I believe that President Ahamadinejad is truly Demon Possessed and a major threat not only the peace in the Middle East and Israel, but also, to the free world and democracy as we know it. The Religion that he promotes is a Religion of Hate, Evil, and Trechery of the most Diabolical perportion. And it is high time that the western World look at this evil religion for what it really is and take this garbage called political Correctness and tolerance and throw it out the window. Better maybe you should purchase a book titled Because They Hate by Bridgette GabrialShe is a Surrvivor of that hatred, as she was born and raised in Lebenon as a Christian They tried to kill her and her family because they were born into a Christian family. Read this book, and then tell me if this corrupt and evil faith tradition is loving and peaceful
Michael G. MacKay, if you are professing to be a Christian, by reading your comment I guess I should make the assumption that Christianity is not a loving and peaceful religion either eh.
He's no nut. He's one savvy individual that has the far-left eating out of his hand.
Islamic Fascism is a huge danger to the current way of life in North America if not around the world. Iran's current leader is trying to come off warm and fuzzy and by throwing around anti-George Bush rhetoric, the far-Left is dazzled and forgetting or not realizing what this guy is all about. Mike McKay is right on that point. The Quran is clear. Non-muslimss have three choices. Convert to Islam, become a serf or be killed. Fortunately the vast majority of Muslims don't support that but the ones that do plow passenger laden missles into buildings, strap kids with bombs and behead their enemies while filming it. Not pretty I agree but it is the inconvenient truth.
I agree that Islamic Fascism is a huge danger. But also any form of mass hatred which was professed by Michael G. Mckay in the name of his religion (Born Again). He said "all" of Islamic orgin should be sent back to their country of origin. I suggest to Michael to re-think his position and retract his comment.
Michael G. McKay is not only bigoted but also plain stupid. What is he doing in this land. It does not belong to him it belongs to Natives. He must go where he came from.
How soon we forget about the genocide of Natives? Over 100 million annihilated in North America by so-called settlers. The worst holocaust in human history. So much for Christianity. Do not blame religions. It is the politics which enters religions causes problems.
Only Leblanc will published such racist remarks as that of Michael G. McKay. No sane peron will allow that kind of bigotry.
Spinks, for heaven's sake, use your head. I guess I should expect all this "far left" nonsense (I can't speak for all the lefties, but I for one have no interest in eating out of Ahmadinejad's hand, thanks), but really, don't back McKay in his bigotry. It just makes you look bad.
I read your blog and I know you're smart enough to figure out that sometimes Muslims do bad things, just like sometimes Christians do bad things, and everyone else too. It has nothing to do with religion. Religion just gives these crazies something to pin their crazy ideas to. I could say that all born-again Christians are ridiculously bigoted just based on McKay's little rant, but that would make me an idiot like him. Get it?
Far-left not simply left, pedgehog. The far-left welcomes this guy with open arms because he doesn't like George Bush. The enemy of my enemy is my friend philosophy I guess in their mind.
Islamic fascism is a serious issue. Mike could tone it down a few notches but calling his comment above bigoted is a bit of a stretch. He's quite correct that political correctness is making North American society lose its common sense. The crap the so called Fredericton Peace Coalition tried to pull last week with the "remove the yellow ribbon to support the troops" is proof of that. At least with that one common sense did prevail and a very loud collective voice said, "No, that's going too far."
That's funny, he's a threat to 'democracy'. In case the above poster didn't know, he was ELECTED by the people of Iran.
Which brings about another issue, namely, no matter how smart or 'bad' you think he is, he has no POWER. So ask yourself this, why does he get so much media attention all over the states when he can't actually DO anything?
The reason he gets the attention is that he can be relied on for some good quotes that can be used against Iran.
It is true that they are 'islamic fascists', just as the US is getting pretty christian fascist. What poeple should realize is that a hard line stance on a country like that is the LAST thing we want.
Iran, unlike Iraq, is not powerless, it is a very industrial state. More importantly, here's some letters you shouldn't forget- SCO. Like NATO, which is a pact of nations who support each other in case of attack, Iran is a member of a similar organization which also includes, you guessed it, China, India and Russia. Can you say 'KABOOM'? And we can kiss this sweet earth goodbye.
Besides that, although never reported or given much respect, peace organizations have been working for years and there is much popular foment in Iran for democratic change. However, increasing militarization against Iran is making that harder and harder. Plus, of course, Iran wouldn't be an Islamic state if the US hadn't installed an even more bloodthirsty lunatic puppet which made Iranians rebel in the first place.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Monday afternoon met with a group of Jewish rabbis who gave him a silver grail as a sign of friendship.
The president is currently in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. The rabbis carried a placard which read, "I am Jewish not a Zionist."
A senior rabbi of the group said that they considered the visit to New York of President Ahmadinejad as an exceptional opportunity and would never forget it.
He referred to the Iranian president as a person who made a distinction between Jews and Zionists.
New York City September 26, 2007 A Must see video! (6min. 40sec.)
"You understand us and make a distinction between the violent behavior of Zionists and the religious beliefs of Jews," said the senior rabbi who called President Ahmadinejad "a pious man who is seeking to restore peace in the world and has humanitarian plans." Appreciating the rabbis for their gift, President Ahmadinejad said he was happy to visit them.
"All people in the world have now understood that Judaism is different from Zionism," said the president.
He added, "Zionists are a political group looking for taking advantage of the opportunities while Jews are the followers of the Moses who promoted peace and friendship."
President Ahmadinejad stressed that there was no disagreement between the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as they all pray the same God and are brothers.
It takes more than real name for me to admire someone. Hitler used his real name. I wonder who admires him? A good anonyme opinion is far better than an opinion of hatred signed by a real name. It takes more courage to retract such an opinion than sign a real name.
2:59 anon wrote - It is true that they are 'islamic fascists', just as the US is getting pretty christian fascist.
Sorry friend that's just plain dishonest. Rosie O'Donnell tried to pull the same line that "radical Christianity" was as dangerous as "radical Islam". Last time I checked Christians weren't comandeering planes and plowing them into buildings or cutting off people's heads for disagreeing with them. You may not like Christianity and that's your right but comparing it to radical Islam is simply not true. Christianity asks that you make a personal decision, Islamic fasicists are instructed to kill you if you don't convert or become a serf. There's a world of difference.
This shows how much Chritian you are. You are rude, ignorant and a plain kook. You do not even know if I am a Muslim, Christian or Jew. Rudeness shows that you should first learn to be a human which you are not. Since I pointed out that you are a kook so therefore I am a Muslim. I suppose that guy who called you a kook in the media, and said that you should be banned from the legislature, is a Muslim too.
That sound great milel except it's not quite true. When was the last time you heard of a bunch of "radical" Christians running around doing...well I'm not sure what you would accuse them of doing that's so bad in this day and age? Witnessing, helping the poor? Your King Soloman example doesn't quite wash since Christianity came long after that and regardless it was used in Soloman's wisdom to discover the real mother (no baby was cut in half). Radical Islamic fascists kill people every day in the present day. I just don't hear too many suicide bombings, wait check that NONE coming from that "radical" bible belt of the United States.
...I am not sure where this is going but when it comes to Islam, what Islamist do not bragged about and rather under play every opportunity they have and this with an unthreatening smile is that Jihad covers over two third of the Koran... and that one third of the Koran that Mohammed repeated 500 years after Jesus Christ crucifixion/death for all of our sins, is his twisted self serving interpretation. Then Mohammed claims Jihad came from apparitions and was influenced by the angel Gabriel. To this date, for Mohammed's religion to have so much power over so many people in the world then and till now convinces me to believe Mohammed when he claims an angel came to him 500 years after after Jesus Christ's death. That the said angel guided him in his battle of bitterness against those who rejected him at Mecca (Mecca's Church were Christian and rejected Mohammed's (distorted)teaching. He left and defeated them with an army. We all know which bitter angel could possibly have influenced negatively and would have wanted to ally himself with a rejected want to be Christian cleric... These apparitions were no angel Gabriel who is totally loyal to God. That angel was no other than the same proud and envious angel who was thrown out of heaven, the same one who attempted to have Jesus turn his back on God in the desert and in the garden of Carpenium the day before is unjust arrest and fixed trial and orchestrated crucifixion. That angel is the same fallen angel (onto the world) who is seeking the soul of each and every Christian everyday... Lucifer (Satan).
P.s: If one doesn't believe God let sacrificed his only son just like a lamb and that Jesus Christ died on the cross as a redemption for all of our past and future sins. One doesn't have to worry about Satan coming after him or her; Satan, until that step of faith for Jesus Christ occurs already owns that soul.
The battle here is spiritual; the Muslim faith is about converting and or killing the unbelieving infidel body. Christian faith is about making the decision of following Christ and on the journey bringing more souls to believe and follow him. Which battle plan do you believe is righteous and reflective of a loving God of all creations ?
