As usual my Priest picked me up for church.
I love listening to this man speak the word of the Lord.
I have known him for 40 years and I know the sad day will arrive that he’ll no longer be doing this line of work. I pray every day that this will never happen!!!

So therefore I’m taking advantage of the situation in hand but this morning I got carried away.
During my protest, Father Brien would let me use his computer in his office between messes. He was the main force of my battle against the use of Ritalin.

For you long time readers? You remember how I used to write a daily update about my protest.
These last 10 months its been bloggling!!!
Ok….getting away from the story in hand.
He had a messe at 10:00am and quickly ran with his guitar to the French school for Sunday school.

He left the church at 10:55am and chatted with the kids in two different classes.
Then at 11:50am he ran to the church for the noon messe.
I always said that this priest has ADHD big times.
He’s full of energy and he used it well.
Last year, I decided to follow the Priest to Sunday school.
My God? My brain cells went back in time.
You can read more at target="_blank">Charles
Anyway, after 10:am service, I would help him by carrying his guitar to the Sunday School classes.
I would sit in the back and listen.
Afterwards, I would carry the guitar to his vehicle and shake his hand goodbye.

I hope he had a good week. Trust me, the life of a Priest isn’t an easy one.
I learned a lot during these last few years.
This morning, it wasn’t raining so I didn’t bother bringing an umbrella with me.
After the messe was over we ran over the French school for Sunday School.
The Catholic Church has many volunteers who give their time to teach the children of the Catholic Religion.

I might add that they do a fine job.
But this morning was a little different.
We walked in the room and there was this woman preaching to around 30 kids.
We will call her -333!!!

In past practice the volunteers would stop talking and quickly turn the audience to the Priest.

But not this morning!!!
333 was walking around and preaching.
She made certain that she had the attention of the whole room.

Man was she ever good!!!!
I noticed that she even had the attention of Father Brien.
If 333 believe that a child wasn’t paying attention she would confront the individual head on!!!
I stood up and whispered in the Priest ear - And they don’t wish to ordain women in the Priesthood????
He smiled…lol….but seriously just for this time only. I wish the woman would have continued because she had my attention.
I confronted her afterwards and I was told she was a teacher.
I asked her how many kids in her class were on Ritalin.

Yes….even in Sunday School I’ll bring the issue of Ritalin…lol…no peace…
There’s no escape!!!..lol….
She didn’t really answer my question but she did tell me that she never had a problem with kids with ADHD!
I truly believe her because she had my attention 100%!!!
She was so good that I almost stayed behind and leave the priest alone.
Afterwards, it was still raining hard so I again went to a Messe in church!
Two Messes Services in one day????

The end of the world is near. I got carried away I guess????...lol
But seriously????
Should the Catholic religion allow women in the Priesthood???

