He may be a sick individual and he could use help. He knew what he did was wrong and concealed things and lied and he certainly knows how to play the system and use his knowledge to put his point accross.
He needs to be put away for life and no leave or special privileges.
He never gave these to people any respect before or after he killed them and tore this family apart. Two years of hell and it will still continue.
This one case better be dealt with and not have loop holes.
He probably will never serve his sentence as he should but please make sure he never gets a chance to reoffend. What happen to these two seniors needs to kept in all decisions made. Humans rights for victims seem to be forgotten. It is all about defending people and their rights. All evidence when brought out will be clear but nothing will make this right.
Many people have problems and are alot worse but they never would cross the line in such a way!

Praying for all family and friends who suffer but some justice has to be given.
can someone post what the verdict is once it happens, won't know till 5 if not, on the radio, merci buckets
The justice just ruled that he is NOT fit to stand trial.
He seems either mentally ill or very messed up by drugs. Hopefully justice is served and we don't fry him like anon suggests.
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