I forgot to blog this funny little story which happen a few weeks ago at the New Brunswick Legislature.
I was near a Commissionaire when I heard on the radio - The clown is in front of the Legislature!!!

I said to myself - That’s funny? I’m not there!!!
Then just like lighting? IT HIT ME!!!
I said - Clown???? My God????
I quickly ran towards the Legislature.
I noticed one Commissionaire running towards the same direction but just like I roadrunner? I quickly ran right by the guy and made in front of the Legislature. Hey? At 47, I still can run fast!!!

I turned my eyes on the front steps and sure enough!!! There he was!!!

His name is George.
I first met the guy last year and we got a different style when he comes to protesting!...lol
This guy will stand in the Legislature with a clown nose on his face or play a guitar uptown.
Dan Bussieres had him ban from the Legislature and he has been a very upset little clown ever since.

So there he was making a big speech.

Since Quebecois Dan Bussieres said that I would be charge with assault if I walked on the sidewalk?

I said to myself - Hey? This is a story and if the Commissionaires attacks the Clown and I was the only guy in the area taking pictures?
I would have the pictures as evidence.
Just like in Saint John with Atlantica? I was the first one in the area and I had all the evidence on camera if someone was assaulted.

I’m a blogger and that’s my job!!! < Too bad it doesn’t pay. >
I quickly noticed the clown heading towards me with the three Commissionaires escorting the guy from the grounds of the Legislature.

I just kept on taking pictures. This was great!!! The clown smiled for the camera and did a little showcase for the security staff.

Then he quickly ran towards the Legislature.

I continued clicking away because a person never knows when the assault could happen?
There’s a clown out of control in front of the Legislature and this is news!!!...lol..
Yvon LeBlanc tapped me on the shoulder and in a polite way said - Come on Charles? You know you are not allowed here?

I quickly told the Acadian Commissionaire while clicking away - Don’t touch me!! I’m a blogger!!!
He insisted that I leave and at the end I told Yvon to call the Police if he doesn’t want me around???
If it wasn’t for my trial in Saint John? I would have joined the Clown on the front steps but I can’t do much till after November 2nd!
The clown decided to make a run towards the Legislature.

The Clown decided that he had enough and went home.

Once the action was done, I decided to have some fun. I knew that the Quebec Security Staff had their video camera zoom on me.
I told Yvon there were no hard feelings and offer to shake his hand but he wouldn’t.
All the security staff had orders from Quebecois Dan Bussieres that if they talk to me? They would be fired right on the spot!!! < I’ll blog more on this issue later on >

I went home and had a good chuckles over the pictures.
Clowns inside the Legislature and a clown outside!!
Lots of action in the Capital and one thing is guaranteed?
You will not see stories like this one in the Irving Papers!!! ....lol.....
Lets see you LOL when you meet a courtjester with a summons
That is a great job.If only you had video and audio on that camera.Its time you moved up.A nice canon A620 7.1. and a 2gb card.
"courtjester with a summons"?
Nothing a blogger likes any better than publicity.
And nothing the establishment hates any worse,than a welfare blogger smarter than them.
I always say,don't underestimate.
So funny,the clown has his dignity,while societies elite scamper to find theirs.
Just wanted to post to say I won't be posting anymore. It takes for bloody ever for all those pictures to load, even on high speed. And having to scroll forever on the main page is lunacy. Too bad so sad.
Anonymous won't be commenting anymore? How will we notice?
Your problem is simply a plugged up computer,lack of maintenance,plus a few of those dirty little bugs you pick up from porn sites.Do cleanup,wash your hands and try again.
I love Fr. George! He is my hero and I consider him my mentor when it comes to guerilla theatre! I actually did some of my own this summer after discussing possible acts with him. I enjoyed it a lot and I think I got a lot of my messages out to the public. I don't understand why people are so fearful of a priest with a clown nose on. Great story Charles! I saw the photos last month on your blog and I was wondering what the story was behind it. Do you know what he was saying, or were you too far away?
Thanks guys for the laughs, I have just recently discovered this site via Spinks site.
I have just returned from exile. Yes, they sent me away from my Maritime home and made me endure 9 yrs penance in the Borg Cube, Ontario. I was on the verge of madness (and possibly still am), when I made my escape. So I am living incognito. Shhhh…. Don’t tell anyone!
I am a fairly handy computer tech but only recently explored blogs and one that I write in that desperately needs some Atlantic perspective is Garth Turner’s blog. MP for Halton, Ont. Once Mulroney MP, then CPC, now Liberal. I have posted them into writers cramp twice in the past 2 days as they don’t know what to make of my non-partisan satire and realism. Link is http://www.garth.ca/weblog/2007/08/05/pretender/#comments My posts there show up as Greg, but not to be mistaken with the other Greg. Confused now?
I invite you to join me in this blog to bring light to the lives of those still in the grip of the collective.
They got cucumbers shoved so far up the dark side, it hurts them to laugh.
wow I must say that is amazingly funny i had no idea things like this were going on in my very own city..im usualy downtown skateboarding and I had no idea...im gonna have to get my own camera and start snapping..i might get something this good!!!!!! lol!!
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