Saturday, January 07, 2006




Anonymous said...

He giveth then he taketh away. Another farce. Big deal is being made of cutting GST but Conservatives are not telling public that any break which Liberals gave in its dying days to low and middle income people will be reversed by Harper government if he forms the next government. That is indeed scary.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Harper scares me period. Bush needs a puppet as a prime Minister of Canada and that is exactly what he would have with Harper. At least Martin will not sell us to the States.
I know a lot of people will argue that the Liberals did a lot of mistakes but I don't think the Conservative did any less. Think back to the Mulroney days....
I hope that New Brunswickers don't forget the comment made by Mr. Harper that we were all a bunch of lazy people here. Do we want him to take back what the Liberals gave us in the first place????

Anonymous said...

Just to test I wrote Harper few months ago on certain issue and did the same to Martin. I did hear back from Martin but nothing from Harper. Lord is the same way. Never responds. It is aweful Liberals have so many problems but I still will vote for them for the sake of this country because we do not want a puppet of Bush in Canada. That is what Harper will be.

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget in 2004, Harper talked of giving provinces a veto over Supreme Court judges. He promised massive, across-the-board income tax cuts and vowed to move to a so-called flat-tax system, in which the poor would pay proportionally as much as the rich.

For child care, he offered a tax cut that would have most benefited well-to-do families and given nothing to the poorest.
This is fine for the rich people but what about the average and the people that are not as well off and struggling to survive.
It will be a sad day to remember if the Conservative come to power.

Anonymous said...

9:21 AM you are quite right. Harper cannot be trusted. Reform, Alliance. This leopard has not changed his spots just the tune a bit.