Wow ! This is really good discussion,nothing like mixing politics religon and law! Poof it blows right up in your face! But this is the best yet Charles just stand back and let them rip each other apart and when thier finished like they verse goes THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH !
Dosent matter what religon you are,there are good christians good muslims good buddihst good athiest? Good is good and bad is bad ! some people just want to be on top and dominate and sometimes use religon as a crutch to means to an end! The Heart does not lie niether do the eyes!
This has a thought provoking message no matter how you believe.
"Does evil exist?" The university professor challenged his students with this question. "Did God create everything that exists?" A student bravely replied "Yes, he did!" "God created Everything?", the professor asked. "Yes sir", the student replied. The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil. Since evil exists, and according the principal that our works define who we are, then God is evil". The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth. Another student raised his hand and said, "Can I ask you a question, professor?" "Of course", replied the professor. The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?" "What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The students snickered at the young man's question. The young man replied, "In fact, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Everybody or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F.) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat." The student continued. "Professor, does darkness exist?" The professor responded, "Of course it does". The student replied, "Once again you are wrong, sir; darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present." Finally the young man asked the professor. "Sir, does evil exist?" Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course, as I have already said. We see it every day. it is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil." To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist, sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exists just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when there is no light." The professor sat down. The young man's name --- Albert Einstein
Uhh, we must have some Muslims here or liberal thinkers who with their lack of moral fortitude will fall for just about anything. Any Person with any common sense would understand that not every single person who claims Islam as their Religion of choice, is a Terrorist. However I do have an english copy of the Qur'an on my computer, and Yes I do hold an earned bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Religious Studies, and a minor in Philosophy. I beleive that it is the Ideology of the religion of Islam that is the problem, in the middle ages or, dark ages the Crusades took place and many people were masecred in the name of Christianity. Over the Centuries however, the Christian Religion if you want to call it that, restructured itself. and today we have no mor issues like the Crusades in islam however the Qur'an tells the Muslim to kill the Infidele, According to the Qur'an, the Infidele is anyone who is not a loyal Muslim,according to the teachings of the Qur'an, by the way, that small one tenth or ten percent of the Islamic religion who are radical terrorists, is about one hundred million people.
Think about.Contrary to what many think here I do pray for the Muslim people and hope they find the true way to God, I do however, despize the Religion of islam because it breads terror and is a diabolical Evil in our World. I would suggest that these individuals who have a problem with me speaking out read the headlines in the news publications, and listen to and watch the news and documentaries. and do the research for yourselves before you speak like a foolish person, educate yourselves and be informed the book I mentioned is called Because They Hate and it is by a young lady named Brigitte Gabriel who survived the islamic Jihad in Lebenon. the Book is available at Chapters Bookstore and on their website at: http://www.chapters.indigo.ca
Please check it out for yourself. That is all I ask.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is not my intention to be abrasive or, Unkind. I was taught to say what needs to be said and get R Don. I apologize if the manner which I have spoken my views, has hurt anyone, and caused offense, but I have said what I have said and I stand on it.
I don't care how many diplomas you have, you are a hopeless case trying to fight hatred with hatred. What kind of brainwashing have you gotten to think you can judge a person by what someone else from the same religion has said or done. If I judge you, I do so by what you said or done and not someone else.
I hope one day you will find your braincells that are floating somewhere.
It may say to kill the Infidell but who are the ones that have killed about 1 million Iraqis either direct or indirect since 91 war in the gulf? Saddam was upset because the Kuwaitis were slant drilling into Iraqs oil fields saddam told the US they said OK and he invaded and when he did they started a war with him,complete set up! Saddam had offered to leave Iraq before the second Invasion but they wouldnt allow that! No,No lets send them to hell eh, make war not peace,make a parking lot eh? Tariq Asiz is living in Scotland with a lifetime pension ?? Iraq was probably the most Progressive Islamic nation ,women were free to dress and work alongside men and had Top Education for people. Religons of different denominations were well tolerated ! They had an excellent goverment services ,hospitals, power ,water ,sewerage,transportation,policing were all top notch and yet the americans were there to free them from the evil saddam (an American creation)now the countries infrastructure has been dimantled and the country is in choas with no more services,the country has been permanently poisoned with millions of tons of depleted uranium shells and bullets and the different factions have been pushed to fighting and its all been done on purpose! Next stop Iran where the USA or its Corporations have been causing instability there for about 50+ years since they overthrew Mosadec and put in the Shaw who was a terrible thug worse than Saddam but was quiet about his dirty deeds ,Iranians got rid of him in 79 and they took the US embassy hostage! The Shaw eventually ended up in the US and died of cancer! These things have really nothing to do with religon but with money and power,they throw religon in to hype the people up so they cant see threw all the smoke! The people are being played off against each other by big corporations and the profits they reap! I dont know my bible well nor do I know the quaran well either but have looked at both I do like truth and read history well though and try not to watch the idot box as this is what you become when you feed off of what comes out of it and its corporate controllers.
We should be watching our own leaders and thier plans for us and this North American Union which they are gonna drop out the middle class and bring all three countries to third world status! NAU NAFTA FREE TRADE FTAA all corporate plans to bring us down gradually! Just watch how the police are acting against the citizens of north america (as they are a window into our governments)and its increasing daily slowly bringing up the heat like a frog in a pot of boiling water,before you know your cooked! Were Next!
Dont expect the news to tell you that as the media is controlled by them(corporations/governments) and do you think if they have bigger plans thier gonna tell us???
I read somewhere that the 1st terrorist bombing was in Iran or Persia in the 1920s and the second terrorist bombing was on wall street in the 1920S? hmm? Wonder if that was about religon or oil??
People who are descendent of settlers of North America must be the most ashamed. My God 100 million natives demolished. The worst holocaust in history. How can you live with yourself?
It's all about the CANADIAN genocide against natives in the fifties by the canadian government, carried out by the Catholic, Anglican and United Churches.
Now, is THAT what is considered 'radical christianity'? Or perhaps Jonestown, or Wako, or name any other christian sect.
The argument would be 'thats not REAL christianity' or some such thing. Perhaps thats true, in which case suicide bombings (which the Quran says nothing about) is not REAL islam.
Modern muslims do not take all the Quran literally, just like christians don't. How many christians have plucked out their eyes because its offended them? Not too many.
There are no doubt SOME christians who 'bless their persecutors', but certainly not too many in positions of power.
Suicide bombings and roadside bombings have nothing to do with Islam, but lots to do with politics and with warfare. The Viet Cong did the exact same thing, how many people talked about 'radical buddhism'?
Much is made of suicide bombers being 'brainwashed' by religion to think they will enjoy all kinds of things in the afterlife. However, there's not much interview time available after a suicide bomb. People will not just give their lives for their immortal soul, but to bring about what they think is a better world for their friends, family and country.
Suicide bombing is a 'tactic' not a religious tool. It's got a long military history, almost as far back as there are written records. If you want to understand Iraq, go back and read the history of Ireland in the early 20th century. It's very similar. Because for as long as military conquerors have been writing histories over how to overcome inserructions, minority military forces have been writing how to overcome stronger invaders (often written by the same people).
Bush is setting up the US for a fall the same way Hitler did to Germany at the beginning! Hes following the same path! Internal checkpoints,the patriot act which has nothing to do with patriotism but is an assault against thier bill of rights,police being openly allowed to murder and beat people with justification or consequnces!starting wars when only congress can declare war,openly allowing torture! just a step away from marshall law a complete Dictatorship! Hail Bush! Canada is usually not far behind what the US does to its people even though we are a seperate country,but are we?
Exactly Spinks, you just made my point. 'Radical christianity' has nothing to do with christianity, and 'radical' islam has nothing to do with Islam. Glad we straightened that out.
Oh I was waiting for someone to start quoting scripture as a basis for their beliefs and opinions.
One person's false prophet is another person's messiah. 'Nuf said.
And to all the ladies reading the blog, let me introduce you to Genesis 3:16... "and woman shall OBEY man."
How many of you christians out there want to try and get your wives and girlfriends to obey that little piece of scripture? Its in the Bible, as good christians you MUST obey it right.
Sorry 4:08, that dog doesn't hunt. Islamic Fascism does exist. Radical Christianity, whatever the heck that even means, naming a couple of cults and trying to connect the dots is a pretty lame attempt to slam Christianity. It's just plain dishonest (although such a view will probably get you a guest spot on the CBC's Avi Lewis's show. Intellectual dishonesty is his specialty).
Christians aren't hijacking planes and running them into buildings or strapping bombs and targeting civilians in the name of God. Comparing apples and oranges would be far easier. Since Mike McKay is recommending reading, I'll throw this one out, The Trouble with Islam by Irshad Manji. Warning not for the politically correct.
