This is a female in her mid-20s. I met her last year and I found her a very intelligent individual.
I sent her these questions and maybe she can educate the readers and myself on the Muslim issue.
These are questions that we are always afraid to ask someone so we won’t offend them.
Here’s the questions and answers.
Q- Where were you born?
A- I was born in Alberta.
Q- How long have you been with the Muslim faith?
I grew up and was raised as a Muslim.
Q- What exactly defines the Muslim Religion? To the best of your knowledge what would be the definition of the Muslim faith?
A-There is no one single definition of Islam.The main book of authority in Islam is the Qur'an. Islam is practiced by over 1.5 billion people across the globe and as such there are varying and diverse interpretations of the Qur'an.
Q-What do you make of the happenings these days about the political cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad? Do you believe the situation is
blown out of proportion from both side?
A-The Supreme Court of Canada indicated that freedom of expression in Canada is not absolute, there are limits. People are not just permitted to say any and everything. Personally, I was offended by the Anti-Islamic cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad. At the same time I do not believe that violence is an appropriate response to the cartoon.
Q - They fought in Ireland for years over religion? Do you believe this is the same action?
A-There are two reasons why depictions of any Prophets (including Jesus and Moses) are prohibited in Islam. (1) out of respect for the Prophets, Muslims do not attempt to create images of them. (2) Images of the different Prophets may cause some followers to ignore the religious message (God's message) and instead put undue focus on the individual Prophets.
Q-Do you believe the Muslim faith took a huge step backward because of 9-11???
A- Extremists from many different faiths have, at one time or another, used religion to justify acts of violence or terrorism. This however does not mean that the religion itself promotes terrorism. For example, the Klu Klux Klan often cite the Bible during their rallies, however, any person
with a grain of competency will know that the Klu Klux Klan does not represent Christianity just like the 9-11 bombers do not represent Islam. Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, defends peace and goodwill.
Q-Why do the extremists used the Muslim religion as their
weapon to fight?
A- There are many ridiculous myths out there about Islam. When trying to decipher myth from reality, use common sense and keep in mind that there are a significant number of similarities between all three monotheistic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism).
Q-I know this is not a good question? Talk show hosts and
many in the western world have heard that these suicide bombers are promise many virgins if they die on the word of God!
Where did this story come to light?
A- Be wary of media depictions of Muslims. Most often these depictions Are not accurate. The media in North America has gone to great lengths to demonize, marginalize and stereotype all Muslims.
She didn't answer the other questions so maybe someone else can?
9- After the political cartoon episode? Have you been approach
by a lot of people for your opinion on this issue?
10 - Do you believe that it could be a good thing to debate the
issue of the Prophet Muhammad. You know, educated the non-ecuated like >myself?
11- Can you explain the reason it’s taboo to paint the Prophet
12- Do you see a day that everyone on this world will be
educated on every different religious belief?
13 - Has these episodes test your faith in the religion of
muslim? Just like it did the same to many of us with the sandals in the Catholic Church?
14- Any final comments?
The other questions were personal, so it's impossible for others to answer.
Keep in mind the 'thousand virgins' story is one of those sensational aspects, however, ask what a christian thinks heaven is like and you'll get similar sorts of answers. Perhaps not a thousand virgins (too much work and education), but varying degrees of 'doing wonderful things forever', which many outside christianity would see foolish as well.
As for 'debating' Mohammed that doesn't make sense. You debate interpretations of the qu'ran, not Mohammed, just like you debate interpretations of Jesus.
The main difference is that Mohammed didn't claim to be 'God', so in christianity you have all kinds of debate about the 'divinity' of God. These don't exist in Islam or hebrew because prophets are considered prophets, not incarnations.
If you were smart you would have left this matter rest but you are not smart.
Islam promotes violance as much as catholocism promotes homosexuality. Bible does not say priests should prey upon young boys.
Show some smartness and drop this topic at such a volatile time and volatile issue as caricature of the prophet.
Grow up.
2:02 PM left a good comment and now I'm begining to understand if we can't debate this issue in the Western Hemisphere? Than it's totaly out of the question in the middle East.
