When you enjoy your nice turkey today? Think about these people. I don't have to say much in this blog. The pictures tells the whole story. Just like the first photo- The rich on the left in their condos and the poor on the right in their small little rooms!
Think about it!!! Have a good day!!!!
I believe the point is that we should look down on those who are well off just because they're well off. Should the people in the condos who work hard and pay taxes give up their houses to those who smoke and booze it up with little care for themselves let alone their fellow man. Just because you're well off that doesn't make you good or bad and just because you're poor that doesn't make you good or bad. You can be a jerk if you're rich or a jerk if you're poor. You can be nice if you're rich and you can be nice if you're poor.
I don’t think it is rich people that are living on the left. There probably middle classes people. Rich people live in big fancy houses not apartments. Also I do not think that those people that are living on the left were able to afford living there by staying home and sleep until noon then watch Jerry Springer or Oprah, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, get drunk or by playing VLTs and what ever the pore people do. Some have no choice. Because of health problem they can not work.(Charles isn’t in this category)He is fully capable of working. I just think the only way he could keep a job is if he was a mute. I don’t think that the pore people have it that bad because if they did they would get off there lazy butt and go find a job. Take Charles for instance. He has a roof over his head, has cable TV, a computer, internet, smokes cigarettes and get free food at the soup kitchen and spends most of his time taking pictures of himself with his digital camera. It looks he is doing ok. To bad we have to pay tax to pay for his lifestyle. thank you for your support
Self centredness says it all, if you're rich, that's the ultimate self centredness. You think people with money don't smoke or drink? Duh.
The point is that people are worse off, and SOME people work their asses off to help those who are worse off. If you think poverty is due to a personality flaw you are really STUPID. Nobody is talking about 'nice' or being a 'jerk', who the hell cares if you are nice or a jerk. The point is if you are poor or rich, end of story. You think people badmouth the Irvings because they think they are jerks or nice guys? Who the f*&^ cares about personalities. You think Jesus went around saying "ok, you're a shithead so god doesn't love you" There's a reason Jesus only hung around with whores, lepers and fishermen, and had no time for the middle class, he knew what selfish co*&suckers they were, and how they thought they were gods gift to the world and how they thought that the poor were diseased and worthless. If you aren't going to help, at least have the decency not to badmouth those who are trying.
New Brunswickers are ALL deadbeats. We in Ontario and Alberta pay the federal tax that pays for maritimers. Half the money the New Brunswick government spends comes from us and New Brunswickers don't even have the decency to say thanks. Get your province off the dole and pay for your own social programs like the rest of the country you freeloaders!
Yeah sure, $350 a month is all that anybody needs. Here's a thought, why don't we make it so EVERYBODY lives on $350 a month! I've got news for you, the people who do the least work in this world make the most money.
Hey, if you've got a job then YOU should be the one in the army, fighting for the country that at least took care of you-educated you (at least trained you, clearly you are not 'educated'), and got you a job. Who got you your job, mommy or daddy? What's your job? Construction? Cabbie? You don't think there's a dozen guys just like you who can do it better? You're working because you have the connections, and in a province where there are few jobs, the ones working are the ones with connections. Go ask any teacher or worker in a liquor store. Liquor store workers make pretty good money-you think it takes a special skill to stack booze on a shelf? So you were lucky enough to be born in the right family or kiss up to the right boss, that's fine for you, but at least be decent enough to shut the hell up when it comes to those who don't have the connections. It's YOU who should be dying for the country, a guy getting $350 a month from Ontario and Alberta taxpayers makes just enough to keep the United Nations from censuring Canada for human rights abuses, since otherwise people would be freezing to death in the streets.
Ok 12:01 Let see I should be in the army....hmmmm. No I did something with my life. My country did take care of me. Canada is a great place to live. It educated me and gave me a opportunity to make something out of my life instead of doing like you. You stay home and scratch your butt then pick your nose with the same finger and wonder what smells funny. You think we should be having pity for you because your too lazy to get up in the morning and go to work for a living. I went to school and graduated from high school. Then worked 2 jobs every summer to help pay for me to go to college. When a lot of my friends were getting drunk and stoned I was working and going to school and college. After I graduated from college I had to work like hell to finish paying for my college and get on the job experience. I now own my own business and have 9 employees. I didn’t get to have my own business by staying home sniffing paint fumes like you. I never had anyone give me any hand outs. My parents both died before I finished college so no they could not afford to help pay for my education. They also did not find me any jobs. The contacts I made were people I went to college or worked with. You were getting stoned and drunk and frying your brain cells. when I was getting educated and learning a trade. I am contributing to the economy by working hard and employing people. Yes my business is in construction. And yes you need a education to work for me as a tradesman. I had one guy working as a laborer for me and he decided to go to college at 30 years old. Well 3 years later he now makes $27 per hours. and is a good employee. He wanted to better himself and he did. It is never too late to do something with your life.