Just because you won't admit it doesn't make it less true Spinks, no matter how many times you repeat it. The example above says it all, the Viet Cong used suicide bombs, nobody said 'its their religion'.
That's just plain racist, sorry dude. The Irish used suicide bombs in London, and in Central and South America they often used suicide bombs. So that means catholicism.
And as mentioned numerous times, and hopefully accepted by those without racist predispositions, killing of innocents and civilians is forbidden by Islam.
Jonestown was a christian cult, and the leader was a devout christian who murdered all his followers. That's pretty hypocritical to say that 'that isn't christianity', but actions that are strictly forbidden by the Quran are 'radical' islam. That just doesn't wash-except maybe in your own mind.
Suicide bombings aren't islam at all. And talking like that is simply racist. That's unfortunate because there are lots of muslims in Fredericton, and that kind of talk is like having guys in white sheets explaining why blacks are subhuman.
The racist angle took 50+ comments down before it came out. Colour me impressed.
There's a distinct difference between the U.S and UN led military than Fasicst Islamic terrorists. The first doesn't target civilians. The second seeks out civilian targets. In the past decade terrorist attacks against US targets have been carried out by Islamic Fascists, 100%. That's the way it is. Racist? Not sure how the truth is racist but I'm sure the gang here will find a way to fit their ideology.
wow, who would have thought that muslims live for 500 years, thats the religion for me!
Its too bad they weren't all peaceful like 500 years ago like north america was and europe. Yes it was all peace and brotherhood with no violence at all.
There all nuts! Thats it, nothing else to say. There all from some planet captn kirk would have landed on. Christ those crazy islam should have there own planet. that way they could blow up there own planet and then we wouldnt have to wory about those weirdos anymore. Then the price of oil would be 50 cents a gallon
Maurice and Spink's lunatic ramblings aside, NATO missions have killed more civilians in Afghanistan this year than the Taliban. That's from Afghanistan's only independant human rights group.
NATO aircraft routinely bomb houses where it is known that there is a high likelihood of civilians present. Last week 50 civilians were killed in a NATO bombing.
Ironically, the Taliban is changing tactics and is doing humanitarian work and offers frequent apologies when Afghan civilians are killed by roadside bombs. NATO forces are yet to offer any apologies for the increase in civilian deaths.
And some wonder why the majority of canadians believe the mission will fail!
That doesn't even include the thousands who are known to have died in the original bombing of Afghanistan as well as due to the cutting off of aid. So I don't know what planet Spinks is living on to think that the US has a far different strategy than terrorists. THere is one big difference, US forces have killed thousands more civilians than terrorists have.
Colour it any way you want Spinks, reality is reality. When you can't admit something when all the evidence is in front of you, there's a word for that.
The US and Al-queda have two different military strategis, that's all. The US doesn't 'target' civilians, it simply doesn't care about them.
And suicide bombers aren't 'all' the force that al-queda uses. In this they copy directly from Irish, in particular Michael Collins.
That military strategy is to control the civilian population by terror, which means its virtually impossible for the 'colonizer' to function in the country. Read your irish history and its exactly the same. The IRA would kill you, blow you up, break your knees, or anything else if you ever were talking to english authorities.
And of course it works. We've already heard reports that officials in those countries are beginning talks with them.
IF they could get bombs to these places without people they would do so. However, suicide bombers are meant to have a psychological effect on your enemy. The japanese have used 'kamikaze' warriors back before you were born. In modern times the strategic use of suicide bombers wasn't even islam-it was the jews.
For anybody actually interested in facts, here's an interesting article:
http://www.antiwar.com /hacohen/h041202.html
As for Islam:
“Suicide is a major sin in Islam,” Maher Hathout, Imām of the Islamic Center in Los Angeles, explained. This sin is listed among the “abominations” in Reliance of the Traveler, a manual of Sharī‘ah (Islamic religious law) in the tradition of Imām Shāfi‘i.
The Qur’an tells Muslims “Do not kill yourselves” and warns that those who disobey will be “cast into the fire.”
It's simple logic. If the major religious text and tradition of a religion says not to do something, then purposeful carrying out of that action cannot 'by definition' be a function of that religion. Which means it bears no relationship to the norms of that religion or others who practise it.
Five seconds thought will tell you that. How often have you seen members of Fredericton's mosque on the streets trying to convert people? Christians on the other hand...
So like Spinks says, a 'cult' can't be considered 'Christianity', even if it espouses christian doctrine, and even historical acts committed by the church (in Spinks mind) are not 'christian'.
So how exactly do you defend the notion that those who CLAIM they are part of a religion yet commit actions directly contradictory to it, are considered part and parcel of that religious tradition?
That's simple reality. However, when an individual holds different standards to other religions or cultures than it does to its own, then there is a word for it.
Maurice the Homo Guy, I must admit it is hard to reason with a crazy man and that is what you are.
Spinks, if U.S. kills civilians with powerful bombs, more powerful than any airplane, than it is ok. It is jus warfare by your reasoning. Close to million people killed in Iraq were civilians and not military. Killing continues. And then do not forget going into people's home and raping women and killing. I suppose that is ok according to you.
Then of course Abu Garib and Gitmo are two beacons of human rights. I thought you were a smart man but your reasoning shows just plain bigoted man.
Charles, you know the fact that you have even allowed the conversation to devolve to what it is now is disgraceful. Racist, xenophobic and hateful speech has no part on the website of a so-called "journalist".
The fact that you have allowed and even taken part in this discussion disgusts me and shows everyone your true nature.
Good point!!!! If I post a comment like Maurice the Homeless? Does this mean I support his views?
I know this guy so I post almost everyone one of them.
Trust me...I rejected many of them that were racial.
This is a blog!!! That's his opinion!!!
Not right but still is!
Hey? Many this is the reason The editors of the papers will not print Anti Irvimg letters to the Editor because the Irvings might believe it's their views also and fire them on the spot?
I'm always amazed at the unadultarated hatred of Christians. I have little doubt if they were thrown to the lions again, the same people that seemingly cheer on terrorists would be stone cold silent.
Look at this topic. It's about the Iraqui president yet some chose to twist it into a dishonest attack on Christianity. Given the usual suspects, I shouldn't be surprised but the hatred of anything remotely connected with Christianity still baffles me. Christians aren't slamming planes into buildings in the name of God. If you want to debate the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, by all means. It needs to be discussed but comparing Christians to Al-Quaeda is ridiculous and dishonest.
This is really charming. A bunch of adults hurling insults across a computer screen about things they probably have only an inkling about. Until any of us go to live in these Middle eastern countires with their culture and beliefs we are simply basing our opinion on what media shows us, and trust me, you rarely will see a wonderful story of a wonderful family in a mIddle eastern country just being people - because that would not get vieewers. the bottom line is, in my country we have the right to religious freedom, and as long as it is not hurting anyone, how can I say I'm right and you are wrong. My faith says I respect others in theri belief and they respect my right to believe, as long as I don't hurt anyone. Once people get hurt, it becomes about so much more than religion, it's about respect for human life - or lack of it - regardless of faith. Maybe that "SUPREME BEING" is the same but we all choose to worship it differently. Won't it be a shock when we all get where we are going and it's all the same place. I will smile :)
I think this is a record. Twice in one week, I agree with mike.
Ironically I've been writing the same thing for a while. The sole difference I think we have is while I can certainly agree racism exists and even a little is too much, there has been enormous progress over the years and this is no longer 1960's Georgia yet some can't see the progress made. Too often, the word racist (bigot too) is chucked out for no other reason than to silence an opinion. Sometimes its valid criticism, most times it is not. However, like mike I much prefer knowing where someone is coming from so I can make an informed opinion. Take the anti-yellow ribbon crowd. I'm glad these folks are coming out and stating their views publicly even though I don't agree at all. I know now to completely avoid them and all of their affiliated groups. If they weren't speaking freely I wouldn't know that. Free speech can be a good thing.
Spinks, you are saying ignore what your devote Christian friend George Bush is doing in Iraq. How can you ignore that? Are you saying killing a million Iraqis because of invasion means nothing and that Iraqis are not human?
100 million natives were not human. The biggest genocide carried out by so-challed Christian settlers.
Look at How they beat this Canadian guy on an airplane returning from an operation in the USA just because he looked Muslim??? http://www.aaronjamesstory.com/
11:04 trying to cause trouble with charles under a hate crime?? letting?? the only thing charles is letting is a free flow of ideas which is a good thing as it brings much needed information to expand our minds which our media and goverment has all but strangled,tried to turn us into a bunch of cowards and to submit to thugs dressed in black!
This is an important topic, mainly because the US is setting up another war, one that could begin a world war. The US-Canada-Australia-Britain (maybe a couple of others) against Iran-Russia and at that point China could even get involved.