Oh well...I tried....
CHarles, that was a good way to look at the issue of Islam. Some questions were sort of silly, but most were very good.
Just because some lunatic posts at your site, is no reason to listen to them. This is a person who makes the insane claim that Islam promotes violence and Catholicism promotes homosexuality. Cleary this person has zero education and has no interest in your blog. If they post such nonsense again I'd welcome deleting such idiot comments.
I'm not crazy about the 'gods minute' things, but its your blog. People who don't like it, or anything else here, is free to go elsewhere. Good post Charles, and ignore the boneheads.
Out of respect for Charles and his site, I'm holding back on some Language that I'd like to use.
Have any of you Ever thought or wondered why some of the Questions Charles asked " Were Not Answered "
I don't anything about the Muslim Faith or Allah. But I would like to know if indeed it's in the Muslims Qu'ran and states, " DEATH TO ALL THE INFIDELLS " meaning all non-believers of the Muslim Faith.
Any and all organized Religions in my personal opinion are a bunch of BS, Too much Politcis Involved.
Catholics and Protestants fighting and killing one another over " My God Can Beat Your God .
I was Born into the Catholic Faith and was booted out for telling them, their fools for thinking and classifying the POPE as being Infallible.
Whether you want to admit it or not, Canada is at war against some of these Nut's waiting to have an audience with Allah :
I can't believe either how Canada, New Brunswick, and especially Saint John is Kissing Butt to China, a Country that is constantly building up their Military Power Day After Day.
And is a Communist Country.
People dump on the United States for being a War Machine, Canada has nothing at present to defend her Atlantic and Pacific Coast Shorelines from Terrorists getting in here.
You think China is our Allie :
China denies Internet controls lead to arrests...
Keep firing away with the Questions Charles :
Now look idiot you have let loose the bigots. Someone said that these type of stupid discussions are endangering the lives of our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Why carry out biggoted discussions in such a volatile situation. It is fanning the fire.
If you want discussion why not discuss sexual abuse of young boys by priests. More recently there were more cases in U.S.
You are not only a security risk at the legislature but a danger to society in general. They should keep people like in a nuthouse.
Well, whats good for the goose...
I'd consider those people fools as well, but its there business what they believe. I also consider political ideas like 'we are at war' with Muslims to be completely nuts. But if you want to believe it, hell, that's your right.
I'd take China as a friend over the US ANYDAY. Americans have killed more canadians than the chinese have. There are more chinese and muslim people in canada than their are atlantic canadians-or americans-they just don't live in the maritimes.
At least China is honest. In the states they now watch all internet traffic and phone traffic and they can come for you in the middle of the night, call you a security risk and you'll never be heard of again, and its all perfectly legal. Po-tay-to, Pot-a-to.
In the end, keep good articles like this coming Charles, don't listen to the new recruits of the crazy brigade trying to shut you up. It retarded to think that these endanger soldiers in Afghanistan-don't you think that's due to us not being invited there?
I met up with Charles earlier today and he said that I shouldn't post a comment, but I feel that I must First of all I am not trying or seeking to offend any person or belief system. Islam that is practiced in the Middle-Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and all other nations that are ruled by leaders who are of the Islamic faith tradition. in the Muslim World there is what is known as Sharria Law, this law comes from the Qur'an and is can be taken literally or to extreme depending upon the individual or Muslim councils who are dispensing that form of Justice. In the West however, many people who practice and love the Muslim faith live peacefully and in harmony with their fellow citizens within Canada and other parts Western World. I know many people who practice the Muslim faith and I count it a privillege to be aquainted with them one I met while I was at STU and he and I still meet up once and a while. and another young lady that I have met through my function as a volunteer, and I have a great deal of respect and and kindness for them I beleive them to be people of Great Character and conviction. I will say that I think that Where as there are threats faith traditions it is only proper for the members of that faith tradition to police themselves and not wait until the rest of the world has to become involved.
Look idiot this was in Telegraph Journal. Foriegn Services are saying the same. Use your brains if you have any.
