Saturday, December 10, 2005


There’s no way in the world that I was going to blog this but I find the story funny!


I don’t blog everything that goes on in the Capital but this one is a classic.

This afternoon, I made a stopover at the Centennial Building and a bureaucrat offered me two nice chocolate candies.

I quickly replied – You wish me to be in trouble??? I got to go at the Legislature. …lol…

Once outside of the evil bureaucrat building I walked across the street and walked through the parking lot.

From far away, I noticed three individual walking on the other side heading towards me.

The three guys were - Jody Carr, his twin brother Jack and the newly appointed Minster - Trevor Holder.

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Charles 04_07_05 057

I have been waiting to chat with Trevor on the issue of boarders and roomers rights.

If this bill is defeated because of the MLA from Saint John?

Well? I wish to know why?

I might add that I would be his worse enemy in Saint John.

I guess they also noticed me from far away because the two MLA’s quickly went for their cell phone.

Lately, this is a new style in the Capital?

You see Charles coming?

Go for your cell phone and keep on walking….lol…

I shouted from far away to Trevor to leave Dr. Doherty bill alone!!!

They never said a work but someone did say that they were in a hurry!

Hey? If they’re busy? They’re busy!!!

I continued my trek towards the Legislature.

You’ll never guess who came from behind the building?

The Premier himself! I haven't seen him in person for months and I might add that he must have heard of my blog?


This is the second time I bumped into Bernard Lord during the last 48 hours.

It’s the same reaction.

He looks around and if he sees me? His eyes and head turns back towards me.

You know? Just like as a deer starring into a flashlight.


It’s funny!

The last time he told me that he was in a hurry but not this time!

I had him cornered with a worker beside him.

I told him that I wanted to chat with him for a minute.

He quickly answered - For what? So you can put it in your blog??? ….lol..

The Premier always had a sense of humor with me!…

At least he knows I have a blog….lol…

I won’t tell the readers what my issue was because it’s a very emotional one.

I might blog the issue in a few weeks. < I hope that I don’t have too!!! >

I know for a fact that once I got the Premier in front of my face?

I got to move fast before someone tells him to move on.

I know the worker standing beside Bernard Lord and he never said a word.

So therefore I began to explain my emotional issue to the Premier.

Everything was going fine until the van with the three amigos stopped by < Jody, Jack and Trevor >

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Charles 04_07_05 057

I believed these guys were in a hurry? I was surprised to see them stopped on the busy street.

Picture 017

They told the Premier they wanted Bernard Lord to hoped in the Van so they can go at Wendy’s!!!

It was funny but if they knew what we were talking about? They would have kept on riding.

Bernard didn’t walked away and he had to go around the van on the busy St-John Street.

I continued my story in French until he was ready to go into the Van.

I knew the security Staff was watching closely through the camera on top of the Centennial Building and it made me feel uncomfortable.

Picture 018

The place to stop a Van was in the wrong place so there were a lot of excitement.

I knew that I shouldn’t have took those chocolate candies. Too much actions in such a little period of time.

Picture 016

I began to walk across the street until Bernard Lord quickly shouted-


I came to a complete halt and inches from me was a vehicle!

Thank God for Bernard Lord!!!

My God! I could have gotten my leg broken or worst yet? Killed??

So? Maybe the Premier saved my life???

I’m in debt to him I guess???….

The Irvings wouldn’t be so happy with the sudden heroic action by the Premier?

Can you imagine me with a broken leg??? Scares me just thinking about it!!!

Many will say that I’m making up these stories?

It was snowing and you never know what could have happen?

This is week one of the session and I wonder what else is going to happen during the next two weeks???

There’s always some actions in front of the Legislature! Stay tune!!!

Sh@t!!! I never had a chance to have my picture taken with the Premier! Maybe next time???

Charles 04_07_05 071


Anonymous said...

What is so heroic. Anyone would have said it. Not that he stood between the vehicle and you.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I taught it was a funny story....

Anonymous said...

It's a great story and what could be more ironic, you owe Bernard Lord BIG TIME Charles, how are you going to pay that debt back?

You might want to share with him the old proverb that a life you save you are responsible for. He's now responsible for you Charles!

Anonymous said...

pretty wild eh charles?,you bash the poor guy 24/7 on your blog,put on a fake smile every time you see um & yet mr.lord still saved your life after all that?! LOL! maybe its time to turn over a new leaf eh charles?.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Life works in mysterious

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't get Hurt Charles :

Maybe it's the Christmas Spirit and so forth coming out at this time of Year for Everyone ??

Spinks said...

Gee, maybe Lord isn't such a bad guy after all. I've always been surprised by the vile hatred that is spewed at the man on this site by so many commentators. Don't like his polices? By all means disagree with them and tear them apart but I've always found the personal stuff against this father of two children and the man NBers elected to lead them (like it or not, it's true) in bad taste. Guess what folks, he's human and I'll bet hw would have grabbed Charles and pulled him out of the way if he could. Great story Charles.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I just read the blog and my God the grammar is terrible and also words are repeated.....I have to start putting more pride in my blogs??? I just write the darn thing and post it. It sure shows it eh????

Anonymous said...

Charlie :

I read your article about the grammar thing you posted : Don't feel bad old friend I have to pre-read and pre-read it again before I post things Charles.

I find some times my Brian is running faster than my fingers can type, the same when I used to be on the air all those years ago, my Brain was running faster than my mouth could spit it out, and the next thing I know I was screwing up { lol }

Oh well C`est Le Vie, hopefully I said it right, but at least I tried :>)

Anonymous said...

Bernard Lord's political goose is cooked no matter what. His staunchest supporters no longer think very highly of him. Read column by Lisa Hrabluk in today's Telegraph Journal.

Also read Ms. Ratchford's letter. Bernard Lord is cold and inhuman. Too bad NBers had to suffer under him so long.