Thursday, October 20, 2005


I wasn’t going to write about this issue but what the heck??? I can save it as a souvenir. For you newcomers? I attended this meeting.

Neil Reynolds, holder of the Irving Chair in Journalism, will deliver a public lecture on “How Journalism Can Thrive and Newspapers Prosper for Another 100 Years”.

The lecture will be held Wednesday, October 19th, in the Ted Daigle Auditorium in Edmund Casey Hall beginning at 7:00 pm.

In the 1800s, newspapers connected people through free-wheeling debate and an authentic sense of community. Mr. Reynolds will argue that now, in an impersonal era of disconnection and fragmentation, newspapers must return to the values that once before made them indispensable parts of community life.

I showed up at 7:00pm and Neil Reynolds was there.


I would say there were around 35 people present.

I noticed a few older hands and young students were in the audience.

Minutes before the lecture was set to begin, I decided to go outside for a smoke.

I heard tumbling on the ground. Walking by me were over 100 students marching into the building.

At first, I believe they were going in the Auditorium to listen to Mr.Reynolds presentation?

It sorted of reminded me of soldiers from old Germany going to listen to their leader speech!


Neil was always a good speaker. I had some dealing with this guy while he was in charge of the telegraph Journal.

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He went back in time telling the audience that journalists and editors were hated and often executed.

He continued by saying that moral conduct was very important.

Boy? I sure wish the Irvings were present to listen to his words of wisdom.


He reminded the audience that we have came a long way from the first day we chatted over the phone but it was also a sad day for journalism because the reporters are doing too much work from behind the desk.


They should go out on the streets and meet the people.

He said that guest columns are a great idea because everyone has a story to say.

I said to myself - Yeah, the Irvings don’t have to pay for a columnist.

He wasn’t too keen on bloggers because they’re not knowledgeable, he believes in true editors to spread the news.


His main point was that the newspapers are read by almost everyone so therefore they’re the ones who should be listen to?

Anyway, once he finished his little speech, he turned to the audience for questions?

Of course yours truly was in the back row and I was the first to ask a question but I made one mistake.

I didn’t mark anything down.

I asked Mr.Reynold if he recognizes me?

He didn’t but those brain cells click in once I told him my name.

He reminded the audience that he indeed remembered and he used to fix my letters to the editor all the time.

If you people believe that my grammar is terrible now???? You should have seen it years ago???

But Mr.Reynold soon found out that I wasn’t the same Charles that he met 10 years ago.

I was a very upset individual who’s fighting the Irvings.

I reminded the audience that I was a blogger and I appeared in front of the Senate on April 21st and they could read my presentation on my blog.

I also told the group that I respect J.K and Jamie Irving but J.D. Irving is turning this Province into a second old Germany by controlling the media.


I reminded the audience that it took 50 days for the Irvings to cover my protest in front of the Legislature.


Mr.Reynold intervene and wanted to know my question?

He knew that I was upset especially when I mentioned old Germany.


My main question was if he had a problem of a Billionaire controlling the media and gave orders not to print certain individual’s letters to the editor?

He didn’t really wish to answer the question and continued to the next question?

I laugh when someone mentioned if he believes in Political Cartoonists?


His answer - They are important to the papers.

Afterwards, I reminded the speaker that I remembered when he got fired from the telegraph Journal and days later Josh Beutel < my hero cartoonist > was hired.

When Neil was re-hired? Josh was let go. This all happen on two different occasions.

The word was he dislike political cartoonists.

Every instance that someone tried to get a answer from the speaker on the Irvings?

He quickly compared jumped to other owners of the newspapers.

He said that he respects J.K. and Jamie.

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He did mentioned J.D. but I couldn’t stop myself by voicing my disapproval.

I wasn’t a happy camper.

It had nothing to do with Mr.Reynold.

It’s just he’s paid by the Irvings to speak to the students for a six weeks period and I don’t agree with this.

At one point I said - Any Editor who’s fired will have to leave the province to work in his trade.