As published on page A5 on February 16, 2006
General worries about publication of cartoons
Canadian who will lead multinational forces in southern Afghanistan arrives in Kandahar
Brig.-Gen. Fraser said he is worried that the recent publication of controversial cartoons depicting the Muslim Prophet Muhammad could add to the risk faced by Canadian troops.
"I'm interested and concerned about what the impact of that will be," he said. "As a Canadian, I find it culturally insensitive that we would print something like that and not be sensitive to another culture."
good morning from a warm beach in the sunny sout. a comment on the cartoon cntroversy:: where are the cartoons showing the catholic and protestant religions? if there are none posted and printed (and the european press have refused to do so) then the argument is the same old i am bigger than you, do as i say or else.
i am so tired of idiots flapping the gums about how it is okay to print this cartoon or letter but it is not okay to print that cartoon or letter. censorship is bad, and it is even worse when when it is used to cut off debate between people. (note: i did not say between peoples, i mean that when you refuse to allow individuals to have free discourse and exchangeof ideas then the situation is the same old incite to war program)
carry on with the debate, and print the cartoons that show the catholics as the ding dongs that they really are.
David, I am glad that you see things now in proper perspective
Leblanc is hiding in his slum rooming house in Fredericton and talking bold about freemdom of speech and wants to be "educated". Let him go to Iraq and or Afghanistan and talk like that.
If he believes in education he must educate us about Catholic priests sexually abusing young boys. Tell us why they do that. We really will like to know and help young children avoid this crime.
To the above, you weren't talking about the cartoons 'fanning the flames' in Afghanistan, you were talking about Charles talking about it.
It is quite true that anti-muslim sentiments would 'rile up' even more Afghans, especially since the US and we have bombed their country, killed thousands of their people and now rule their country. They don't need MORE ammunitiion, they are quite well aware of how little we regard them.
That they are sitting over there where they don't even have internet access and reading Charles' blog is pretty hilarious, most don't even speak the language. Most are barely surviving, let alone sitting around reading blogs.
If people are against fanning the flames they should be writing to the Western Standard where they are to be published, as I believe CTC has published them as well.
This IS fanning the flames, but as we see this is far more than about cartoons. In Pakistan they are shouting 'death to america' and 'nuclear power brings us glory', and burning down fast food restaurants. None of this has anything to do with cartoons.
There is nothing wrong with 'discussing' anything. There are no pictures here inflamming anybody. There is no reason for people to get so excited, all this is talk, which is what blogs are all about. If you don't believe in freedom of speech, there are plenty of websites from countries that would welcome you-you just can't post there.
"That they are sitting over there where they don't even have internet access and reading Charles' blog is pretty hilarious.." People do have computers in Afghanistan and many do speak english.
Are you telling me Afghans fluently speak, read and write Danish. Do not be so naive. Word does spread about certain idiots including this one.
I want to be educated about priests' tendency to abuse sexually young boys. We need to protect these young ones from these crimes. Why am I not being educated on that?
To 2:46 PM
Do you just want to know about Roman Catholic Priests Only, or Memebrs of the Anglican Faith as well.
And even a former Member of the Saint John Police Force. Or have you forgotten that ?
How can anybody explain why some people Do What They Do ?
Or are you too Dumb to figure that out. Why do people drink and drive ?
And what about Carl Tofts ????
The comments are getting out of control. Why don't we stick to the issue in hand. The questions were good and the answers were terrific. I wish the people who hates this site wouldn't bother coming back in here....Must be Irving's employees hard at work!!!!
Most of the protests have been in europe, Iran, and Pakistan. Protests in Afghanistan have been sporadic, and most have not been about cartoons, but about getting rid of the occupiers.
"American and Canadian soldiers are not wanted in Kandahar, he continues in the same polite, measured tone. They simply draw the suicide bombers into the cities, where they kill innocent Afghan people. "They kill people in the cities, and children, just because the foreigners are here," he says. "If they were not here [the insurgents] wouldn’t do it."
As far as this goes, Charles is not alone, people all over the internet in blogs and forums are talking about this, it certainly isn't like this is in isolation.