Ironically, while many pro war supporters claim that ANY criticism of Israel is 'anti semitic', the truth is that it is Israelis who are most in danger. Washington is calling on Israel to step up illegal bombings in Iran, when Iran fights back, it won't be against american troops but against Israel.
That means it is Israelis themselves who will pay the cost.
Meanwhile, in the US the media is doing a Saddam routine on Irans president. There is no validity to any of their claims, unfortunately by questioning the holocaust the Iranian President plays into their hands, but virtually every other statement 'claimed' to be his are inaccurate translations from persian or outright lies.
In the US politicians were demanding Columbia University have its funding taken away for daring to let Ahmadinejad speak, ironically often in the same speeches decrying Iran's battle against free speech.
The US continues to play up the nuclear issue, even though the international atomic energy commission watches their every move carefully, and all the while Israel sits on the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the middle east, something not only secret from the international community, but something which its own population is not allowed to discuss.
Mohammad ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has said there is zero evidence of any nuclear weapons program. Even if Iran got a nuclear weapon, it is so heavily outgunned by Israel and the US, that what it quite obvious is that the US prefers attacking countries with NO self defense capabilities.
In recent reports much has been made of the presidents claim to 'wipe Israel off the map', a line he never said, but which is a bad translation of getting rid of the current Israeli regime. His idea for doing that is far from genocidal-a referendum that would include the votes of ALL the people in Israel and palestine. Namely, democracy.
There are 20,000 jews in Iran with their own member of parliament, so this is hardly a guy with genocidal tendencies.
He is, without a doubt, 'hostile to Israel', he'd be crazy not to be. His claim for a dissolution of the Israeli government is much the same as Ronald Reagan's claim for the dissolution of the old Soviet system of government. Nobody accused Reagan of advocating genocide.
Iran has even invited the US to work with the atomic energy commission, something unseen in the past. Scott Ritter, a US member of the team looking for WMD in Iraq, claimed that most of the 'team' were simple CIA and Secret Service operatives. So allowing the US to take part is a big risk on their part.
In all this, it comes down to the US. There are lots here who claim that any criticism of the US is 'anti american', however, much of the criticism comes from US itself-just not the mainstream media.
The US is planning yet another illegal war, committing the same crime that germans were tried under at Nurembourg. The US has openly admitted that it will use pre-emptive force under any circumstances it desires, and is not only committed to its 'first strike policy' but also does not deny plans to use nuclear weapons if it sees fit, in contradiction to virtually every treaty of the past twenty years.
And people should remember that in the fifties the US was responsible for toppling a democratically elected leader of Iran, showing that imperial tendencies are by no means new.
Their new puppet was so genocidal and cruel that he fomented a popular revolution that, like Afghanistan, let fundamentalist muslims take over the country. People preferred the militant fundamentalism to the american chosen dictator (since it was obvious that they weren't going to be allowed to keep a democratically elected one)
It's ironic that in places like Charles blog the question is 'is he a nut or a very smart cookie'. This, even though most people know little about the region. If it were a picture of George Bush, its already a given that most people would simply call him a nut. Almost nobody would call him a 'very smart cookie', which shows how different the mainstream media and politicians are from their respective populations.
mikel wrote, If it were a picture of George Bush, its already a given that most people would simply call him a nut.
You're right and the media does too. Sadly most can't articulate why he's a nut but they hope it sticks if it's said enough times (generally it has). The far-left likes to use Hitler and Nazi references to Bush too when they're really mad. It doesn't matter that it's a dishonest portrayal (look above for comparing Christians to Al-Quaeda for that).
There's a pile of stuff to disagree with Bush on and challenge him on; a ballooning debt, a porous border with Mexico, the war in Iraq, a crappy dollaretc, etc. but calling Bush a nut and then fawning over the Iranian President as so many have done? That's just dishonest.
Bush is not only a nut but he is a nut of the most dangerous kind. Majority of Americans now agree with that given the hell he has created in Iraq for Iraqis and for Americans.
Again, Spinks likes to overdramatize to make a point. Nobody is 'fawning' over this guy. First, there is no point to, because it is the clerics in Iran who hold all the power-not him.
However, he was democratically elected. What I wrote above are simply facts about the US administration. It is not Iran that is threatening war, and it is not Iran that violently takes over countries illegally and threatens the use of nuclear bombs.
When we talk about war, that's why the criticism is on Bush and the US, NOT Iran because as said numerous times, while Iran is no wondrous example of democracy, it is NOT threatening war with the US or threatening anybody with nuclear weapons.
Nobody has put this guy up to win the Nobel Peace Prize, in fact if you can find much good written about him anywhere then post the source, because I've never seen it. What exactly these 'far left' sources are that Spinks always seems to be reading is a bit of a mystery. Virtually no group or organization has ever come out in praising this guy. However, what he is doing now is saying the things that virtually everybody in the world already knows, that the US is being violently imperialist and at some point some country or countries are not going to take it anymore.
That is what is trying to be prevented, but there is no point in criticizing this guy, because he has no power.
But that stuff for Maurice is getting pretty old Charles. Its just plain creepy now and since you said that you refused to post comments that you thought were clearly racist then that gives credence to those who say that you must support these. Just because the guy puts his name to it doesn't make it any different.
But by the way, that picture of that guy didn't show any sheets, he looked pretty much like everyone else. If you lived in a desert you probably wouldn't be wearing what you are now-unless you're an idiot.
Actually, those robes look a hell of a lot more comfortable than jeans or shirts, I wouldn't mind trying it out. And I know it goes without saying to just about everybody but Iranian women don't cover their faces, just their hair. Burqas are only worn by very strict Islamic sects, in fact you can find them in Toronto as well.
What can you expect from stupid Leblanc and his friend/lover Maurice the Homoless Guy. Now making physical threats. Would Leblanc and Maurice the Homoless Guy get any lower. Yes and may be they will go underground - that low.
It's easy to ignore him, but IF you are not publishing some letters because you call them racist, then posting his makes one wonder why some racist comments are OK but others are not. If you selectively allow some comments but not others, then you implicitly are giving support to them.
But you aren't a stupid guy, could it be that when Maurice is posting it takes some of the heat off you?:)
You know I must say, that it is really amusing to hear all of these so called experts on Religion talking like they really know what the true reason is for all of the mess known as terrorism. The truth is that unless humanity comes to know Jesus Christ as their Personal Lord and Saviour, then they are Condemned to an Eternity of suffering and lasting punishment. Furthermore, those of you who are tossing name calling and bashing me on this blog, if you don't show who you are and by that, I mean show your name instead of all of this anonymous garbage, then you have nothing to say. I will sincerely apologize for the way I come across and if the way I have worded my coments has caused offense. but I only apologize once.
I believe that President Ahamadinejad is truly Demon Possessed and a major threat not only the peace in the Middle East and Israel, but also, to the free world and democracy as we know it. The Religion that he promotes is a Religion of Hate, Evil, and Trechery of the most Diabolical perportion. And it is high time that the western World look at this evil religion for what it really is and take this garbage called political Correctness and tolerance and throw it out the window. Better maybe you should purchase a book titled Because They Hate by Bridgette GabrialShe is a Surrvivor of that hatred, as she was born and raised in Lebenon as a Christian They tried to kill her and her family because they were born into a Christian family. Read this book, and then tell me if this corrupt and evil faith tradition is loving and peaceful
Do not worry. No one can be a bigger liar than you.
Michael G. MacKay, if you are professing to be a Christian, by reading your comment I guess I should make the assumption that Christianity is not a loving and peaceful religion either eh.
He's no nut. He's one savvy individual that has the far-left eating out of his hand.
Islamic Fascism is a huge danger to the current way of life in North America if not around the world. Iran's current leader is trying to come off warm and fuzzy and by throwing around anti-George Bush rhetoric, the far-Left is dazzled and forgetting or not realizing what this guy is all about. Mike McKay is right on that point. The Quran is clear. Non-muslimss have three choices. Convert to Islam, become a serf or be killed. Fortunately the vast majority of Muslims don't support that but the ones that do plow passenger laden missles into buildings, strap kids with bombs and behead their enemies while filming it. Not pretty I agree but it is the inconvenient truth.
I agree that Islamic Fascism is a huge danger. But also any form of mass hatred which was professed by Michael G. Mckay in the name of his religion (Born Again). He said "all" of Islamic orgin should be sent back to their country of origin. I suggest to Michael to re-think his position and retract his comment.
Ohhh Booyyyy!!
I believe Mike did it again with his views in this blog.
I always said to people in front of Mike - There's a way to have an opinion and there's a way not to have one!!!
I point at Mike and say - That's the way not to have one!!!!...lol
Anyway? I interviewed Mike a couple of months ago and you can listen to it by going at the link here-
I might add that I'm very straight forward in this one!!!
Michael G. McKay is not only bigoted but also plain stupid. What is he doing in this land. It does not belong to him it belongs to Natives. He must go where he came from.
