Tuesday, September 13, 2005



Yes, when a person volunteers at the soup kitchen, you heard a lot of stories from the so call low income people.


While standing outside having a smoke, I noticed Robert walking by.

I used to lived at 114 Brunswick Street until I moved out a few weeks ago.


I heard a disgusting rumor going around so I approached Robert in front of two individuals with this question?

He appeared sober so I decided to question the poor guy.

I asked - Is it true that you have to sh@t in a bag because you’re not allowed to use the washroom?

He told me that it is indeed true but can he do? Sh#t in the middle of the street?????

Once garbage day arrives, he drops the garbage bag full of sh#t near the sidewalk.


I feel bad for the workers who have to pick this bag from the ground or the families who walks in that area on garbage day.

He used a large bottle to urinate.

It’s very very very sad!

I told the guy that I was going to write about this issue and he told me to go ahead.

I had a chat about this issue with George Piers who runs the Fredericton Soup Kitchen and he’s right on when he said - When you rent a room to someone? There are guide lines to follow such as providing the roomer or boarder with a washroom.

Charles 04_11_05 018

It’s so bad at 114 Brunswick Street that the people are force to live in unconditional atmosphere.


The fridge and stove upstairs are dirty and fitly.

The stove hasn’t been clean in years.

Take a look at the difference between the stove downstairs and upstairs.


This is the one downstairs.


Robert for an individual who has a drinking problem keeps his room very clean. < Better than mine >…lol…


Not once have I seen his room dirty but there’s a problem. Robert is force to keep his door shut and there’s no window for clean air. He pays $300.00 per month and he can't use the washroom.

There’s only a large picture window on the front. That room shouldn’t be rented in the first place.

Yes, I am glad that I am out of that place but the sad part is that he can’t complain to the Health Department, the rentalman or the police.

If he complains? The caretaker will call the Fredericton Police Force and they will tell the poor guy that he has one hour to leave the premises.


I told Bard Green of this problem 48 hours ago but nothing seem to move on the issue.


My case will be in the Human Rights Commission this week and if by chance?


They say - Sorry Charles! There’s nothing that can be done! Well? I will tell them to phone the Police immediately because they are the ones who sent me to the Commission.
Somehow or someway??? I will get to the bottom of this sad state of affair.

Charles 04_07_05 097

It’s a waste of time to go to the Department of Health.

My God? I even caught four mice in my room.


Where the problem lies is with Family Services because they get so little on welfare? They are very fortunate to have a roof over their heads. If the place is full of UFFI or condemn? They are still fortunate to live in these conditions.

Peter Kessels from the Rentalman office told me they received 4 to 6 complaints a week from roomers of boarders but nothing can be done!

I will email a letter to Elvy Robichaud and if nothing is done? I will see the minister face to face and if this doesn’t do the trick? I confront the Minister of Health and Justice on the talk shows.


The emotional question is this? If this happens here? What the hell is going on in the rest of the Province?

When I stood up in April at a Anti-Poverty meeting < FAPO > and told the 80 people present of boarders and roomers having no rights? One girl stood up and said -


What Charles is saying is true! You must listen to what he's saying!!! Many came to me face to face and told me the same sad story!

These poor individuals are not allowed to use the washroom and I might add there’s little heat in that building during the cold winter months. God help them all!!!!


Lets see if the Health Department goes there for a visit? Stay tune!

Of course this is just Charles complaining again so therefore I should be ignored at any cost. Why don't I just mind my own business????



Anonymous said...

Going to Human Rights Commission is a deadly mistake. Do you know anyone that the current HRC has helped? You went to HRC and you were out of the door from your rooming house in no time. Does that tell you something?

Anonymous said...

Charlie the pictures also tell their own story,You can clearly see that carpet could certainly use the side of the curb and note the heat vent it looks as though it too could use a flushing,Finally I thought you had to have two ways out in case of FIRE in this case that window should be able to open and close if you have a hard copies of these pictures you should take them with you and make these points.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

This will be a first for the Human Rights Commission. Lets see how long it takes to handle this case and what they do?

Have you notice that I never mentioned the Landlord name? That comes later with my case. The Government must add boarders or roomers to the rentalman act. As for the fire door? The fire marshall went in there and everything seem ok!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I just email the Health Minister so lets see what's going to happen?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is indeed a sad state of affairs when a person has to do such a thing. If you got to go you got to go!! Then again, who knows maybe he'd be actually better off living in the streets, be able to use public washroom at least!!

Good thing that you got out of there Charlie, because who knows how far it could have gone?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

to 7:54 PM

It wasn't going to the Human Rights that I had to leave. It was because I phoned the fire marshall and maybe by doing this? It maybe saved a few lives? Who knows. Right now, this has nothing to do with me! The question is- What the hell is going on around this province that we don't know of? That's the motional question????

Anonymous said...

I as a superintendent heard of this case from Charles, before being posted. He now rents from me, and is a very concerned citizen. I could not believe this story, how anybody could do this to any human citizen. I am doing my best to keep my owners building clean and safe from alcohol and drugs, and keep it clean. It's called respect for the tenants, and the owners. Charles is a good man and he should be listened to. This man should get paid for what he does. Go Charles Go!