Saturday, May 13, 2006


STB_3026, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.


I feel that I must write a long winded blog on my little experience with CBC this morning.

It all began yesterday when a producer Peter Anawati sent me an email asking me if I wanted to appear on the program The Current?

At first, I proudly accepted the offer but later on that evening, I believe that I was way over my head.

I heard that it was taped so I should be ok.

Hey? A program that goes all across Canada? Anyway to spread the word of my blog here in New Brunswick.

That evening, I decided the style I would use to begin my little interview.

The next morning, CBC paid for my taxi to their studio. I don’t mind walking down the hill but going up there? Sorry!

Once at the CBC building, I was greeted by a female commissionaire.

I turned my back and I was to see Daniel McHardie.

He’s the President of the Press Gallery at the New Brunswick legislature.

Daniel McHardie accepted the offer to be interviewed also. My God, an Irving employee and Charles in the same studio?

Could be interesting?

Daniel is one reporter who doesn’t say much. I know 95% of them but don’t really know this guy.

I noticed that he was taking this interview very seriously.

He wasn’t talking much and was going through his notes and writing some new ones.

I said - That’s a good idea!!! I should also takes notes!!!

I asked the female commissionaire if she had a notepad?

I said to myself - I don’t really know this Daniel guy but I’m going to have a little fun with his mind.

I said - Ohhhh by the way Daniel???? I say this to all the media people that I deal with.

If you happen to badmouth me in there?

Well? I’m going to blog ya for a whole year!!!!

I know that all the media knows that if I say that I’ll do something? I do it!!!

Poor Daniel!!! He must have taught - What am I suppose to do here???? Blast the blogger to all the listeners across Canada for a few minutes or received bad blogs about me for a whole year???


The producer told me that I was the first to be on the air.

There I was in a booth alone. I noticed that Daniel was still looking in his notepad.

I was a little nervous.

Being the blogger that I am? I began to take pictures from the studio.


I receive a test from Toronto and it was at that moment that I realize that I was going to be interviewed across Canada!

Nervous??? You bet cha!!!


Minutes before the interview began I made a little prayer and kiss the cross.

The interview went well. Power above? Sure there is!!!!

Daniel went on the air and I quickly found out that the host from Vancouver was confronting the Irving reporter on the issue of Bloggers in the Legislator head on.

Daniel could have spoken out against bloggers but he didn’t.

He supported my cause and I might add that he spoke very highly of me.

After he was all done, I quickly stood from my chair and shook his hand to congratulate the Irving employee.


Hey? I’ll give credit where it’s due.

We stayed around to listen to the other guests and one of them Antonia Zerbisiassupported my blog 100%!

Yes, this morning, I had everyone on my side and it give me a good feeling.

CBC told me that they would drive me home but I declined. I wanted to take everything in with a nice long walk.


Now? I believe that I did ok but the outside world are saying?

I made it home and the hits on the blog site was coming in fast and furious.

In one hour? I had 150 visitors.

I was told by a friend to post a blog of me being a security risk at the Legislature.

The day went by and it was interesting to watch the stats from across Canada.

With different time zone came different hits from different province.

It was very interesting to watch the stats.

It’s 11:30pm and here’s the stats-


Total 83,246
Average Per Day 265
Average Visit Length 4:02
Last Hour 18
Today 702
This Week 1,855

700 visitors in one day? That’s a record!!

So? Everything went well and everyone is happy!
I had a good experience and I believe I showed that I can do an interview with an open mind.

So? What’s next for the blog???

Who truly knows????


Anonymous said...

not a to the blogmosphere...but myself and a coworker were intriqued listening to you on CBC. i couldn't help but feel that if you are a threat, then we, the regular, everyday, common people of this great country are too. i like you and know that God has opened doors for you that no man can shut. keep 'on truckin' charles. love from a middle aged nurse in kelowna b.c. I will be listening for more of your thots...and thanks!!!...for speaking up!!:)

Anonymous said...