How soon we forget about the genocide of Natives? Over 100 million annihilated in North America by so-called settlers. The worst holocaust in human history. So much for Christianity. Do not blame religions. It is the politics which enters religions causes problems.
Only Leblanc will published such racist remarks as that of Michael G. McKay. No sane peron will allow that kind of bigotry.
Only Leblanc will published such racist remarks as that of Michael G. McKay.
Excuse moi???Mike is using his name and you're lucky that I posted yours?
I wish everyone would use their real name.
You got to admire Mike? He uses his real name better than 95% of the people in this blog.
Sigh... umm Charles, you did notice this at the end of the huge chunk of intellectual property that you cut and pasted above right?
© 2007, Congressional Quarterly Inc., All Rights Reserved
You don't learn do you?
I forgot that the Irvings and Scott Agnew are trying to shut down this site!!
Go look for it for yourself on the information highway!!!
Yes, the Irvings are trying to have a system like Iran in place for this Province and who can stop them????
Isn't Mike from Canada? Where's he supposed to go?
Spinks, for heaven's sake, use your head. I guess I should expect all this "far left" nonsense (I can't speak for all the lefties, but I for one have no interest in eating out of Ahmadinejad's hand, thanks), but really, don't back McKay in his bigotry. It just makes you look bad.
I read your blog and I know you're smart enough to figure out that sometimes Muslims do bad things, just like sometimes Christians do bad things, and everyone else too. It has nothing to do with religion. Religion just gives these crazies something to pin their crazy ideas to. I could say that all born-again Christians are ridiculously bigoted just based on McKay's little rant, but that would make me an idiot like him. Get it?
Moi back up Mike???
Listen to the interview..
I just admire the guy for using his real name with his straight forward views.....
Far-left not simply left, pedgehog. The far-left welcomes this guy with open arms because he doesn't like George Bush. The enemy of my enemy is my friend philosophy I guess in their mind.
Islamic fascism is a serious issue. Mike could tone it down a few notches but calling his comment above bigoted is a bit of a stretch. He's quite correct that political correctness is making North American society lose its common sense. The crap the so called Fredericton Peace Coalition tried to pull last week with the "remove the yellow ribbon to support the troops" is proof of that. At least with that one common sense did prevail and a very loud collective voice said, "No, that's going too far."
That's funny, he's a threat to 'democracy'. In case the above poster didn't know, he was ELECTED by the people of Iran.
Which brings about another issue, namely, no matter how smart or 'bad' you think he is, he has no POWER. So ask yourself this, why does he get so much media attention all over the states when he can't actually DO anything?
The reason he gets the attention is that he can be relied on for some good quotes that can be used against Iran.
It is true that they are 'islamic fascists', just as the US is getting pretty christian fascist. What poeple should realize is that a hard line stance on a country like that is the LAST thing we want.
Iran, unlike Iraq, is not powerless, it is a very industrial state. More importantly, here's some letters you shouldn't forget- SCO. Like NATO, which is a pact of nations who support each other in case of attack, Iran is a member of a similar organization which also includes, you guessed it, China, India and Russia. Can you say 'KABOOM'? And we can kiss this sweet earth goodbye.
Besides that, although never reported or given much respect, peace organizations have been working for years and there is much popular foment in Iran for democratic change. However, increasing militarization against Iran is making that harder and harder. Plus, of course, Iran wouldn't be an Islamic state if the US hadn't installed an even more bloodthirsty lunatic puppet which made Iranians rebel in the first place.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Monday afternoon met with a group of Jewish rabbis who gave him a silver grail as a sign of friendship.
The president is currently in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. The rabbis carried a placard which read, "I am Jewish not a Zionist."
A senior rabbi of the group said that they considered the visit to New York of President Ahmadinejad as an exceptional opportunity and would never forget it.
He referred to the Iranian president as a person who made a distinction between Jews and Zionists.
New York City September 26, 2007
A Must see video! (6min. 40sec.)
"You understand us and make a distinction between the violent behavior of Zionists and the religious beliefs of Jews," said the senior rabbi who called President Ahmadinejad "a pious man who is seeking to restore peace in the world and has humanitarian plans." Appreciating the rabbis for their gift, President Ahmadinejad said he was happy to visit them.
"All people in the world have now understood that Judaism is different from Zionism," said the president.
He added, "Zionists are a political group looking for taking advantage of the opportunities while Jews are the followers of the Moses who promoted peace and friendship."
President Ahmadinejad stressed that there was no disagreement between the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as they all pray the same God and are brothers.
It takes more than real name for me to admire someone. Hitler used his real name. I wonder who admires him? A good anonyme opinion is far better than an opinion of hatred signed by a real name. It takes more courage to retract such an opinion than sign a real name.
2:59 anon wrote - It is true that they are 'islamic fascists', just as the US is getting pretty christian fascist.
Sorry friend that's just plain dishonest. Rosie O'Donnell tried to pull the same line that "radical Christianity" was as dangerous as "radical Islam". Last time I checked Christians weren't comandeering planes and plowing them into buildings or cutting off people's heads for disagreeing with them. You may not like Christianity and that's your right but comparing it to radical Islam is simply not true. Christianity asks that you make a personal decision, Islamic fasicists are instructed to kill you if you don't convert or become a serf. There's a world of difference.
A 'great Christian' George W. Bush is responsible for close to one million deaths of Iraqis. Mostly women and children.
This is an unfortunate discussion and only a crazy man like Leblanc will start it.
Hey 4:30?????
Why don't you make yourself ueeful and go read a Qur'an somewhere!!
Look lunatic! Does Bible tell you to be rude to people?
This shows how much Chritian you are. You are rude, ignorant and a plain kook. You do not even know if I am a Muslim, Christian or Jew. Rudeness shows that you should first learn to be a human which you are not. Since I pointed out that you are a kook so therefore I am a Muslim. I suppose that guy who called you a kook in the media, and said that you should be banned from the legislature, is a Muslim too.
I know exactly who you are Jerk Face.
Your first name says it all that you are a pure Muslim.
Now? Go and do some yard work! The trees are making a mess.
A person who stays in this blog all day long needs a life!!!!
Lets cotinue debating the issue of this blog!!!
5:34 PM
Hey Charles!
Your starting to sound like me!
take a few puffs of your asthma puffer and relax.
-- maurice the homeless guy --
That sound great milel except it's not quite true. When was the last time you heard of a bunch of "radical" Christians running around doing...well I'm not sure what you would accuse them of doing that's so bad in this day and age? Witnessing, helping the poor? Your King Soloman example doesn't quite wash since Christianity came long after that and regardless it was used in Soloman's wisdom to discover the real mother (no baby was cut in half). Radical Islamic fascists kill people every day in the present day. I just don't hear too many suicide bombings, wait check that NONE coming from that "radical" bible belt of the United States.
...I am not sure where this is going but when it comes to Islam, what Islamist do not bragged about and rather under play every opportunity they have and this with an unthreatening smile is that Jihad covers over two third of the Koran... and that one third of the Koran that Mohammed repeated 500 years after Jesus Christ crucifixion/death for all of our sins, is his twisted self serving interpretation. Then Mohammed claims Jihad came from apparitions and was influenced by the angel Gabriel. To this date, for Mohammed's religion to have so much power over so many people in the world then and till now convinces me to believe Mohammed when he claims an angel came to him 500 years after after Jesus Christ's death. That the said angel guided him in his battle of bitterness against those who rejected him at Mecca (Mecca's Church were Christian and rejected Mohammed's (distorted)teaching. He left and defeated them with an army. We all know which bitter angel could possibly have influenced negatively and would have wanted to ally himself with a rejected want to be Christian cleric... These apparitions were no angel Gabriel who is totally loyal to God. That angel was no other than the same proud and envious angel who was thrown out of heaven, the same one who attempted to have Jesus turn his back on God in the desert and in the garden of Carpenium the day before is unjust arrest and fixed trial and orchestrated crucifixion. That angel is the same fallen angel (onto the world) who is seeking the soul of each and every Christian everyday... Lucifer (Satan).
P.s: If one doesn't believe God let sacrificed his only son just like a lamb and that Jesus Christ died on the cross as a redemption for all of our past and future sins. One doesn't have to worry about Satan coming after him or her; Satan, until that step of faith for Jesus Christ occurs already owns that soul.
The battle here is spiritual; the Muslim faith is about converting and or killing the unbelieving infidel body. Christian faith is about making the decision of following Christ and on the journey bringing more souls to believe and follow him. Which battle plan do you believe is righteous and reflective of a loving God of all creations ?
Wow ! This is really good discussion,nothing like mixing politics religon and law! Poof it blows right up in your face! But this is the best yet Charles just stand back and let them rip each other apart and when thier finished like they verse goes THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH !
