Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wikipedia and Charles? Who wants to start it?

Anyone interested in starting an entry. You may or may not like Charles, what he stands for or how he reports on stories but he certainly is a personality in this small province.

Someone take the lead and we can all pitch in with our two cents...




Anonymous said...

Give me a break!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

lol....I'm glad that I didn't come out with this idea??

Many would love to write a different view on me on this one?

But if you think about it? There's lots of history.

Last true protester in a tent in front of the Legislature and the issue of blogging.

I sure won't be writing my history in there.....the bad grammar would give it

Anonymous said...

who is charles leblanc!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when and where you where going to have that autograph session at the mall, keep me posted.

Anonymous said...

hey charlo! you'd need two wikipedia entries, the pro and contra versions of your story:)

think of it - you'll be the first Fred-à-Pierre with his own wikipedia entry!

i use wikipedia all the time, there's a lot of good stuff on there.

but honestly, from cousin to cousin, how can you call yourself the last true protester? there have been plenty of good, successful protesters since you. and one doesn't need to sleep in a tent to protest things.

- cousin raincheck

Anonymous said...

Anyone here having a bit of an Ego problem?

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I have obsoletely nothing to do with this one...Blame WCIE!!! I was very surprise to see this in the blog this morning.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that's ego. Charles has worked hard on his blog every day for years now, that's an accomplishment. He didn't ask to be arrested or to be banned, in that he was a victim. But he didn't give in, and in protests, that's what counts. You can do a lot in a lifetime if you don't burn out to fast.

There should definitely be a wikipedia entry, I used to know some fabulous writers but lost track of them, don't be shy people, somebody should give it a try.

Anonymous said...

It's never your fault, Charles. It's always someone else. It's your Blog, then it's your responsability.

Anonymous said...

who cares, now take a deep breathe it's going to be alright 7:44.