Where was all the shouting and burning and chanting of DEATH when the Talibananas were using artillery to blast out the huge statues of Buddah in Afghanistan.
It is obvious that the terrorists are exploiting the ignorant masses for their own purposes to gain power.
We have serious problem Catholic priest abusing young boys. It is in the news everyday. Why does Leblanc talk about it in his blog. He say he cares about children.
It is bad if they are given Ritalin but it is ok if they are sexually molested by priests.
I mean why does he not talk about it in his blog. Sexual molestation of youth by priests.
Toft has spent his life in jails but these priests are getting away with these crimes.
5:07 PM I think you are in need of some Valium ,or possibly in need of Needing a Prozac Day ;
Your getting pretty jumpy to lay down the F-Bomb.
If you don't like the Blog leave, you won't be missed.
5:15 PM I suggest you call the Bishops Palace and ask him, or Protest in front of it, Demanding some answers, get some Media Attention, and Demand answers to what you are looking for.
Do you have the Sand to do that ?
This man agreed not to touch this topic again and then he keeps coming back to encourage the bigots. Priests molesting children is a serious problem. There was story in the Gleaner today. If Leblanc is so interested in education why the hell he does not educate us on this issue as he is very fond of priests. We have to see the face one priest or the other every day. He gives this impression that his religion is superior than others.
He believes in the rights of children. If priests violate those rights then it is ok with him. What kind of hypocrisy is that.
7 PM why it pisses you off when there is opposition to this idiot's hypebole.
Whewwwwwwwwwww Well look at you, why don't you leave and not come back either ;
If these comments bother you so much then leave and tell Leblanc to leave other people's religion alone. Mind about his own religion which is notrorious for child-molestation.
It's interesting that Charles keeps saying he wants to have debate, and then when people disagree with him, they get told they should leave.
Charles does not appear to get this, but his "innocent questions" about Islam have a tendency to link Islam and violence, even Islam and terrorism. That's disgraceful, much more so than cobwebs on a chandelier. Intentionally or not, he does oander to bigots who promote fear of Muslims.
And the posters whgo have called him on this have been inelegant at best, but they make a good point. Charles's posts have linked Islam and violence, as if there is some obvious or logical connection between the two. That is ridiculous, and offensive. It would be just as ridiculous and offensive as saying there is some obvious or logical connection between Catholicism and pedophilia. Neither of these propositions is fair comment, just "good questions" or "debate". They are ignorant at best, bigotry at worst.
I think that we had all better realize that The any practice of the Christian Faith Tradition is Banned and Strictly Prohibited in most Nations in the islamic World and in other areas of the globe where the Muslim tradition is the majority christian Ministers are being jailed and pursicuted because they are christian no other reason.Saudi Arabia and also Afganistan and Jorden and especially Iran. these Iranian President has come out in his statement along with the leader of the newly elected Hamas Party which is nothing more than a bunch of stinking Thugs and gangsters, Murders and Cutthroats. It is only because we live in a democracy that we are able to practice our Faith openly and no one has the right to deny us that right because it was paid for by the blood and sweat of our founding fathers.
He has this religious minutes as if christianity is about catholocism only.
well he does have a place for comments even in his christianity moment so maybe you can talk about your religion if you have one
The Iranian President Ahmadinejad, and also the Leader of the newly elected Hamas party. have come out in statements that the Nation of Israel should be obliterated from the face of the earth. Now this is the kind of Islam that many peace loving and tolorant people are seeing. I am very thankful that there are those of the Muslim tradition who love and want to live in peace and mutual coorporation with their fellow man. but the ones trouble makers and instigators are those leaders who have the money and the power and the weapons to comit murders and Chatestrophic crimes against humanity.and any fellow practicing muslim who disagrees with them they are viewed by the leaders of the Muslim as not true Muslims because they don't hold the same extreme view against the non Muslim world as they do. I am a Born Again christian and I will not compromise my Beliefs for anyone. However, that does not give me any Right to pursecute any other person because they are of another faith tradition such as islam or Hinduism, or whatever it maybe. We don't We The Bible says
as follows;
"Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you". God is a God of peace and he expects all who calls themselves his People, to live in Peace with one another, and we Do not don't have to compromise our beliefs to do that, Anyone who uses their religious to Murder or Commit National Holocaust, or Genocide is not a Child of God, but a Child of his father the Devil. This was the case in the Middle ages in the Inquisition and is the case in the Terrorists in our modern time. And god himself wiill judge harshly those who use his name for terrorism.