Yeah...I never expected this!!!
I should stay in the blogs more often and debate this issue?
Nahhh...I'm on my way blogging...I'll let them debate their issues.....
Dosent matter what religon you are,there are good christians good muslims good buddihst good athiest? Good is good and bad is bad ! some people just want to be on top and dominate and sometimes use religon as a crutch to means to an end! The Heart does not lie niether do the eyes!
I really like this Quote! Enjoy!
This has a thought provoking message no matter how
you believe.
"Does evil exist?" The university professor
challenged his students
with this question. "Did God create everything that
A student bravely replied "Yes, he did!"
"God created Everything?", the professor asked.
"Yes sir", the student replied.
The professor answered, "If God created
everything, then God created
evil. Since evil exists, and according the principal
that our works
define who we are, then God is evil".
The student became quiet before such an answer.
The professor was quite pleased with himself and
boasted to the
students that he had proven once more that the
Christian faith was a myth.
Another student raised his hand and said, "Can I
ask you a question, professor?"
"Of course", replied the professor.
The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does
cold exist?"
"What kind of question is this? Of course it
exists. Have you never
been cold?" The students snickered at the young man's
The young man replied, "In fact, sir, cold does not
exist. According
to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in
reality the absence
of heat. Everybody or object is susceptible to study
when it has or
transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or
matter have or
transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F.) is
the total
absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and
incapable of reaction at that
temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this
word to
describe how we feel if we have no heat."
The student continued. "Professor, does
darkness exist?"
The professor responded, "Of course it does".
The student replied, "Once again you are wrong,
sir; darkness does
not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence
of light. Light we
can study, but not darkness. In fact, we can use
Newton's prism to break
white light into many colors and study the various
wavelengths of
each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray
of light can break
into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can
you know how dark a
certain space is? You measure the amount of light
present. Isn't
this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to
describe what happens
when there is no light present."
Finally the young man asked the professor.
"Sir, does evil exist?"
Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course, as
I have
already said. We see it every day. it is in the daily
example of man's
inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and
everywhere in the world. These manifestations are
nothing else but
To this the student replied, "Evil does not
exist, sir, or at least
it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the
absence of God. It is
just like darkness and cold, a word that man has
created to describe
the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is
not like faith, or
love that exists just as does light and heat. Evil is
the result of what
happens when man does not have God's love present in
his heart. It's
like the cold that comes when there is no heat, or
the darkness that
comes when there is no light."
The professor sat down.
The young man's name --- Albert Einstein
Cmon somebody beat that? Can You? and Why would you want to?
Uhh, we must have some Muslims here or liberal thinkers who with their lack of moral fortitude will fall for just about anything. Any Person with any common sense would understand that not every single person who claims Islam as their Religion of choice, is a Terrorist. However I do have an english copy of the Qur'an on my computer, and Yes I do hold an earned bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Religious Studies, and a minor in Philosophy. I beleive that it is the Ideology of the religion of Islam that is the problem, in the middle ages or, dark ages the Crusades took place and many people were masecred in the name of Christianity. Over the Centuries however, the Christian Religion if you want to call it that, restructured itself. and today we have no mor issues like the Crusades in islam however the Qur'an tells the Muslim to kill the Infidele, According to the Qur'an, the Infidele is anyone who is not a loyal Muslim,according to the teachings of the Qur'an, by the way, that small one tenth or ten percent of the Islamic religion who are radical terrorists, is about one hundred million people.
Think about.Contrary to what many think here I do pray for the Muslim people and hope they find the true way to God, I do however, despize the Religion of islam because it breads terror and is a diabolical Evil in our World. I would suggest that these individuals who have a problem with me speaking out read the headlines in the news publications, and listen to and watch the news and documentaries. and do the research for yourselves before you speak like a foolish person, educate yourselves and be informed the book I mentioned is called Because They Hate and it is by a young lady named Brigitte Gabriel who survived the islamic Jihad in Lebenon. the Book is available at Chapters Bookstore and on their website at: http://www.chapters.indigo.ca
Please check it out for yourself. That is all I ask.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is not my intention to be abrasive or, Unkind. I was taught to say what needs to be said and get R Don. I apologize if the manner which I have spoken my views, has hurt anyone, and caused offense, but I have said what I have said and I stand on it.
McKay is not only a hate-monger, but subliterate.
I don't care how many diplomas you have, you are a hopeless case trying to fight hatred with hatred. What kind of brainwashing have you gotten to think you can judge a person by what someone else from the same religion has said or done. If I judge you, I do so by what you said or done and not someone else.
I hope one day you will find your braincells that are floating somewhere.
It may say to kill the Infidell but who are the ones that have killed about 1 million Iraqis either direct or indirect since 91 war in the gulf? Saddam was upset because the Kuwaitis were slant drilling into Iraqs oil fields saddam told the US they said OK and he invaded and when he did they started a war with him,complete set up! Saddam had offered to leave Iraq before the second Invasion but they wouldnt allow that! No,No lets send them to hell eh, make war not peace,make a parking lot eh? Tariq Asiz is living in Scotland with a lifetime pension ?? Iraq was probably the most Progressive Islamic nation ,women were free to dress and work alongside men and had Top Education for people. Religons of different denominations were well tolerated ! They had an excellent goverment services ,hospitals, power ,water ,sewerage,transportation,policing were all top notch and yet the americans were there to free them from the evil saddam (an American creation)now the countries infrastructure has been dimantled and the country is in choas with no more services,the country has been permanently poisoned with millions of tons of depleted uranium shells and bullets and the different factions have been pushed to fighting and its all been done on purpose! Next stop Iran where the USA or its Corporations have been causing instability there for about 50+ years since they overthrew Mosadec and put in the Shaw who was a terrible thug worse than Saddam but was quiet about his dirty deeds ,Iranians got rid of him in 79 and they took the US embassy hostage! The Shaw eventually ended up in the US and died of cancer!
These things have really nothing to do with religon but with money and power,they throw religon in to hype the people up so they cant see threw all the smoke!
The people are being played off against each other by big corporations and the profits they reap! I dont know my bible well nor do I know the quaran well either but have looked at both I do like truth and read history well though and try not to watch the idot box as this is what you become when you feed off of what comes out of it and its corporate controllers.
We should be watching our own leaders and thier plans for us and this North American Union which they are gonna drop out the middle class and bring all three countries to third world status! NAU NAFTA FREE TRADE FTAA all corporate plans to bring us down gradually! Just watch how the police are acting against the citizens of north america (as they are a window into our governments)and its increasing daily slowly bringing up the heat like a frog in a pot of boiling water,before you know your cooked! Were Next!
Dont expect the news to tell you that as the media is controlled by them(corporations/governments) and do you think if they have bigger plans thier gonna tell us???
I read somewhere that the 1st terrorist bombing was in Iran or Persia in the 1920s and the second terrorist bombing was on wall street in the 1920S? hmm? Wonder if that was about religon or oil??
People who are descendent of settlers of North America must be the most ashamed. My God 100 million natives demolished. The worst holocaust in history. How can you live with yourself?
Mackay you have no brains.
Let's look at recent history. YOu can go here:
It's all about the CANADIAN genocide against natives in the fifties by the canadian government, carried out by the Catholic, Anglican and United Churches.
Now, is THAT what is considered 'radical christianity'? Or perhaps Jonestown, or Wako, or name any other christian sect.
The argument would be 'thats not REAL christianity' or some such thing. Perhaps thats true, in which case suicide bombings (which the Quran says nothing about) is not REAL islam.
Modern muslims do not take all the Quran literally, just like christians don't. How many christians have plucked out their eyes because its offended them? Not too many.
There are no doubt SOME christians who 'bless their persecutors', but certainly not too many in positions of power.
Suicide bombings and roadside bombings have nothing to do with Islam, but lots to do with politics and with warfare. The Viet Cong did the exact same thing, how many people talked about 'radical buddhism'?
Much is made of suicide bombers being 'brainwashed' by religion to think they will enjoy all kinds of things in the afterlife. However, there's not much interview time available after a suicide bomb. People will not just give their lives for their immortal soul, but to bring about what they think is a better world for their friends, family and country.
Suicide bombing is a 'tactic' not a religious tool. It's got a long military history, almost as far back as there are written records. If you want to understand Iraq, go back and read the history of Ireland in the early 20th century. It's very similar. Because for as long as military conquerors have been writing histories over how to overcome inserructions, minority military forces have been writing how to overcome stronger invaders (often written by the same people).
He a smart cookie. Bush and Harper are the NUTs
You're writing about either events fifty years ago or cults mikel. Try again.
If you dont know your history your doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over!
Wouldn't you call a cult radical christianity?
