Monday, October 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
I blogged this story a few days ago. Can you imagine spending $140.000 on security????

They claimed they found 50 knives in the last four years.

Never once have I heard of someone being arrested for carrying a knife in the Legislature.

Once again, Dan Bussieres is lying. The media cannot do a follow up on this one because they will be ban from the Legislature.

This Quebecois is totally out of control.

emoncracy must remain alive in New Brunswick!!!


Anonymous said...

The $140,000 investment in security is a much better investment than that same amount of government money that's been blown on you over the years of welfare cheques.

Little Brother said...

Likely very few, if any, arrests would be made. The knifes should be kept out not because the people were planning on using them,but to be safe.

Some of that money went to training commissionares, so some stayed in province.

Anonymous said...

Explain how adding extra security destroys our democracy???

Anonymous said...

X-ray machine, metal detector to greet legislature visitors

Anonymous said...

"Those who value security over liberty deserve neither"

A hundred and forty grand in welfare?? Wow, NB is really the land of dreamers. Again, we should remind the *&^%ing idiots that it was THE LEGISLATIVE SECURITY THAT PUT CHARLES ON WELFARE. Charles HAD A JOB AT THE LEGISLATURE AND THEY GOT HIM FIRED. Talk about hypocritical pricks.

We know Charles has an axe to grind, but the reality is that there is no way to prove or disprove the claims of security. THAT is the danger to democracy. Tomorrow they could have a story that they found a gun and ban everyone from the would you know? Governments throughout history are well known for staging events that lead to crackdowns in civil liberties.

I don't think 140 grand is that much, depending on the salaries and how many people are involved. Charles raises a BIG issue, even if he does so clumsily. I carry a swiss army knife with me all the time, if security tells me I can't bring it inside that's hardly a security issue. Obviously the knives are kept out to "be safe" because you don't KNOW whether people are planning on using them. If they weren't planning on using them, obviously you are safe.

Anonymous said...

Why do you insist on bringing up his cultural background. It makes your arguement weaker, because it sounds like you are against him regardless of what he does.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Why? Because once an Ignorant Quebecer? Always an Ignorant Quebecer!!!

We are dealing with a very dangerous individual who will banned anyone.

I'm affraid someone will cross that thin line and do harm.

I pray it doesn't happen but something has to give.

You cannot have a Quebecer treating New Brunswickers like dirt!!!

Anonymous said...

Again, your carrying things too far Charles and that's unfortunate. Security can't ban people, only the legislature members can do that. You are showing yourself to be petty and racist. Only six people have been banned, yes, thats a big number historically, however its far from 'banning anybody'. YOU are not 'democracy' or 'civil rights' Charles. We know you were unjustly persecuted and fired from your job, but now you are just getting out of hand.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

lol...if you believe that I'm out of hand now?

Wait till I blog the reasons I heard that I'm banned???

I told many people on the streets and they always look at me and say- WHAAATTTTT???

Stay tuned.....

Anonymous said...

That's not the point. The point is making racist comments and attributing to security what the legislature itself did to you.