(2 Corinthians 13:11)
He has established himself as an as***le. He is causing division amongst good people through his stupid posts on religions.
And MacKay do you have split personality problem. In one post you think so highly of muslims and in your last post you suggest that muslims are responsible for all the problems in the world. Make up your mind and get help for your split personality problem -schizo.
MacKay what is Bush is doing in Iraq. It is genocide. Last I checked he is a christian. So christianity allows him to murder the people of other nations.
I think that anonymous likes to twist words and just antagonize everyone into a kind of frenzy to distort what is really being said. I said that there are a lot of people who practice the Muslim faith Tradition who live at Peace with their fellow Man. and not every person who professes and holds to the Religion, and teachings of the Islamic Tradition is a Terrorist. But there are those individuals who have an agenda that is meant to twist and distort the true message of peace. I think that mr. or mrs anonymous had better tone down that profanity and garbage mouth there are charges Straighten up your act or don't bother coming around and accusing everyone anonymous is worse than a double minded person he or, she is unstable in all things.
Check out todays G&M
Just a little peace loving Muslim group.
It is not the media that has stated that such extreme action to take lives so one can get what they want in another life; it is the people who are with this religion. If not all people believe this then please explain. This action should be stopped. Using young children or a terrified person to attach a bomb on themselves to take out innocent people; definitely is not acceptable. Please cartoons that are depicted may not be good taste but that happens to all races; what makes just one special. I think it would be fair if we would stop alot of negative things but that is not going to happen; no excuse to take peoples lives. Very difficult to get any understanding with such action.
I'd understand if they put one on and walked up to Karl Toft or any leader that tortured their people for centuries. No matter who we are or where we come from; there are good and bad people and we need to try and understand and improve our actions. Sorry "cartoons" or gossip can't be acceptable but if it happens there are more intelligent ways to handle this; harming anyone with words maybe wrong but killing to try to bring some kind of justice is very wrong. People who live in this country or not have all suffered. Average people here have always been trampled over for years and so far they getaway with it. There are so many injustices and this one is not at the top even if you want it to get to be a priority to be corrected. No one wants anyone to suffer but we know there will always be some who stir the pot.
Mackay words bother you. You need another rebirth to get over with it. No one knows what the true religion is. We all think ours is. Islam is a little more advanced then old ones. Yes there are political interpretation of it but which religion and its followers have not been violent.
As far as Leblanc is concerned he likes to be an as&&&le. Why ask horrible question from an innocent young lady. I am highly respectful of all religions but someone asked me that when Mary became pregnant was she really virgin. Now my belief system says yes but every religion has aspects which cannot be understood by our "common sense". Then some will say Jesus was illegitimate child. It bothers me because I believe in Jesus story and I can do without these ignorant people inculding Leblanc who has been demeaning muslim faith and giving other bigots the opportunity to do the same.
How Leblanc is going to educate someone on that besides priests molesting young boys.
This idiot is dwelling on virgins for martyres is nonsensense. Lost time around he said he will not have another blog on this. Does he talk from his other end that he forgets so often.
His stupid questions and comments are very hurtful to muslims. He better realize it. Before you start throwing stones at other's houses watch your own glass house.
Leblanc thinks that when it comes to rights only ones which matter is his. He thinks insulting others and violating rights of others is his right. Total moron.
A very good site. You cannot afford to not visit it:
I came to the conclusion that I believe it's almost impossible in Canada to debate issue like the Muslims.
I tried to be nice and have a honest open debate but that's impossible.
I have a few Muslims friends and will debate any issue with them.
It's a darn shame that some took the action of blasting and posting stories against someone else religion.
My goal wasn't to start a war but I can begin to understand the hatered going on in the Middle east.
If you have no dialogue? You have nothing!!!!
