Herménégilde Chiasson,Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick says the Queen shouldn't apologize for the deportation of the Acadians in 1755!
I believe the Queen should say they are sorry for what they did to the Acadians!
What do you think??? I will asked the guy myself face to face when I see him???? Read this blog for more info?
Will the French government also be expected to say sorry for signing the treaty which resulted in the expulsion.
Should your mother say sorry to your father for producing you?
My concern with this one is I doubt an apology would be enough for most people who have asked for it, and that an apology would be followed by lawsuits or who knows what. As I've noted previously at some point society has to recognize what happened in the past in an attempt to not repeat past mistakes and then move forward instead of dwelling on the past. If an apology were to have any meaning or significance it should have taken place 250 years ago. That would have been meaningful.
Spinks says Queen need not apologize. Spinks loves to have final word on every thing. Why not let the poor fellow have this one? Have mercy on Spinks.
Interesting that I'm targeted but not the guy who insulted Charles father and mother. I think I could write ths sky was blue and it wouldn't matter. Despite that this is still a great place to debate NB issues.
i agree with you spinks.
let it go already!.
this is no different then black people of today screaming racism every time a white person looks at them sideways,all because of something that happened hundreds of years ago when i was not even born yet! lol!.
unreal to me that this is still going on today.
give it a rest & move on.
we will never be happy & get along as a society as long as innocent people who wernt even around at the time are still held accountable years later & asked to apologize,stupid IMO.
hehe & whoever the moron is behind the computer that flamed you spinks & charles,they need to take a pill! lol!.
Spinks never gets his facts right. It is like expecting sun to rise from the west. ain't going to happen. Poor man did not get the last word again. My sympathies and condolences, Spinks.
WTF is with the spinks bashing anyways? lol!
i admit i have not read all his/her post but this post i dont think merits this kind of rude reaction in the least.
if you people have nothing better to do then tear apart a person just because their views or opinions arnt the very same as yours then i would say you need some serious help.
get a life & stop hiding behind the anonymous tag.
We must remember that we live in a British Commonwealth nation, the "Her Majesty Queen elizabeth II?, is the "Head of State", as were those who came before her, and God willing those who will come after her. This is not a French republic. and yes there are many in the French communities who would not accept an apology even if Her majest were to offer it to each descendant face to face. So get over it and move on.
Views? what views? Does Spinks has views. Even Bernard Lord will be scared of his kind of uttterings and he is Conservative leader.
A person who don't believe that the Acadian should have an apology don't truly understand what happen in 1755? Bernard Lord sure don't understand because he's born in Quebec!
Unless you're 250 years old, I don't think anyone alive understands what happened in 1755. Hey Spinks-Basher, why don't you add something meaningful to the discussion like Spinks does. We get it, you hate the guy. Now get a life.
I did take a look at the blog you're talking about and I didn't see him say anything against natives. He asked some questions which few seemed to like but I didn't see that he hated anything except CBC, although there were a few comments removed that he apologized for later which seemed directed at CBC's anchor. Spinks and a poster named ViveNewBrunswick seemed to go at each other pretty good but nothing seemed out of line except some anonymous jerk who kept trying to make things up because he didn't want anyone to disagree with him. That would be you wouldn't it. You need to get a life.
Spinks one can read you like an open book. Have you ever thought that your IP address is displayed when you are on line. Cannot find real supporters, eh!
Sorry to say you're barking up the wrong tree with that one, my friend. I know you would like to believe everyone agrees with you, but they do not. Just like not everyone agrees with me. I accept that.
my mother is acadian charles & your right i dont fully understand what happened back in 1755?! lol!
250 years ago?! c'mon man.
sure it might be nice but as a part acadian im very proud to say that i for one am willing to let it go.
i promise i will look more deeply into my acadian half someday as i am very proud of all my acadian relatives up north shore & love that area so much when iv gone to visit.
you cant hold onto grudge's forever charles,you'll be no better then the blacks still holding slavery against whites who where not even born yet when it happened like i was saying above.
no different.
are you a racist against bernard lord?
let it go & move on. or live with hate. up to you.
The Japanese got an apology from the Government so why not the Acadians? Racist against Bernard Lord? Which rock are you coming from????
Can we stick to the issue on hand???
If you guys want to battle among each other...Please keep it in the Human Rights in Chine blog!!! It's all your down there.....merci....
You took the fun out, Charles. That is too bad.
I mean.,,,,it was getting out of control...why can't be debate the issues???? It's not a hard thing to asks is it????
Amen. Thanks Charles.
Agree too. It started with that anonymous aka Daniel fellow. Attempt was to brow beat and many reacted to that. It is good that we are moving on. We shall always remember that every action has reaction. That is the law of the physics as well as of the nature in general. Throw a pebble in a calm water you will get some waves. Throw a stone you will get waves and may be splashed on too.
No. I'll accept the first blame for getting it started and raising some points some people don't like. I won't change that because we all have a right to our opinion. Maybe we can move forward and have a good discussion and knock off the personal attacks.
As long as there is an open-mindedness it might work but when there is an utter closed-mindedness solely to win an argument then there may be a repeat of what happened before. People get fed up with pig-headedness.
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