Good for you Charles! That's a great story.

Anonymous said...

You might want to do another blog saying why you moderate the commments. New visitors, if they try to post, might think you are no different, editing the comments before allowing them. Those who come here often know the story (although not all agree) but those 'from away' may not.

The one thing that wasn't straightened out is what happened with getting a press pass with a reference from River Valley News. Dan mentioned it, but nothing was said of what happened to it. I think that's a way of resolving it quickly, if the aim is to get you into the press gallery.

However, to be honest, far more information comes out of committee public hearings and anyone can attend those. But do they? I think 'citizen journalism' should start up and get people involved in finding out this stuff. I read from committee reports on forestry and there was stuff in there that I had no idea about.

Political leaders say very little at press conferences, and seem to know even less. I think deciding on issues, using the access to information laws, and knowing who to address questions to is far more informative.

However, I must admit as a citizen I've never attended a press conference so don't really have all the information.

Anonymous said...

Many have pointed out that how stupid this blog is becoming. Helpful hints. Yet they all have been insulted. Good job insulting and antagonizing people. Keep it up and no one will visit if that is what you want.

Anonymous said...

9:49 am, would you PLEASE leave this site and DON'T COME BACK. You need to leave these good people alone. Good job Charles, and keep doing what your doing cause your good at it. I love this site, I would love it more if that A Hole was gone.

Anonymous said...

11:00 AM you are The A Hole who insults people like that. People are trying to help this nut case. He alienates and antagonizes people constantly.

Daniel might have said nothing on the air but he will get even with him when press gallery meets. You do not try to intimidate people when especially you are nobody and nothing to intimidate with.

Why you think CBC separated him and Daniel. Because of his unpredictability and stupidity people are afraid as to what he might do and say.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

LOL...We were separated so the person being interviewed won't be distracted.

What's with this violence anyway?

Yes, I let it known in past blog that I can take care of myself.

I only lose it if I'm attact.

The same goes for everyone I guess?

Anonymous said...

CBC first interviewed you then offered you a taxi ride to get you out of sight and then they interviewed Daniel. Two bloggers one from Toronto and the other from Washington D.C. were interviewed together. Can you put two and two together? In your case they interviewed you separately. It stands to reason why.

Daniel does not need you. You needed his help to get you into press gallery. You tried to intimidate him according to you. Now you think he will help you. Think again.

Let us face it that you are unpredictable and crazy and people keep the distance from you as they get to know you.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

You here again??? Why don't you go for a walk to calm down???

When do you think the picture was taken?

You better re-read the blog?

I truly believe that you need help but that's ok but you're getting carried away!!!!

No wonder I decided to moderate the comments?

It's people like you!!! That's why???

Now? Why don't you just surf away from this area?

There's all kinds of millions of other blogs on the information Highway?

Sighhhh...what a nut!!!!

Anonymous said...

You must follow your own advice and take a walk to calm down. Throwing insults again. That is an assault of sort. It is called verbal assault.

Rest you must be talking about yourself because you are a confirmed nut.

As far as freedom of speech is concerned it matters when it applies to you. Otherwise you are going to censor the rest even for your stupid little blog. Think Chucky think.

PoliticsNB said...

Actually if he was "Really" censoring the blog nobody would be reading your chidish comments Anonymous. You'd be writing into nothing....why he keeps allowing them is beyond me....grow up little man.

Anonymous said...

Is it you turn to throw temper tantrum, Politics NB. Let him grow up.

PoliticsNB said...

Good move Charles IMO.

Disagreement on an issue is one thing, and I know you will not censor that...but when the attacks get personal towards the other commentors, and especially the Blogger??? Kick their butt to the curb. That's not freedom of speech, that's abuse. Abuse of the blog, the blogger, and freedom of speech. I think you'll find once the disruptors are gone, the people that want to discuss the issues will, without fear of being called an ass, or a jerk, or whatever name ear.......oops I mean "Annonymous" decides to call them.