As for my God's minute? Anyone from any religion can post a prayer of their choice in there.
I'll delete this blog during the weekend but I did learn that the radicals exrtremists from a certain religion don't wish to live in harmoney!
Darn shame!!!
One question???
Look nimrod you are ignoring the bigots who came out of woodworks and your own demeaning remarks and questions which depict muslims as terrorists. Smarten up. Sorry I am asking that from a wrong person. There is no hope for you.
Why it is immpossible to discuss the flaws in your own religion. Why you refuse to discuss that.
What is there to discuss? Some idiotic Priests abuse their hold on power and ruined it for the good Priests around the Globe.
I'm not born again and I didn't go to Church for years and years because I found the Catholic Church Services boring.
Once I began my protest, I learned that Father Brien was in the Capital, I quickly called him and I have been going to Church every Sunday for the past three years.
We discuss the sex scandals and the bottom line and some Priests believed they could get away with everything.
I feel bad because it ruined it for all the good honest Catholic Priests around the Globe but they will continue to do their work.
so? what is there to discuss? Nothing!
It's done and they're moving forward.
This politcal Cartoon issue is still being debated and many are being killed.
The girl was nice enough to answer my questions and I wanted the readers to understand their views but unfortunately some extremists decided otherwise therefore leaving a very bad feeling in other people's mind.
This blog will shut down but not if the readers wish to debate in a good way!
To all the idiots who's in here? Why do you bother coming here anyway?
As you say- Charles is an idiot.
As leart Charles has a name better than the cowards idiots who comes in here.
We know who they are but we will respect their privacy!!!
Enough said!!!
HARI HARI! This should be a lesson to Leblanc not to make fun of other people's religion. He is too uneducated to make remarks on religion. Stay away from it.
There us no lesson learned yet. We should be able to talk about religion and jokes will be made and yes pictures published. This is so wrong to take it over the top no matter what happened, it is not criminal and don't favour anyone religion.
Respect is nice but it won't be gained by putting a death threat on someones life for a cartoon. Real criminals don't even have things this extreme happen to them. This person with the cartoons deserves our understanding.
You can look at ourself and question many things that we do and thank goodness (because now I feel I can't say thank god) no one put out a death threat against us because they don't agree with something that can and should be forgiven. Please what is this world coming to it was a cartoon. So many more terrible things happen and we should always discuss and try to change or fix it but this not the way; no matter what twisted way you spin it. Wake up and see that this man did not commit a crime even if it hurt someone. Blessings to all who can have some understanding and prayers for those who can't. Now this is a statement that could be misunderstood. I am just a person who wants a moment of common sense because there is very little today. We should be able to discuss this issue and others without death threats!
Death threats are wrong. No doubt about it.
However, you are extremely insensitive when you say it is just a cartoon. It is demonizing a relgion followed by 1.5 billion people. It is a blatant insult to peace loving muslims of this world, their belief system and culture.
It is a pattern that when an American dies in Iraq there is a big deal. Any life lost is a big loss for sure. However, when Iraqis die by the thousands then it is just deaths. Similar insensitivity is shown towards muslims and religions and people of poor counteries.
What this fellow did was ignorant and stupid. He agreed to not to push this matter and than the lunatic comes with another blog. He should show some brains and refrain from it in current situation where muslim are rightly hurt. He manipulated a young lady.
May be we should understand as it is coming from a lunatic.
I wish that some of you people wouldn't bother visiting this site if I'm a lunatic???
Please make me understand???
Why do you people come here???
The young muslim girl answered my questions like a proffesional and she should be congratulated for a job very well done.
Hey coward?
Sign your name and be brave!!!
You are the coward who is sitting in the slum rooming house in Fredericton and making all these bold statements. Go to Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan and make these statements then we will think that you want to be educated.
You did manipulate the young lady otherwise she would have told you to get lost, take a hike, after looking at your questions. You are a lunatic as you try and tackle the issues that you have no brains to understand.
My God??? What a nutbar you are!!!! I had the same little problem in the spring.
You're telling the readers that because I live in a rooming house? I should be ignored!!!!
