Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I can't blog from flickr so there will be no pictures for a few days or few weeks!!!

Ok . . . I’m going to give a quick update of why I’m organizing an Elimination of the New Brunswick Human Rights Day!

I have been in a huge battle with those people for years.

I’m not going to go into the details that these appointed individuals held a meeting behind close doors and told the Irvings that racism was ok.

GO TO THE TOP TO - Check the search this blog and write New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.

I might add that same meeting they came out with a decision that people with ADHD are close to mental retardation.

Can’t drive a car or learned a trade?

I heard a few weeks ago that companies are testing new employees for ADD or ADHD. One was found to have it and denied a job. < That’s another blog >

My main concern this time around will be Roomers and Boarders rights.

The Commission denied our case a few months ago. They agreed that roomers can be evicted in our hour from building.

If a roomer makes a complaint to the fire Marshall about a safety hazard? They will be evicted.

The Commission is saying that the poor must die!!!

Another issue is the Justice System. They refuse to acknowledge that the poor are human.

The poor are grabbed from the streets and charge with obstruction. < Look what happened to me in Saint John? >

The poor individual will be force to defend themselves in court. Therefore, they will be found guilty and place on probation.

Once they break the probation? They will end up in jail!

This is not right and I will add that I never approached the Commission on this issue because it’s a huge waste of time.

They totally refuse to bring the issue of the poor up front.

What really got me going was in their annual report a few weeks ago? They never mentioned the issue of the poor.

I might add there hasn’t had a tribunal in five years and the question is why?

Is everything ok in New Brunswick? I don’t believe so.

This Commission is set for big industries and the Government.

These individuals are appointed by friends and they don’t have a clue what’s going on in the real world.

Last June they held a Human Rights Conference at S.T.U. or U.N.B. for all the Human Rights Commission across Canada.

I was planning a protest but didn’t because it was soon after my arrest in Saint John.

Eliminate the Human Rights Commission?

Yes!!!! But just the people in there.

The Justice department should investigate these people but then again? They belong to a Union.

Maybe they’re following orders from Tom Mann? Who truly knows?

With Tim Smith memorial and other issues. I couldn’t really push this issue.

Yesterday, I went on the streets and told a lot of people to gather at Tim’s Horton on Regent Street on Wednesday at 1:00pm.

Now, I understand when you’re poor? You lose all energy to fight.

I was surrounded by a rough crowd < all been in jail > and I reminded them that the Police can grab you from the streets and you’ll have to represent yourself in court.

One guy said - He’s right man!!! That happened to me!

There’s all kind of issues concerning the poor that must be addresses.

The Commission refuses to acknowledge this issue so therefore we must fight.

I would be very happy if I got 15 people to show up for two hours.

That would be a success because this means that we’ll have double that amount in the Spring!

We will set up tents in front of the Commission.

If nobody shows up? This will not discourage me. It will only make me stronger and keep on fighting.

This could have been avoided but the Commission Chair Gordon Porter refuses to forward a press release concerning the issue of boarders and roomers rights!

I was told that I would be arrested but I’ll write one more on this tonight. Stay tuned!!!


Anonymous said...

They can't arrest you for having a protest, that's a legal right. It depends what you are planning on doing at the protest that will determine if you are arrested or not.

Anonymous said...

But you can get arrested at a protest for nothing, just as charles was, and just as the four here in fredericton whose charges were dropped. I can only imagine how many other people have been arrested for no reason. The police are threatened by protesters, its as simply as that.

Anonymous said...

heard a few weeks ago that companies are testing new employees for ADD or ADHD. One was found to have it and denied a job. < That’s another blog >
As if. Do you believe everything you hear?

The Commission is saying that the poor must die!!!

No, they do not. You have zero proof of that.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

Tim Smith told me the story!!!! So there!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And where did Tim hear it from? It obviously didn't happen to him because he doesn't work either nor look for work, just like you don't.

So you and he both believe everything you hear?

Wow, you guys are so gullible.

This could be fun... okay, did you know that a large asteroid named McLachlan-Morris is going to collide with Earth on July 7, 2009 somewhere in the northern part of South Africa which will cause a tsunami in the Atlantic ocean. The tsunami will travel up the Atlantic coast and affect the Maritimes with a wave height of approximately 35 feet, causing intense damage to Halifax and Saint John while flooding communities along the St. John River all the way up to Fredericton.

Anonymous said...

Oh so Tim is a reliable source. Man this hole site is a big joke. I love it because it gives me a good laugh. All the things that Charles blames on government and Irving is hilarious.

Keep up the funny (oh I mean good)work.

Anonymous said...


I'm not going to call you out, that won't help.

Friendly (and I do mean friendly) piece of advice for you. When someone who isn't in a position of authority on the subject...fact check. Look for that story. Google it. Ask around. Ask where that person heard/read it. Get more facts.

Don't just pass on some secondhand knowledge without some form of verification.

Whether or not you consider yourself to be a journalist or a commentator, it is your duty to be factual in everything you state.

Check your facts, and don't say "Well Joe Doe told me..." if Joe Doe isn't an expert with inside information on the subject.

Oh...one more thing. I would be careful about how you term others on this blog. It might get you into trouble. I.E. Calling someone a bigot. Proving that is difficult, and it can get you into heaps of trouble.

I know you're having fun. But please be responsible.

Anonymous said...

Hard to sue somebody with no money. It's not hard to prove as Charles has provided the proof in the past.

As for facts, this is not a newsite, its a blog site. Why do people expect Charles to be a journalist? He doesn't get paid for this, if you don't want to believe it then don't believe it. Hey, it comes from 'anonymous sources'-why do you only believe that line when it comes from Irving?

News organizations have helped bring people to war on stories with fewer evidence than Charles comments. If you doubt the validity of a story - prove it.

Anonymous said...

If Charles wants media accredidation, and wears a "media" badge then as a member of the media attending the event, he has the responsibility to report correctly.

Fact is people treat the information they get from this blog as news or at least news based in some form.

He should be responsible. It's not my job as a reader to prove him wrong. It's up to him to state the truth. Just like all other pieces of media.

Otherwise, it's just a trashy tabloid with sensational headlines and a sliver of truth somewhere in there. And since they seem to get sued fairly frequently for not proving their facts...