After my little experience this morning? I say a big- OUI!!!!!
What’s your view on this issue????
Yes women should be allowed into priesthood. Also lets go back in time the priests, bishops amd popes were once married. Priest are human and they are not God so man made rules to not marry was wrong go back to marrying if they want too. I still can't say same sex people is marriage maybe call it union. Look I am just stating how I feel but with time I can change too. I just don't want to call it marriage. But to the question yes some women or men should become piests. Like all jobs back ground checks should be done for people who have another agenda in mind. By the way I am Catholic but only I have made my own adjustments because like I said before no priest,minister, Bishop Pope, Rabbi and any other religion should have free control on another person. Bring back prayers in school everyone can say their own prayer or moment of silence that would be a good thing. We have lost the community spirit too. Just go to another country and they don't change anything for us.
OUI.....YES...OUI..YES.....Don't you realize we all age even Priests and ministers of all "Faith"........the time has come to ordain woman to carry the torch as we are all aging as time goes on and their are very few young men entering the priest hood or the ministry now.....Have you also noticed how attendance is falling off and a lot of Churches are having to down size and some are closing after years in service.....
I say No to the ordination of woman. I am also a Catholic and do not believe that it is the place for women to be in. I remember going to a Good Friday' service a few years ago and it was not the priest doing the service but lay people and it was a women directing the service. I have never been so disappointed in all my life. It was just not the same.
How many of the apostels that God had with him women? I know some women might be good at talking like the teacher you met yesterday but not all women are like that.
Man tries to change the way the church operates but I do not believe you will see that ordaining women will come soon.
Glad to hear that you have not lost your faith Charles and that you are still going to Church.
Too bad you were disappointed but I still stand women should be able and like men some types of people should have a back ground check because they do have profound effects on people lives. There are just people like any other and they make mistakes and need to have rules too. Also they were all married before priests, bishops and popes so if they want to marry allow that.
Not many pictures were taken back then and who knows if in some pictures if it is a woman or man. Man has made up rules all along to throw us off balance.
Yes, I think that women should be allowed to become priests. I most of the religions women do the 90% or more of the teaching or preaching to our children. When women start bible studies they have large numbers when men do the same thing so few turn out that it's discouraging for the person who takes time out of there schedule. Children are brought up with women teaching scripture. It is when they become teenagers that they are told that women can't preach because men do it best and that it's always been this way. That is an old way of thinking and it is most of the elderly congregation (mostly men) think this way.
If people leave a parish because of this they really need to rethink their Religious and Christian views. I'm sure that we were all taught to love one another and that we are all (men and women) made in gods image. This is in the bible!!
Catholics need to look at the Anglican Church, women have become priests and at first they were not welcome. They are now accepted and welcomed and people don't even think about it, even some the stubborn thinkers.
Priests should also be allowed to marry, when a young married couple is sturggling the best way to give advice is to live through similar situations. If all other religions can do this than why not Catholics, it seems to be working. The church is struggling to find new priests. No disrespect, but if old men in the Vatican changed there views on this than I'm sure that the decline in young men entering into the priesthood would be solved.
For the record I'm a Christian man.
I definately agree with women being ordained. There is no where in the bible that says that women cannot be priests. It was a different time in bible times. A time in which men ruled well times have changed and therefore so should we. I am actually quite shocked at the amount of people that are so against it. It makes me sick and i think that it is sad that even now in 2005 we cannot accept equal rights cause thats all it really is an issue of. I am not a Catholic but yes I am a Christian and i am proud to say that my denomination allows us to be taught to by women because as charles says they can give just as beautiful lesson as any man.
7:07am - why the personal attacks against jwcmq? You disagree with him/her, that's fine, but there's no need to get personally nasty.
Spinks, I generally am content to "just disagree" with someone rather than attack. However, when someone advocates discrimination (or worse), the gloves come off, justly. jwmcq advocates discrimination against women. I oppose it, on principle. He/she suggests good reasons, but all she/he has to offer is "a few women" in one unnamed parish, who supposedly alienated the priest and the parishioners. The line of "reasoning" is not only ignorant, it's disingenuous.
My grandfather would cite one bad experience with a black man as "proof" that whites were superior. Many people use an anecdote or two to justify prejudice and discrimination. Their thinking and their tactics are repugnant, and deserving of attack.
Tolerance does not require that we tolerate advocacy of discrimination. In an unequal world, those of us who advocate genuine equality have a responsibility to step forward when it's attacked. So, hhen I hear people people justify prejudice or discrimination, I don't tolerate it.
Depends. I don't see JWCMQ's comments as discrimination. This is a familiar discussion which is very sensitive in many churches not only the Catholic. There's pretty good arguments on both sides. Some which suggests women shouldn't have leadership over the church are in fact biblical in nature. The reason is because God saw different roles for men and women. In the Book of Judges, Deborah was given a leadership role which advocates for women in leadership roles often point to. But this was also during a time where the men had turned their back on God so badly that God chose a woman to have dominion over them somehwat as a form of punishment.
With that being said, I don't a have a big problem with women in church leadership roles but I understand the sensitivity of the issue and I would never call someone "intolerant" for not accepting it outright. It's much better to listen to their concerns and then explain your point of view and reach a consensus instead. Writing somebody off is easier but it really isn't going to bring them around.
Well if we can accept people who come to our country and want us to be neutral on everything, like praying in school, they crossed the line . We could of kept a moment of silence or meditated while others could of said a prayer if they wanted too. A general spiritual or community moment of silence is not too much to have. Removing statues that represent religion in public offices. We can't even hug a child when they need reasurrance.
Please women won't destroy anything we all together have done that. Go to to other countries and you won't change a thing.
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