I now have a nice home and family. It did not happen by staying home and sleeping most of the time and frying my brain like you do. Yes all you lazy welfare bums that have no excuse for not working should be put in the army. They would get that lazy attitude out of you. Why should we have to pay higher tax to support all you lazy drug addicts and alcoholics? You are dam lucky to live in a country that will give you $350 a month, pay your prescription drugs, eye glasses give you free food. We have to pay $70 a month to have a medical plan and you bums get it for free. The welfare system should force you welfare bums to apply for work every week and if you don’t they should cut you off. I’m not knocking you people that cant work for health reason. I’m knocking those lazy bums that should be up in the morning and working for a living or applying for jobs.
You're knocking on phantoms. The VAST majority of people on welfare can't work because of health problems or because they are single parents, THAT"S reality-look it up since you seem to be sooo busy making money that you've got tons of time to spend deriding the poor. You are creating straw men so you can feel superior by looking down on other people. You want a prize because you got all the advantages? You know nothing about the lives of those other people and what they did in University, and you know nothing about the people you so deride. So I'd have to argue the point about having a 'nice' family, I have nothing but pity for children and a woman who have to grow up in such a cold house. Of course it is people like you who keep people poor, if they ever got together and created a co-op and began competing with you you'd be screaming for the government to get involved. Owning a business simply means taking the money from work performed by others, you're so 'busy' you've got lots of time to voice your misguided opinions on websites. A nice house in the city of your choice and you still gripe about paying a pittance into the social system that raised you. Nice way to bite the hand that feeds you, try doing some research about the issues before you shoot your mouth off. But then I suppose you simply blame the single woman with the kids, she just must be some slut right?
I have raised a kid all by myself and I worked. I had a job! You know a J-O-B I wasn’t going to lower myself by living on welfare when I was capable to go work. My son grew up to have a nice home and family. I could have stayed home and do it the lazy way by living on welfare but I had way too much self respect for that. I could have stayed home and got $800 a month welfare and $200 for child tax credit plus all my prescription paid plus other benefits but I went out and busted my ass. You say that most people that are on welfare are on can't work because of health problems or because they are single parents BULL! I know many people that are on welfare and most of them DO NOT have health problems.All they do is complain that life sucks! Being a single mother is not a excuse for being on welfare. I know a lot of single parents that are working for a living. Most of them work. So go watch Oprah or another world and stop trying to prove to yourself that your not lazy. You rely on other peoples tax dollars to buy your dope or booz. So shut up Crack head!
Me? Shut up? Not in this life. THis ain't the Irving News where business and upscale folk can talk about how grand life is and ignore the poor. I suppose you're used to your employees and kids and wife listening to every word you say like you're the second coming, but here you're just another *&^% with a chip on their shoulder. Go do some research, how many people you know? A hundred? A thousand? Welfare rates and benefits plummeted in the past eight years, go look at statistics canada. Like most business people who can't read anything but numbers, you think that the whole world is a reflection of your few feeble experiences.
Who do you think takes care of a kid when the mothers working? Santa Claus? You'd be the first one deriding such a mother the minute something happened to that kid because she left them alone.
Maybe you should have taken that welfare so you'd have some respect for the society you live in and learn some humility and not turn into such a greed-head. You think working two jobs makes you the messiah? Most people on welfare work that as well, in case you didn't know, welfare ISN"T a long term strategy for the majority of people, it's a last ditch choice. It provides them with income BETWEEN jobs, but I suppose you don't know what that means. Many work other jobs as well, but of course they don't advertise it because it's done under the table. However, they know how to keep their mouth shut, something you never learned. This also does not include natives,who face racist supervisors at the best of times. And the longer you are on welfare of course the less likely you are to find work. That's because there's already a line up in front of you for every job posted.
If your on welfare then of course you talk about how life sucks. You'll never be able to afford the good things in life, and life becomes non stop penny pinching. In short, it SUCKS. People talk about how they 'sit around', which is interesting, because if you are saying that, YOU must be sitting around watching them in order to know that. Since you are posting to this several times a day I'm assuming you are either the worst business man I've ever met, or a complete greed head who doesn't have to work because their employees do it for them.
