as he was elected he went ahead and did it anyway. I don't trust a man who refuses to keep his word to the voting public he claims to serve.
Maybe he doesn't want to be on your amiling list because he's heard how obnoxious is the content of your blog.
Frank probably doesnt remember who Charles is. Charles isnt famous you know.
Come to think of it anyone that has met Charles wont forget him.
I believe mthat I have just been insulted!!...lol
Keep on bloggin Charles as you enjoy it. Some people are mean spirited but Keep The Faith. Good Luck.
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