What an asshole!!!
I had the same problem in the spring when I was fighting for a ppoor person.
Abel LeBlanc took the fight but someone from Family Services told Abel- Why are you listenning to Charles LeBlanc??? He's poor!!!
Well? That did it!!!!
I told the P.C. MLA'S that I will make this guy name public and I'm going to hang him big times!!!
A few calmed me down and I never mention the guy's name. But the individual knew that he made a mistake!
I'm sorry to call you an asshole but when someone says the poor don't have a voice?
Well? It's my blog and I feel that I can say bad words sometime.
This blog will go in the archieves over the weekend and I will never debate the issue of Mulslims again in here.
You can't even have a debate or an interview with a nice intelligent Muslim girl!
She did a good job and should be congratulated for a job very well done.
Its the ferks from that religion who ruins it for everybody!
Enough said!!!!
I;m the only one allow to use bad language in here. You wish to use bad words? Start your own blog!!!!
Heyyyy???? For this just once??? I FEEL LIKE THE IRVINGS!!!!!
11:49 AM & 4:25 PM
I suggest both of you, hold the the end of your Tongues with your fingers. and repeat over and over :
My Father works in a Ship Yard :>)
Hari, Hari, Krishna. Leblanc is a lunatic.
Easy to tell I've been away isn't it? The cartoon saga which this really all stems from is perplexing. It's the fine line between respect and free speech. What it has done is raised lots of interesting questions and as I've said many times here before. We should be allowed to raise questions as long as it's done respectfully.
Personally I don't think the Danish should have created the cartoons in the first place. Clearly they knew it would be controversial and have said they regret it now. However when I see night after night of riots and people being killed over this, I'm left as the viewer or reader wondering what's sparking this and because no one will run the cartoons, I'm still not sure. By that token, the news organizations that run the cartoons are in the right. They have to run them for context but not for sensationalism.
Then of course we have a Muslim Cleric offering a million dollar bounty on the cartoonist's head. Hopefully most clear thinking people realize that this guy is in the minority of Muslims however it unfortunately not everyone is clear thinking and this will only further the perception that all Muslims are terrorists. It's going to be a long 2006 folks.
No one said that about sacred Mary. As a matter of fact such comments are resent.
It is fair game to make fun of politicians and some religious figures too but not the most sacred, such as Abraham, Moses, Christ and Prophet Muhammad. You will never see in muslim counteries or media to be that sacriligious. In all these demonstrations, there was no need for violent demonstrations though, no such disparaging remarks against these Prophets or sacred people were made.
Now as far as this blogger is concerned he is undoubtedly an idiot. He talks about his rights, and we have to look at his stupid images all the time, but has no respect for others' rights.
First he tried to put down Chinese community and now he is going after muslims. He has not only proven himself to be a lunatic but extremely shallow in his thinking. A complete moron.
Sean sent me this yesterday. But I know what I'm talking about????
Charles :
I don't know if you want to do anything with this, I have the news link on my site, nut if anybody thinks for one God Damn Minute Freedom abound in China , read this :
China’s virtual cops pinpoint web dissent
By Mure Dickie
Published: February 17 2006 19:19 | Last updated: February 17 2006 19:19
With their big blue blinking eyes and their quirky personal websites, there is no denying the cuteness of the cartoon cops at the front line of China’s battle for control of the internet.
But the role played by Jingjing and Chacha, the animated online icons recently introduced by police in the southern Chinese boomtown of Shenzhen, is entirely serious.
The cartoon couple patrol the city’s news and discussion websites to scare off anyone who might be tempted to use online anonymity to break China’s laws, says Chen Minli, director of the Shenzhen City Public Security Bureau’s Internet Surveillance Centre.
“Now internet users know the police are watching them,” Ms Chen says in an interview at the Bureau’s gleaming new 28-storey building in central Shenzhen.
Such official online oversight is highly controversial elsewhere. Human rights activists fiercely condemn the efforts of China’s ruling Communist party to stifle online political debate.
In recent weeks, moves by Yahoo, Microsoft and Google to bow to varying degrees to Beijing’s party censors have exposed them to fierce criticism from both customers and members of the US Congress.