Anonymous said...

Charles.. I finally got to listen to you on CBC. I thought it was pretty good..Never give up are the best..I find you very interesting, and you are not a security risk in my book.. I've come to know you as a person and as a blogger..God be with you in all you do cause you deserve more then you get credit for. If I was in the place of the legislature, I would welcome you with two hands..mine over yours!!! Keep it up and you will get there...the thing is you have to remember something they use toilet paper!!!

Anonymous said...

lol, good one

Anonymous said...

May be Politics NB started drinking again. It is the anonymous who used the abusive language who is so called supporter of Chucky. Chucky had no problem posting those comments. However response to this idiot were “too bad” according to you Politics NB and Chucky. We know that you throw temper tantrums that is why you have removed comments from your blog and I believe you have zero visitors now. If that is what Chucky wants he can have it too.

Chucky complains any little thing calling it “ Old Germany” all over again yet he is doing the same himself. How stupid he can get that he can use the swear words and others cannot. Some are equal and some are more equal.

It began with some good advice from lot of people but I suppose Chucky does not like good advice. He rather insult in return. Too bad for him that he is losing all the good visitors who supported his cause. They still support those causes but do not consider Chucky the spokesperson anymore. This fellow knows how to screw himself

Anonymous said...

Hey Chuckie when Irvings papers do not print your letter it burns you a**. How come you are labelling this guy and saying if he sends posts again you will not post it. What is the difference? Only difference is that Irvings follow the advice of their readers and make millions and you insult yours and you remain penniless drifter.

Anonymous said...

Charlie you say try these remarks with the newspapers. Let the Irving papers write the type of stories and nonsense you put in your blog – innuendoes and falsehoods. They will be run out of town despite their riches and influence. It works both ways.

Spinks said...

Gotta back PNB on this one. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with something here (PNB and I do it most of the time) but the insults and rudeness are unacceptable. It's up to Charles to let the comments stand. It speaks a lot to HIS character that he allows them. Play nice folks or go home.

Anonymous said...

You don't even seem to understand the issue, Charles. You are not a journalist--you make no claims towards being unbiased or informative. (Or educated, but that's another issue)

Some bloggers could be considered members of the press, but you are not one of them. You openly describe yourself as an "activist".

A member of the press does not participate in protests. They observe protests and report on the issues.

Anonymous said...

Spinks, I will buy your argument but it is Chuckie’s supporter who first used fowl language and threw insults. Chuckie posted it repeatedly and did not mind and neither did Politics, NB. Finally there was response to this very rude person and Politics NB started objecting. May be he was too drunk to see the other side

PoliticsNB said...

Nope, not drunk.......sorry to disappoint you. But whatever....not worth the time and effort to discuss it. If Charles is smart he'll keep the crapola off the blog, as it serves no purpose. But that's my 2 cents. I'm done with this one...

Anonymous said...

Politics NB I did mean to be harsh towards you. It is just that very polite suggestions were made and then Charlie and his crazy supporter used abusive language towards those who made suggestion and called them A. Hole and other names.

If you mean by crapola, crap then I agree. The whole blog has become a mess. Good suggestions meet with not only with resistance but also insults by Charlie and a certain abusive supporter.

You are right it is not worth to pursue it further. If Charlie wants to screw his blog, which he has succeeded, then it is his right. It is becoming more and more bizarre by the day.

Anonymous said...

Politics NB I did NOT (It should be NOT)mean to be harsh towards you. It is just that very polite suggestions were made and then Charlie and his crazy supporter used abusive language towards those who made suggestion and called them A. Hole and other names.

If you mean by crapola, crap then I agree. The whole blog has become a mess. Good suggestions meet with not only with resistance but also insults by Charlie and a certain abusive supporter.

You are right it is not worth to pursue it further. If Charlie wants to screw his blog, which he has succeeded, then it is his right. It is becoming more and more bizarre by the day.