This is the first time that I’m involved in a Provincial election outside of Moncton or Saint John.
I will tell you that it’s a total different ball game in the Capital.
I attended Liberal nomination meeting and it was funny watching the snobs walking around.
This could also include the P.C. or NDP camps.
This is the Capital! It’s full of bureaucrats.
Anyway? It was funny because the only people I knew where the high micky muques of Society.
Often, I would chat with them and someone would move them along from me. It didn’t bother me at all but it was funny.

Rick Miles won the nomination and I took this picture.
I was the only guy who was taking pictures so I approached the new liberal candidate and said - Hey? Look at this?
I told Rick since I’m on social assistant!
This could be worth at least 20 bucks????..lol...
He quickly answered - Only if I beat Brad Green!!..lol....
A few days later, I was at the Fredericton Soup Kitchen and George Piers told me that the Liberals were seeking some workers and it paid over $100.00!
I made a stopover at Rick Miles headquarters and I was told to come around the office the next day.
I showed up and I noticed a guy in his 60s sitting on a chair going over papers.
I also noticed Rick’s wife speaking on a cellphone.
I approached the guy and said - I was told to come here so I could make a few bucks?
The guy look at me and said - We don’t pay any money. It’s all volunteers.
Its funny that I wasn’t told this the day before.
I continued by saying - George Piers from the Soup Kitchen sent me here.

He replied- George Pieweed??? < He could say his proper name >
I knew at that moment that I was dealing with one of the snobs so therefore I decided to have some fun. You must understand that this is the Capital and you’ll not suppose to say that you’re coming from the Soup Kitchen.

You keep that in the closet and pray they don’t know.
I said - You know??? There’s a Soup Kitchen down the street???? I come from there!!!! I was sent by George Piers. He runs the Kitchen!!!!
Well? You should have seen the look on his face. His attitude change 100%!!!
At that point, I was someone that should be ignored at any cost.
I believe that he taught that I was some kind of peasant that came from the streets?
Rick’s wife quickly came and she’s a nice individual. I met her during the nomination. < She's a sweetheart!! >

While chatting with her? The older guy said- WELL? WE’RE BUSY HERE!!!
Trust me!!! I lost it!!!! There’s one thing that I will not tolerate is a snobby bureaucrat degrading me when I’m talking.
I quickly said- Heeyyyy??? I’m so sooorrryyyy!!!! I’m out of here.
The wife tried to calm me down while I was walking out the door.
I quickly turned back and said - Listen??? If your husband wishes to be elected as a Liberal MLA??? If a person walks in here? Rich or poor? You must treat them with respect. They’re suppose to be equal!!!!
You must get rid of jerks like that guy and I quickly left the Liberal headquarters.
Yes...there’s a big difference from being in Saint John during an election.
Here in the Capital the bureaucrats truly believe they’re higher than the poor and it shows.
I believe the only instance the poor are equal to the bureaucrats is on voting day but it’s only for a few minutes every few years.
Sighhhhhh.....What a City!!!!!
Well! I sure know who I am casting my vote for and it isn't the Liberals or NDP, can you guess who it will be lol!
With your kind of attitude Mike???? How come this don't surprise moi????
You are not a typical poor person. To compare your plight to the plight of the poor is foolish.
How can you get rid of the liberal jerks?
When there is one born every 30 minutes,oh! of course,vote NDP and abort them.riteon.
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