Wednesday, June 06, 2007

$70.00 IN 30 MINUTES!!!!!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
A couple of days ago, I heard this guy playing the violin at a street corner.

You could hear him from a block away. He collected 70 bucks and left the City.

He was just playing so he could collect enough money for a bus ticket to Montreal.

He told me the Fredericton Police Force never bothered him.

$70.00 in 30 minutes??? I got to start playing the Violin!!!!



Anonymous said...

But they can make much more in the city's.

The working man never seems to catch on to what a sucker he is,paying billions in taxes for the crap in ottawa,and every capital,billions wasted in a ridiculous health system,and billions sticking their nose in the family unit telling them they have to learn a language which is their business.Billions for failed politicians and friends to live the life of kings.What a mess
But if you can't add or read or spell,how the hell you know eh?
Except when someone tells you of the guy who made 140$ an hour on a street corner TAX FREE

Anonymous said...

Some people would give you $70 bucks for you to take the bus...and you wouldn't have to play the violin....