Sunday, January 22, 2006

CHARLES LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY I GUESS??? < close call with death!!! >

I will admit that after last night? My nerves are shot!!! This episode is going to stay in my mind for a long time to come. My head shakes just thinking about it!!!

It was very windy last evening.

Picture 303

I wore my winter jacket and proceeded to visit a friend. While walking on this tiny street, a vehicle began to back from a driveway.

Here in the Capital? The buildings are very close together.

A person just beeps the horn to warn the pedestrians that they’re coming out.

Picture 303

But in this case? I just noticed the vehicle backing out at the very last second.

I had to jump off the sidewalk and I slipped on the ice and went down for the count.

I said to myself- This is it!!!!

The driver doesn’t know that I’m on the ground the vehicle is heading towards me.

What a way to go!!!!!

My head crush by a wheel of a car!!!! < I’m shaking my head just thing about it!!! >

Once I hit the ground I shouted and began to roll!

The car immediately stop around a foot from my head and a young woman quickly jumped out with her two hands over her mouth and shouting - OHHHH MY GOD??? MY GOD????

She asked me if I was ok???

I slowly got up and said- You’re very lucky that we’re not down the states!!!

Afterwards, I left the area.

Thank God that I didn't have my camera with me because it would have been destroyed because I fell down hard.

I might add that playing goalie for 20 years sure helped me by knowing what to do when I know that I'm going down for the count!!!

Once over my friend’s place. We had a look of my leg and it’s all bruises but the situation could have been much worst!

I could have had my head crush!!!!

Picture 303
What a way to go????

Yes, my nerves are shot and I guess that I will have to live another day I guess????

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing????

I also got some more bad news that my dog Chico has been attack by another dog and he's at the pet Hospital!

It was just one of those bad days I guess!!!


Anonymous said...

Another close call for Charles! Who would have thought walking the streets was so dangerous. With Bernard Lord nowhere in sight to save you this time!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're ok, and I'm sorry about your dog.
That was a very very close call.
For that, you should do more of "God's Minute" on here.
That's all I can say.
God dosen't want you yet Charles.
May you be half an hour in Heaven, before the Devil knows you're dead ! Cheers !!!