"If Jesus Christ had really seen what would be done in his name he probably would have stuck to carpentry"
Bush is setting up the US for a fall the same way Hitler did to Germany at the beginning! Hes following the same path! Internal checkpoints,the patriot act which has nothing to do with patriotism but is an assault against thier bill of rights,police being openly allowed to murder and beat people with justification or consequnces!starting wars when only congress can declare war,openly allowing torture! just a step away from marshall law a complete Dictatorship!
Hail Bush!
Canada is usually not far behind what the US does to its people even though we are a seperate country,but are we?
Nope, you're talking abour false prophets 2:41. The Bible in fact warns of them so that has nothing to do with Christianity.
Exactly Spinks, you just made my point. 'Radical christianity' has nothing to do with christianity, and 'radical' islam has nothing to do with Islam. Glad we straightened that out.
Oh I was waiting for someone to start quoting scripture as a basis for their beliefs and opinions.
One person's false prophet is another person's messiah. 'Nuf said.
And to all the ladies reading the blog, let me introduce you to Genesis 3:16... "and woman shall OBEY man."
How many of you christians out there want to try and get your wives and girlfriends to obey that little piece of scripture? Its in the Bible, as good christians you MUST obey it right.
Sorry 4:08, that dog doesn't hunt. Islamic Fascism does exist. Radical Christianity, whatever the heck that even means, naming a couple of cults and trying to connect the dots is a pretty lame attempt to slam Christianity. It's just plain dishonest (although such a view will probably get you a guest spot on the CBC's Avi Lewis's show. Intellectual dishonesty is his specialty).
Christians aren't hijacking planes and running them into buildings or strapping bombs and targeting civilians in the name of God. Comparing apples and oranges would be far easier. Since Mike McKay is recommending reading, I'll throw this one out, The Trouble with Islam by Irshad Manji. Warning not for the politically correct.
In other words 'for the racist at heart'.
Just because you won't admit it doesn't make it less true Spinks, no matter how many times you repeat it. The example above says it all, the Viet Cong used suicide bombs, nobody said 'its their religion'.
That's just plain racist, sorry dude. The Irish used suicide bombs in London, and in Central and South America they often used suicide bombs. So that means catholicism.
And as mentioned numerous times, and hopefully accepted by those without racist predispositions, killing of innocents and civilians is forbidden by Islam.
Jonestown was a christian cult, and the leader was a devout christian who murdered all his followers. That's pretty hypocritical to say that 'that isn't christianity', but actions that are strictly forbidden by the Quran are 'radical' islam. That just doesn't wash-except maybe in your own mind.
Suicide bombings aren't islam at all. And talking like that is simply racist. That's unfortunate because there are lots of muslims in Fredericton, and that kind of talk is like having guys in white sheets explaining why blacks are subhuman.
In a way you're 100% right Maurice but did you have to end it in a bad note?
Be nice....
The racist angle took 50+ comments down before it came out. Colour me impressed.
There's a distinct difference between the U.S and UN led military than Fasicst Islamic terrorists. The first doesn't target civilians. The second seeks out civilian targets. In the past decade terrorist attacks against US targets have been carried out by Islamic Fascists, 100%. That's the way it is. Racist? Not sure how the truth is racist but I'm sure the gang here will find a way to fit their ideology.
wow, who would have thought that muslims live for 500 years, thats the religion for me!
Its too bad they weren't all peaceful like 500 years ago like north america was and europe. Yes it was all peace and brotherhood with no violence at all.
Look at there most famous islam:
Mike Tyson
Now he is not the coldest pop in the fridge.
There all nuts!
nuff said!
-- maurice the homeless guy --
There all nuts!
Thats it, nothing else to say.
There all from some planet captn kirk would have landed on.
Christ those crazy islam should have there own planet.
that way they could blow up there own planet and then we wouldnt have to wory about those weirdos anymore.
Then the price of oil would be 50 cents a gallon
-- maurice the homeless guy --
Maurice and Spink's lunatic ramblings aside, NATO missions have killed more civilians in Afghanistan this year than the Taliban. That's from Afghanistan's only independant human rights group.
NATO aircraft routinely bomb houses where it is known that there is a high likelihood of civilians present. Last week 50 civilians were killed in a NATO bombing.
Ironically, the Taliban is changing tactics and is doing humanitarian work and offers frequent apologies when Afghan civilians are killed by roadside bombs. NATO forces are yet to offer any apologies for the increase in civilian deaths.
And some wonder why the majority of canadians believe the mission will fail!
That doesn't even include the thousands who are known to have died in the original bombing of Afghanistan as well as due to the cutting off of aid. So I don't know what planet Spinks is living on to think that the US has a far different strategy than terrorists. THere is one big difference, US forces have killed thousands more civilians than terrorists have.
Colour it any way you want Spinks, reality is reality. When you can't admit something when all the evidence is in front of you, there's a word for that.
The US and Al-queda have two different military strategis, that's all. The US doesn't 'target' civilians, it simply doesn't care about them.
And suicide bombers aren't 'all' the force that al-queda uses. In this they copy directly from Irish, in particular Michael Collins.
That military strategy is to control the civilian population by terror, which means its virtually impossible for the 'colonizer' to function in the country. Read your irish history and its exactly the same. The IRA would kill you, blow you up, break your knees, or anything else if you ever were talking to english authorities.
And of course it works. We've already heard reports that officials in those countries are beginning talks with them.
IF they could get bombs to these places without people they would do so. However, suicide bombers are meant to have a psychological effect on your enemy. The japanese have used 'kamikaze' warriors back before you were born. In modern times the strategic use of suicide bombers wasn't even islam-it was the jews.
For anybody actually interested in facts, here's an interesting article:
As for Islam:
“Suicide is a major sin in Islam,” Maher Hathout, Imām of the Islamic Center in Los Angeles, explained. This sin is listed among the “abominations” in Reliance of the Traveler, a manual of Sharī‘ah (Islamic religious law) in the tradition of Imām Shāfi‘i.
The Qur’an tells Muslims “Do not kill yourselves” and warns that those who disobey will be “cast into the fire.”
It's simple logic. If the major religious text and tradition of a religion says not to do something, then purposeful carrying out of that action cannot 'by definition' be a function of that religion. Which means it bears no relationship to the norms of that religion or others who practise it.
Five seconds thought will tell you that. How often have you seen members of Fredericton's mosque on the streets trying to convert people? Christians on the other hand...
So like Spinks says, a 'cult' can't be considered 'Christianity', even if it espouses christian doctrine, and even historical acts committed by the church (in Spinks mind) are not 'christian'.
So how exactly do you defend the notion that those who CLAIM they are part of a religion yet commit actions directly contradictory to it, are considered part and parcel of that religious tradition?
That's simple reality. However, when an individual holds different standards to other religions or cultures than it does to its own, then there is a word for it.
Maurice the Homo Guy, I must admit it is hard to reason with a crazy man and that is what you are.
Spinks, if U.S. kills civilians with powerful bombs, more powerful than any airplane, than it is ok. It is jus warfare by your reasoning. Close to million people killed in Iraq were civilians and not military. Killing continues. And then do not forget going into people's home and raping women and killing. I suppose that is ok according to you.
Then of course Abu Garib and Gitmo are two beacons of human rights. I thought you were a smart man but your reasoning shows just plain bigoted man.
Charles, you know the fact that you have even allowed the conversation to devolve to what it is now is disgraceful. Racist, xenophobic and hateful speech has no part on the website of a so-called "journalist".
The fact that you have allowed and even taken part in this discussion disgusts me and shows everyone your true nature.
Good point!!!! If I post a comment like Maurice the Homeless? Does this mean I support his views?
I know this guy so I post almost everyone one of them.
Trust me...I rejected many of them that were racial.
This is a blog!!! That's his opinion!!!
Not right but still is!
Hey? Many this is the reason The editors of the papers will not print Anti Irvimg letters to the Editor because the Irvings might believe it's their views also and fire them on the spot?
Very good point!!
I ight be a bigot ut never a racist...
Enough said....
Move on to the issue in hand.....
I'm always amazed at the unadultarated hatred of Christians. I have little doubt if they were thrown to the lions again, the same people that seemingly cheer on terrorists would be stone cold silent.
Look at this topic. It's about the Iraqui president yet some chose to twist it into a dishonest attack on Christianity. Given the usual suspects, I shouldn't be surprised but the hatred of anything remotely connected with Christianity still baffles me. Christians aren't slamming planes into buildings in the name of God. If you want to debate the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, by all means. It needs to be discussed but comparing Christians to Al-Quaeda is ridiculous and dishonest.
