Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Pictures 055
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
Undercover cops tried to incite violence in Montebello: union leader
YouTube video shows union leaders trying to push back masked men
Last Updated: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 | 4:06 PM ET
CBC News
Organizers of the protests at the North American leaders' summit in Montebello, Que., say they have video that shows police disguised as masked demonstrators tried to incite violence on Monday.

The YouTube video shows Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, ordering three masked men back from a line of riot police.
About 1,200 protesters were in the small resort town near Ottawa as Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with U.S. President George W. Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon at a two-day summit to discuss issues under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America pact.


Anonymous said...

And they could tell because these masked men had "undercover cops" on the back of their jackets as apposed to "radical agitators"?

Anonymous said...

If there is no real violence to crack down on Goverment will start the ball rolling so they can tear gas and pepper spray the peacefull protesters! There are some Idiots that do show up but the Main protest organizers are on the defensive as to these types and will deal with them right away!

Anonymous said...

peaceful they were throwing rocks and everything they could get thier hands on...

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a Honest and Open Government that has to do its Deals in Secret!! Wonder what Harper gave away that We will be paying for later ???

Anonymous said...

Peacefull,they caught 3 cops with rocks and thier faces covered up ready to get seinor citizens clubbed,pepper sprayed and who knows what else done to them,and these scum police want our respect along with the politicians? No Way No more from this side of the river! wonder how many more cops were doing the rock throwing with the other groups as well? When the media is not allowed in on these secretive talks between 3 leaders of countries which probably have to do with Canadas soverienty i would say something is very very wrong or are most people too stupid to relize this?

Anonymous said...

I trust the word of a labour leader just about as much as I would a politician. There are more conspiracy theorists in here than you would find at a UFO convention. I guess there is enough stupidity to go around for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy and concealing the truth is what goverment is all about! Its not theory when theres proof contrary to what we are told or what is written and Just Passing yes there is even some extra stupidity for you too so you dont feel left out,just go back to sleep everything is fine! Keep reading local news CTV FOX etc and live by thier very words,they and ONLY they give the TRUTH! In the words of ALF "HA"!

Anonymous said...

well the police just admitted that those three 'protestors' were actually cops..... so cops are now throwing rocks to incite riots... how many other protests has this occurred at I wonder?

Anonymous said...

its an old trick,been around for thousands of years! attack yourself and blame it on the other group!

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely pompous, stupid thing to say anonymous 2:24. So where do you get your news from? No, don't tell me let me guess. Could it be those very places that happen to say just want you want to hear? How fortunate for you that the truth happens to be just where you look for it. When did people loose the common sense and ability to actually think for themselves? But silly me surely anonymous 2:24 has already been told when by his unbiased sources.