Friday, November 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison.
Happy days!!!!


Anonymous said...

Charles happy for you. Justice did happen to some extent. You were there to cover a story and provide your Blog with details. Maybe there will be some respect from the people who over reacted and only wished the worst. The pictures deleted can't be returned but maybe they will treat people with dignity deserved.

Now get back to bringing in the news. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! One for the records.

Anonymous said...

Yes Congratulations once again Charlie, you have paved the way for those of us who have been hesitating a bit. Now that that ruling has been brought down, we can write about the issues that affect the everyday person without fear of being harassed or charged with some bogus fony screwball charge.

Anonymous said...

Freedoms are taken away everyday so this one is a good win.

Can't wait to read and put my opinion on your Blog. Good hard work well done Chrales. Naysayers are a little quieter but they ones who don't like the Blog just stay away. No need to make other Bloggers miserable.