But the no-nonsense Ms Chen and her comrades in the Surveillance Centre are proud of the online enforcement role played by Jingjing and Chacha (whose names are made up of the Chinese characters for “police”).
“All around the world there are internet police, but they always operate backstage... No other internet police have stepped to the front of the stage,” she says. “We really feel that this is a historic breakthrough.”
Jingjing and Chacha operate by appearing as clickable adverts on local websites and as virtual users of the hugely popular QQ instant messaging system operated by Nasdaq-listed Tencent.
In a demonstration at the Surveillance Centre, part of an internet division that has seen its staff more than double to 100 in less than a year, officer Xu Qian shows how the Jingjing icon keeps pace whenever a user of a local discussion website scrolls down a page.
“He is just like a policeman, interactively moving along with you. Wherever you go, he is watching you,” Mr Xu says.
By clicking on the icons, users can report crimes or learn about the rules on online conduct. Jingjing and Chacha also have their own websites with a selection of music including the “Song of the People’s Police”.
Ms Chen, a police technology veteran, says inspiration for the personal sites came from her 15-year-old daughter who keeps her up to date on new internet possibilities.
But deterrence remains the main goal for Jingjing and Chacha, who are just part of a huge system of government internet control that includes blocks on thousands of websites and sophisticated content filters.
Ms Chen says the mere appearance of the icons makes users think twice before posting sensitive messages. When Jingjing and Chacha arrived on local websites, the number of postings that had to be filtered out because of suspect content fell more than 60 per cent. I
When the pair send warning messages to websites under investigation for alleged fraud, the sites’ operators often immediately shut them down, she says.
China’s internet laws do not stop at such crimes. Users are also barred from a range of offences including the posting or even consultation of content judged to challenge the political order, incite secession, promote “feudal superstition” or harm the “honour of national institutions”.
Such laws have been used to jail people who peacefully question the Communist party, and they lie at the heart of debate overseas over the role international internet companies should play in China.
Ms Chen says since their official online launch in January, Jingjing and Chacha have not played any role in such cases. She has little time for suggestions that China controls the internet too tightly.
Only one in 50 internet users wants to break the law, and they are the only ones to complain about a lack of liberty, she insists, the web is “completely free” for those who stay within the “legal framework”.
Indeed, Ms Chen suggests US officials might want to consider adopting their own Jingjings or Chachas to police Google services following the US company’s refusal to share information about its searches with the government.
In any case, she says, overseas critics should not judge China by their standards.
“In my family, if my child does not lay her chopsticks down properly, then I will smack her, but maybe in your family you are too relaxed about such things,” Ms Chen says. “Each family has its own rules and countries are the same.”
by the way???? I chatted with the younf muslim girl during the weekend and she was very happy of the way I pasted the story in my blogs.
She felt sad that it attracted too many assholes idiots to this blog.
She didn't quote that line. I did!!!!
2:28 How this is different from this jackass who deletes every comment which is not flattering to him. There is a difference between Chinese people and Chinese government. Do not confuse the two.
Finally if certain Chinese do not have rights in China then it is ok to throw things at them in Saint John. What a stupid argument that is. Do not encourage this moron to attack minorities like that.
Watch the language....anyway,,,I said that there's no freedom of speech in China and I stand by that story. You wish to label me as a racist to say that? Go ahead but watch the language...merci!!!!
If I want to use bad language? That's my rights because it's my blog.
I'm the editor.
You cowards made me so mad saying that a poor person doesn't have the right to speak?
That's the reason I use that word.
You're mad at me???
Why not start your own blog???
It's easy to do!!!!
There you go again....maybe Ritalin is good for certain idividuals....name me one place in the blog that I wrote against minorites beside Quebecers?
What got me going?
this line did it-
You are the coward who is sitting in the slum rooming house in Fredericton and making all these bold statements.
as for people from China living here?
I said it before and I will say it again- They should consider themselves fortunate to live here in Canada because there's no freedom of speech in China!!!!
It's safer for them here in Canada!!!!
Hey coward???? why don't you use your real name????
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