Sunday, January 15, 2006




Anonymous said...

Damn! They think public is a fool. According to Harper we have defeatist mentality. He must think that we are fools, too.

Lord after closing hospitals and then rudness and ignorance towards those who will pay the price for these closure will come to haunt him. Then Orimulsion scandal, misuse of public funds and spending money for personal luxuries should do him in. I hope people will not forget his fiascos.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

hey???? If you have a comment on an issue? No problem. But if you just paste the same message in every blog? Well? I'm going to delete it. Lets be nice......

Anonymous said...


got NP posting ANTI-lord & ANTI-conservative 'CRAP' from artice wcie day in & day out tho eh charles?.

if this is your view charles then maybe you should consider making this perfectly clear on your blog?.


charles leblanc ADHD & ANTI-lord/ANTI-conservative activist.

you keep saying charles "its wcie & not you"?,YOUR posting it on YOUR blog.

im sorry for spaming charles but i dont have the time to keep up with the fifty PRO-liberal artice wcie post you put up every day.

I love hearing you on TOTT & that you stand up for what you belive charles BUT if your going to forever bash lord & now the conservatives who visit your blog then I feel you need to be more open & up front on how 'YOU STAND' & not just allways say "ITS NOT ME ITS ...".

TY. :-)

Anonymous said...


the libranos -

-million's stolen from canadians to give to quebec.
-gun registry,was to cost millions & ended up costing billions.
-paul martin says no to private health care but uses it himself.
-paul martin flags his ships in forign lands to avoid paying his fair share of tax in his own country.
-approves attack ads that his own people call him an idiot for & say were wrong.
-makes up policy in the middle of a debate thats not even in their platform.
-his most senior advisor accuses all parents in canada of blowing their $1200.oo a year on beer & popcorn.
-says harper said he would use the notwithstanding clause when he never has YET did infact say he (paul martin) would use it so priest would not be forced to marrie gays.
-gay marriage forced down our throats when civil unions would have givin gays everything that marriage does without trampling all over the holy bible & the church.
-two seprate RCMP investigations under way.
-a liberal candidate trying to bribe a NDP candidate not to run in BC.
-a liberal cadidate comparing jack laytons wife to a dog.
-paul martin pledging to get rid of the notwithstanding clause so canada will be ruled by the courts like his friends in the U.S.A..
-separatist support at all time high thanks to paul martin & the libarals.
-in power since 1993.
-PM a quebecer.
-no new policy what so ever.
-fake handgun bans.
-institutionalized & big brother knows best way of running the country.
-destroyed our canadian forces.

did i miss anything? LOL !!!!.

stephen harper & the conservatives -

-words from years ago taken completely out of context & spun by guess who? THE LIBERALS.

for me the choice is clear,vote for anyone,anything,anybody,a dog,b4 voting for the liberals.

TY. :-)