Hello Woodlot Watch,
A press conference/replanting action is planned in the Woodlot near the road clearing for 11am, Saturday, June 23. All are welcome to help in this press event. We plan to flyer the Kimble Dr. neighbourbood on Sunday, June 17. And tree seedlings are needed for the replanting ceremony.
Guess who is handing out free tree seedlings! The City of Fredericton this Wednesday @ noon in front of City Hall.
The public is invited to the launch of the Green Matters Campaign. Free seedlings, a free compact fluorescent light bulb, prizes, BBQ, and more.
Here is the info for Wednesday.
You are invited to the launch of the Green Matters Campaign
Wednesday, June 13th
City Hall (in front of building)
12:00pm to 1:30pm
Rain location: City Hall Council Chamber
We might as well start the campaign with replanting the Woodlot !
Mark D'Arcy (B.Sc. '86, UNB)
Fredericton, New Brunswick
ahh they've started the road in from kimble
Anyone else see the irony in a group spreading flyers all over the place to save trees?
No more ironic than looking for tree seedlings to plant in an area that they know full well will never be left to grow. But I guess it's all worth it for a little media exposure.
Anonymous 5:03, it is called democracy. It is the responsibility of concerned citizens to discuss community issues, especially when the mainstream media does not have interest or the resources to cover them.
There are a lot more pressing things to criticize in this world than to trivialize the actions of engaged citizens.
Mark D'Arcy (B.Sc. '86, UNB)
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Both anonymous and just passing make good points, if you are gonna protest something, at least thing about how you are doing it before you do it
Got another idea for spreading information? Many cities have bulletin boards so that few flyers would be needed, others have numerous media outlets that would cover these issues constantly. The reality is that there is no other way to do it. Many groups even spend what little money they have to ensure they use as much recycled paper as possible, but that's sort of like the criticism on the other thread that people who drive cars shouldn't protest atlantica.
You do what you can with what you got.
You can always count on Fredericton to protest everything. Now there's a group up in arms about a church expanding. How about in addition to protesting, provide some realistic alternatives? Where would you like the new development to go?
ya there is no space left...
Gee, Fredericton is a little area within a giant forest, ya'd think it was New York. Out on the vanier there is tons of space, on the northside there is tons of space. There are realistic alternatives every place you throw a rock.
ya and they'd be protesting there too. You can't do anything in Freddy without somebody's nose getting out of joint.
why don't we just turn into new york then, ya oh there is extra space so lets develop everything, good idea...
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