He quickly reminded me that I won’t have to worry about that.

I was going to fight back but I let it go.

It was so bad that on one point Phillipe Lee stood up and pleaded with me to respect the room.

You see, it’s very difficult to listen to a man and you know that it’s the Irvings who sent him here from Vancouver.

Afterwards, being the nice guy that I am!


I went and apologizes to Mr.Reynold for my actions but I told him that it’s a total different ballgame than 10 years ago.

The Irvings are totally out of control.

I chatted with him for a few minutes and someone droved me home.

I guess that he’s here for 6 weeks to teach the students at Saint Thomas.

I reminded Mr.Reynold that he should consider himself lucky that I’m not one of his students?

I was going to take a course in journalism a few months back but backed off once I found out that that Irvings donated one million dollar to train these future journalists.


You know brainwash them that the Irvings are great!


Here in New Brunswick? We are in an awful situation and lets see what the Senate will say once their final report comes out in a few weeks?


I predict that nothing will be done of the way the Irvngs are detracting what issue New Brunswickers will know about.

Take a look at the Moncton Transcript?

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They will crucify in their editorial anyone who dares to run for political office who didn’t give their live and soul to the Evil Irving Empire.

But at the end, it was nice to see Neil Reynold again.


He is truly a nice guy but it’s not my fault that he happen to be at the other end of the room defending the Irvings.



Anonymous said...

Good post, it's good to find that sort of info. Sometimes I wish you'd just drop the Germany line as it just alienates many readers. Irving propaganda is Irving propaganda, it doesn't need the sensitive subject of Germany to be discussed and attract attention.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I know but that exactly what I told the Senate....we;re such a small province and having Billionaires firing editors who are force to leave the province and to deny certain individuals from writing letters to the paper? Well? I got a problem with that line of dictatorship! Yes,,,some readers will be upset with me but it's true!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I told you to stop using the Germany and Hitler reference.
Stop it Little Irving!
And stop deleating posts too.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

lol....I would love to know how this person ended up on list list??? irvings newspapers don't go


I live in Dubai and have never been to New Brunswick. After receiving 3-4 messages a day for the last several months, I am tired of it. I don't understand your comments and know nothing about your politics. So please remove me from your mailing list.


Anonymous said...

New Brunswick is NOTHING like Germany under Hitler. Hitler dissolved parliament and the government took over all industry and media and began propagandizing. In New Brunswick Lord has not dissolved parliament,not started racist attacks on groups of people and have not taken over any industries. It is completely different. Irving is a private company, like all private companies it is a dictatorship and can do what it wants. ALL private companies are dictatorships whether they are Irving or the corner store owner.

Irving, as well as other multinationals obviously have more clout than that store owner, but that has nothing to do with Germany, where government controlled industry.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

J.D. Irving is telling the editors what stories they will do and stories they will ignored. The Irvings are denying certain individuals freedom to write letters to the ditor. Go read the senate transcript on the front blog. The Irvings do not execute people but they are forcing many of them to leave this province. Yes, it sort of remind me of old Germany!

Anonymous said...

Get your facts straight. St. Thomas University is completely independent of the Irvings. The Irvings made a donation, and the STU people spend it as they see fit. It's a lie to say the Irvings sent Neil Reynolds to STU, or to say that the Irvings are educating STU students.

Given a choice between trusting the credibility of Neil Reynolds or Phillip Lee versus Charles LeBlanc, I will choose Lee or Reynolds every time. From them you get integrity and balance.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I'm glad that you would choose them two but Saint Thomas should have never accepted one million dollar from the Irvings to train their future employees....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said ??
but that has nothing to do with Germany, where government controlled industry.

the Government controlled People?

big Industry controlled the Gov.

just look at u-tubs oh Canada moved

no ! but people learn a lot from old Germany about Controlled,???

Controlled,in New Brunswick is Irving propaganda is Irving propaganda, if there was no Irving

there be no N.B. because there be
no industry.there be no one rapeing the land to tell u people that you be ok. we let u know what we wist????