And that doesn't even touch the basic inequalities of wealth in our society. The top 10% wage earners saved far more on Martin's tax cuts than did the rest of canadians, there were special tax cuts just for capital gains, and huge increases in RRSP maximum contributions (which poor people can only dream of).
Not only that, but welfare is pretty much simply subsidized housing for the rich. The vast majority of money that goes to the recipient ends up in the hands of their landlord. It is impossible, of course, for welfare recipients to ever have a home, and just go look at the thread on 114 Brunswick Street to see how it works. Not only that, but with increased energy costs, and inflation, a person on welfare has no money to save for an education, and certainly none for any kind of extravagances. Much of this ends up back in the governments hands since we are one of the highest taxed people on earth (although Lord has been extra nice to businesses).
To sum up, that welfare recipient has maybe $100 dollars a month so long as they only eat at the soup kitchen and wear discarded clothes. As somebody else posted, NB gets half its money from the federal government (but I don't see you thanking them), which means only $50 comes from New Brunswickers. Since there are 400,000 taxpaying NB'ers, that's way less than one cent for each person on welfare. Man, you give "Grinch" a whole new meaning.
Jesus' beautitudes, rewritten by the Chamber of Commerce:
Blessed are you who lobby for a flat tax, you will recieve lower federal tax rates;
Blessed are you who struggle against employment premiums, you shall find cheap labour;
Blessed are you who suffer inflationary capital costs, for you will recieve tax credits;
Blessed are you who suffer the barbs, slings and arrows of the poor, you will be held up as pillars of your community;
Blessed are you who file tax quarterly, you will recieve benefits far out of proportion to your labour;
Blessed are those who suffer the expense of human resources, you will recieve the lion's share of their income;
Blessed are you who have earned income, for you will always find a politician to buy, and friendly zoning permits.
The REAL version:
"woe to you rich, for your consolation is now,woe to you who are full, you shall go hungry"
"how easier it is for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
Keep in mind a person in the middle class has far more wealth than the richest of those in Jesus day. But of course you don't see too many crucifixes hanging next to cash registers.
I believe the point is that we should look down on those who are well off just because they're well off. Should the people in the condos who work hard and pay taxes give up their houses to those who smoke and booze it up with little care for themselves let alone their fellow man. Just because you're well off that doesn't make you good or bad and just because you're poor that doesn't make you good or bad. You can be a jerk if you're rich or a jerk if you're poor. You can be nice if you're rich and you can be nice if you're poor.
Good one.
Does Mr. Leblanc needs to put his picture everywhere. Is that not self-centeredness.
There is a need for a better site to discuss the issues of NB than this one.
If that's the way you feel JackBall, why don't you start one so we all can see it. C'mon impress the hell out of us.
Agreed with last poster. Don't slam this site. This is what it is, no more or no less.
I don’t think it is rich people that are living on the left.
There probably middle classes people.
Rich people live in big fancy houses not apartments.
Also I do not think that those people that are living on the left were able to afford living there by staying home and sleep until noon then watch Jerry Springer or Oprah, smoke cigarettes, do drugs, get drunk or by playing VLTs and what ever the pore people do.
Some have no choice. Because of health problem they can not work.(Charles isn’t in this category)He is fully capable of working. I just think the only way he could keep a job is if he was a mute.
I don’t think that the pore people have it that bad because if they did they would get off there lazy butt and go find a job.
Take Charles for instance. He has a roof over his head, has cable TV, a computer, internet, smokes cigarettes and get free food at the soup kitchen and spends most of his time taking pictures of himself with his digital camera.
It looks he is doing ok.
To bad we have to pay tax to pay for his lifestyle.
thank you for your support
Self centredness says it all, if you're rich, that's the ultimate self centredness. You think people with money don't smoke or drink? Duh.
The point is that people are worse off, and SOME people work their asses off to help those who are worse off. If you think poverty is due to a personality flaw you are really STUPID. Nobody is talking about 'nice' or being a 'jerk', who the hell cares if you are nice or a jerk. The point is if you are poor or rich, end of story. You think people badmouth the Irvings because they think they are jerks or nice guys? Who the f*&^ cares about personalities. You think Jesus went around saying "ok, you're a shithead so god doesn't love you" There's a reason Jesus only hung around with whores, lepers and fishermen, and had no time for the middle class, he knew what selfish co*&suckers they were, and how they thought they were gods gift to the world and how they thought that the poor were diseased and worthless. If you aren't going to help, at least have the decency not to badmouth those who are trying.
New Brunswickers are ALL deadbeats. We in Ontario and Alberta pay the federal tax that pays for maritimers. Half the money the New Brunswick government spends comes from us and New Brunswickers don't even have the decency to say thanks. Get your province off the dole and pay for your own social programs like the rest of the country you freeloaders!
Yeah sure, $350 a month is all that anybody needs. Here's a thought, why don't we make it so EVERYBODY lives on $350 a month! I've got news for you, the people who do the least work in this world make the most money.
Hey, if you've got a job then YOU should be the one in the army, fighting for the country that at least took care of you-educated you (at least trained you, clearly you are not 'educated'), and got you a job. Who got you your job, mommy or daddy? What's your job? Construction? Cabbie? You don't think there's a dozen guys just like you who can do it better? You're working because you have the connections, and in a province where there are few jobs, the ones working are the ones with connections. Go ask any teacher or worker in a liquor store. Liquor store workers make pretty good money-you think it takes a special skill to stack booze on a shelf? So you were lucky enough to be born in the right family or kiss up to the right boss, that's fine for you, but at least be decent enough to shut the hell up when it comes to those who don't have the connections. It's YOU who should be dying for the country, a guy getting $350 a month from Ontario and Alberta taxpayers makes just enough to keep the United Nations from censuring Canada for human rights abuses, since otherwise people would be freezing to death in the streets.
Ok 12:01 Let see
I should be in the army....hmmmm.
No I did something with my life.
My country did take care of me. Canada is a great place to live. It educated me and gave me a opportunity to make something out of my life instead of doing like you. You stay home and scratch your butt then pick your nose with the same finger and wonder what smells funny. You think we should be having pity for you because your too lazy to get up in the morning and go to work for a living.
I went to school and graduated from high school.
Then worked 2 jobs every summer to help pay for me to go to college.
When a lot of my friends were getting drunk and stoned I was working and going to school and college. After I graduated from college I had to work like hell to finish paying for my college and get on the job experience.
I now own my own business and have 9 employees.
I didn’t get to have my own business by staying home sniffing paint fumes like you.
I never had anyone give me any hand outs. My parents both died before I finished college so no they could not afford to help pay for my education. They also did not find me any jobs. The contacts I made were people I went to college or worked with.
You were getting stoned and drunk and frying your brain cells. when I was getting educated and learning a trade.
I am contributing to the economy by working hard and employing people.
Yes my business is in construction.
And yes you need a education to work for me as a tradesman.
I had one guy working as a laborer for me and he decided to go to college at 30 years old. Well 3 years later he now makes $27 per hours. and is a good employee. He wanted to better himself and he did. It is never too late to do something with your life.
I now have a nice home and family. It did not happen by staying home and sleeping most of the time and frying my brain like you do.
Yes all you lazy welfare bums that have no excuse for not working should be put in the army. They would get that lazy attitude out of you.
Why should we have to pay higher tax to support all you lazy drug addicts and alcoholics?
You are dam lucky to live in a country that will give you $350 a month, pay your prescription drugs, eye glasses give you free food.
We have to pay $70 a month to have a medical plan and you bums get it for free.
The welfare system should force you welfare bums to apply for work every week and if you don’t they should cut you off.
I’m not knocking you people that cant work for health reason.
I’m knocking those lazy bums that should be up in the morning and working for a living or applying for jobs.
Not only these bums do not work they also want to tear the society apart. Their misery is everybody else's fault.
You're knocking on phantoms. The VAST majority of people on welfare can't work because of health problems or because they are single parents, THAT"S reality-look it up since you seem to be sooo busy making money that you've got tons of time to spend deriding the poor. You are creating straw men so you can feel superior by looking down on other people. You want a prize because you got all the advantages? You know nothing about the lives of those other people and what they did in University, and you know nothing about the people you so deride. So I'd have to argue the point about having a 'nice' family, I have nothing but pity for children and a woman who have to grow up in such a cold house. Of course it is people like you who keep people poor, if they ever got together and created a co-op and began competing with you you'd be screaming for the government to get involved. Owning a business simply means taking the money from work performed by others, you're so 'busy' you've got lots of time to voice your misguided opinions on websites. A nice house in the city of your choice and you still gripe about paying a pittance into the social system that raised you. Nice way to bite the hand that feeds you, try doing some research about the issues before you shoot your mouth off. But then I suppose you simply blame the single woman with the kids, she just must be some slut right?
I have raised a kid all by myself and I worked. I had a job! You know a J-O-B
I wasn’t going to lower myself by living on welfare when I was capable to go work.
My son grew up to have a nice home and family.
I could have stayed home and do it the lazy way by living on welfare but I had way too much self respect for that.
I could have stayed home and got $800 a month welfare and $200 for child tax credit plus all my prescription paid plus other benefits but I went out and busted my ass.
You say that most people that are on welfare are on can't work because of health problems or because they are single parents
I know many people that are on welfare and most of them DO NOT have health problems.All they do is complain that life sucks!
Being a single mother is not a excuse for being on welfare.
I know a lot of single parents that are working for a living.
Most of them work.
So go watch Oprah or another world and stop trying to prove to yourself that your not lazy.
You rely on other peoples tax dollars to buy your dope or booz.
So shut up Crack head!
Me? Shut up? Not in this life. THis ain't the Irving News where business and upscale folk can talk about how grand life is and ignore the poor. I suppose you're used to your employees and kids and wife listening to every word you say like you're the second coming, but here you're just another *&^% with a chip on their shoulder.
Go do some research, how many people you know? A hundred? A thousand? Welfare rates and benefits plummeted in the past eight years, go look at statistics canada. Like most business people who can't read anything but numbers, you think that the whole world is a reflection of your few feeble experiences.
Who do you think takes care of a kid when the mothers working? Santa Claus? You'd be the first one deriding such a mother the minute something happened to that kid because she left them alone.
Maybe you should have taken that welfare so you'd have some respect for the society you live in and learn some humility and not turn into such a greed-head. You think working two jobs makes you the messiah? Most people on welfare work that as well, in case you didn't know, welfare ISN"T a long term strategy for the majority of people, it's a last ditch choice. It provides them with income BETWEEN jobs, but I suppose you don't know what that means. Many work other jobs as well, but of course they don't advertise it because it's done under the table. However, they know how to keep their mouth shut, something you never learned. This also does not include natives,who face racist supervisors at the best of times. And the longer you are on welfare of course the less likely you are to find work. That's because there's already a line up in front of you for every job posted.
If your on welfare then of course you talk about how life sucks. You'll never be able to afford the good things in life, and life becomes non stop penny pinching. In short, it SUCKS. People talk about how they 'sit around', which is interesting, because if you are saying that, YOU must be sitting around watching them in order to know that. Since you are posting to this several times a day I'm assuming you are either the worst business man I've ever met, or a complete greed head who doesn't have to work because their employees do it for them.
And that doesn't even touch the basic inequalities of wealth in our society. The top 10% wage earners saved far more on Martin's tax cuts than did the rest of canadians, there were special tax cuts just for capital gains, and huge increases in RRSP maximum contributions (which poor people can only dream of).
Not only that, but welfare is pretty much simply subsidized housing for the rich. The vast majority of money that goes to the recipient ends up in the hands of their landlord. It is impossible, of course, for welfare recipients to ever have a home, and just go look at the thread on 114 Brunswick Street to see how it works. Not only that, but with increased energy costs, and inflation, a person on welfare has no money to save for an education, and certainly none for any kind of extravagances. Much of this ends up back in the governments hands since we are one of the highest taxed people on earth (although Lord has been extra nice to businesses).
To sum up, that welfare recipient has maybe $100 dollars a month so long as they only eat at the soup kitchen and wear discarded clothes. As somebody else posted, NB gets half its money from the federal government (but I don't see you thanking them), which means only $50 comes from New Brunswickers. Since there are 400,000 taxpaying NB'ers, that's way less than one cent for each person on welfare. Man, you give "Grinch" a whole new meaning.
Jesus' beautitudes, rewritten by the Chamber of Commerce:
Blessed are you who lobby for a flat tax, you will recieve lower federal tax rates;
Blessed are you who struggle against employment premiums, you shall find cheap labour;
Blessed are you who suffer inflationary capital costs, for you will recieve tax credits;
Blessed are you who suffer the barbs, slings and arrows of the poor, you will be held up as pillars of your community;
Blessed are you who file tax quarterly, you will recieve benefits far out of proportion to your labour;
Blessed are those who suffer the expense of human resources, you will recieve the lion's share of their income;
Blessed are you who have earned income, for you will always find a politician to buy, and friendly zoning permits.
The REAL version:
"woe to you rich, for your consolation is now,woe to you who are full, you shall go hungry"
"how easier it is for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
Keep in mind a person in the middle class has far more wealth than the richest of those in Jesus day. But of course you don't see too many crucifixes hanging next to cash registers.
This sounds like discussion between Vive and Spinks. Stinking Spinks is back.
don't look like spinks style to me unless he's adopted nasty ways. charles, has spinks been in contact with you. where is that guy. is he back.
Re: 3:33
Oh great!
Now we have a preacher here.
Thats all that was missing.
Go play with the alterboys!
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