This is really charming. A bunch of adults hurling insults across a computer screen about things they probably have only an inkling about. Until any of us go to live in these Middle eastern countires with their culture and beliefs we are simply basing our opinion on what media shows us, and trust me, you rarely will see a wonderful story of a wonderful family in a mIddle eastern country just being people - because that would not get vieewers.
the bottom line is, in my country we have the right to religious freedom, and as long as it is not hurting anyone, how can I say I'm right and you are wrong. My faith says I respect others in theri belief and they respect my right to believe, as long as I don't hurt anyone. Once people get hurt, it becomes about so much more than religion, it's about respect for human life - or lack of it - regardless of faith. Maybe that "SUPREME BEING" is the same but we all choose to worship it differently. Won't it be a shock when we all get where we are going and it's all the same place. I will smile :)
I think this is a record. Twice in one week, I agree with mike.
Ironically I've been writing the same thing for a while. The sole difference I think we have is while I can certainly agree racism exists and even a little is too much, there has been enormous progress over the years and this is no longer 1960's Georgia yet some can't see the progress made. Too often, the word racist (bigot too) is chucked out for no other reason than to silence an opinion. Sometimes its valid criticism, most times it is not. However, like mike I much prefer knowing where someone is coming from so I can make an informed opinion. Take the anti-yellow ribbon crowd. I'm glad these folks are coming out and stating their views publicly even though I don't agree at all. I know now to completely avoid them and all of their affiliated groups. If they weren't speaking freely I wouldn't know that. Free speech can be a good thing.
Spinks, you are saying ignore what your devote Christian friend George Bush is doing in Iraq. How can you ignore that? Are you saying killing a million Iraqis because of invasion means nothing and that Iraqis are not human?
100 million natives were not human. The biggest genocide carried out by so-challed Christian settlers.
Spinks, are you saying Iraqi President invaded Iraq? You are making no sense, as usual. Bush invaded Iraq. Are you denying that?
My bad. Iranian president.
Look at How they beat this Canadian guy on an airplane returning from an operation in the USA just because he looked Muslim???
Spinks is doing a good job of spreading hatred.
So is Leblanc by allowing all these comments.
11:04 trying to cause trouble with charles under a hate crime?? letting?? the only thing charles is letting is a free flow of ideas which is a good thing as it brings much needed information to expand our minds which our media and goverment has all but strangled,tried to turn us into a bunch of cowards and to submit to thugs dressed in black!
This is an important topic, mainly because the US is setting up another war, one that could begin a world war. The US-Canada-Australia-Britain (maybe a couple of others) against Iran-Russia and at that point China could even get involved.
Ironically, while many pro war supporters claim that ANY criticism of Israel is 'anti semitic', the truth is that it is Israelis who are most in danger. Washington is calling on Israel to step up illegal bombings in Iran, when Iran fights back, it won't be against american troops but against Israel.
That means it is Israelis themselves who will pay the cost.
Meanwhile, in the US the media is doing a Saddam routine on Irans president. There is no validity to any of their claims, unfortunately by questioning the holocaust the Iranian President plays into their hands, but virtually every other statement 'claimed' to be his are inaccurate translations from persian or outright lies.
In the US politicians were demanding Columbia University have its funding taken away for daring to let Ahmadinejad speak, ironically often in the same speeches decrying Iran's battle against free speech.
The US continues to play up the nuclear issue, even though the international atomic energy commission watches their every move carefully, and all the while Israel sits on the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the middle east, something not only secret from the international community, but something which its own population is not allowed to discuss.
Mohammad ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has said there is zero evidence of any nuclear weapons program. Even if Iran got a nuclear weapon, it is so heavily outgunned by Israel and the US, that what it quite obvious is that the US prefers attacking countries with NO self defense capabilities.
In recent reports much has been made of the presidents claim to 'wipe Israel off the map', a line he never said, but which is a bad translation of getting rid of the current Israeli regime. His idea for doing that is far from genocidal-a referendum that would include the votes of ALL the people in Israel and palestine. Namely, democracy.
There are 20,000 jews in Iran with their own member of parliament, so this is hardly a guy with genocidal tendencies.
He is, without a doubt, 'hostile to Israel', he'd be crazy not to be. His claim for a dissolution of the Israeli government is much the same as Ronald Reagan's claim for the dissolution of the old Soviet system of government. Nobody accused Reagan of advocating genocide.
Iran has even invited the US to work with the atomic energy commission, something unseen in the past. Scott Ritter, a US member of the team looking for WMD in Iraq, claimed that most of the 'team' were simple CIA and Secret Service operatives. So allowing the US to take part is a big risk on their part.
In all this, it comes down to the US. There are lots here who claim that any criticism of the US is 'anti american', however, much of the criticism comes from US itself-just not the mainstream media.
The US is planning yet another illegal war, committing the same crime that germans were tried under at Nurembourg. The US has openly admitted that it will use pre-emptive force under any circumstances it desires, and is not only committed to its 'first strike policy' but also does not deny plans to use nuclear weapons if it sees fit, in contradiction to virtually every treaty of the past twenty years.
And people should remember that in the fifties the US was responsible for toppling a democratically elected leader of Iran, showing that imperial tendencies are by no means new.
Their new puppet was so genocidal and cruel that he fomented a popular revolution that, like Afghanistan, let fundamentalist muslims take over the country. People preferred the militant fundamentalism to the american chosen dictator (since it was obvious that they weren't going to be allowed to keep a democratically elected one)
It's ironic that in places like Charles blog the question is 'is he a nut or a very smart cookie'. This, even though most people know little about the region. If it were a picture of George Bush, its already a given that most people would simply call him a nut. Almost nobody would call him a 'very smart cookie', which shows how different the mainstream media and politicians are from their respective populations.
mikel wrote, If it were a picture of George Bush, its already a given that most people would simply call him a nut.
You're right and the media does too. Sadly most can't articulate why he's a nut but they hope it sticks if it's said enough times (generally it has). The far-left likes to use Hitler and Nazi references to Bush too when they're really mad. It doesn't matter that it's a dishonest portrayal (look above for comparing Christians to Al-Quaeda for that).
There's a pile of stuff to disagree with Bush on and challenge him on; a ballooning debt, a porous border with Mexico, the war in Iraq, a crappy dollaretc, etc. but calling Bush a nut and then fawning over the Iranian President as so many have done? That's just dishonest.
Bush is not only a nut but he is a nut of the most dangerous kind. Majority of Americans now agree with that given the hell he has created in Iraq for Iraqis and for Americans.
Again, Spinks likes to overdramatize to make a point. Nobody is 'fawning' over this guy. First, there is no point to, because it is the clerics in Iran who hold all the power-not him.
However, he was democratically elected. What I wrote above are simply facts about the US administration. It is not Iran that is threatening war, and it is not Iran that violently takes over countries illegally and threatens the use of nuclear bombs.
When we talk about war, that's why the criticism is on Bush and the US, NOT Iran because as said numerous times, while Iran is no wondrous example of democracy, it is NOT threatening war with the US or threatening anybody with nuclear weapons.
Nobody has put this guy up to win the Nobel Peace Prize, in fact if you can find much good written about him anywhere then post the source, because I've never seen it. What exactly these 'far left' sources are that Spinks always seems to be reading is a bit of a mystery. Virtually no group or organization has ever come out in praising this guy. However, what he is doing now is saying the things that virtually everybody in the world already knows, that the US is being violently imperialist and at some point some country or countries are not going to take it anymore.
That is what is trying to be prevented, but there is no point in criticizing this guy, because he has no power.
But that stuff for Maurice is getting pretty old Charles. Its just plain creepy now and since you said that you refused to post comments that you thought were clearly racist then that gives credence to those who say that you must support these. Just because the guy puts his name to it doesn't make it any different.
But by the way, that picture of that guy didn't show any sheets, he looked pretty much like everyone else. If you lived in a desert you probably wouldn't be wearing what you are now-unless you're an idiot.
Actually, those robes look a hell of a lot more comfortable than jeans or shirts, I wouldn't mind trying it out. And I know it goes without saying to just about everybody but Iranian women don't cover their faces, just their hair. Burqas are only worn by very strict Islamic sects, in fact you can find them in Toronto as well.
Yeah...I will admit that Maurice goes over the top.
Pretty rude at times but I know the guy and if someone wish to sue him because what he writes?
I know the guy and where he lives.
Wouldn't you admit that he brings out a different character in this blog?
I know many thinks the same way!!!
Just ignore him!!!
Not hard to do???
Wouldn't you say so????
What can you expect from stupid Leblanc and his friend/lover Maurice the Homoless Guy. Now making physical threats. Would Leblanc and Maurice the Homoless Guy get any lower. Yes and may be they will go underground - that low.
It's easy to ignore him, but IF you are not publishing some letters because you call them racist, then posting his makes one wonder why some racist comments are OK but others are not. If you selectively allow some comments but not others, then you implicitly are giving support to them.
But you aren't a stupid guy, could it be that when Maurice is posting it takes some of the heat off you?:)
My God Mike??? I believe you got it!!!!!
-- maurice the homeless guy --
Canada and the United States should leave Afghanistan & Iraq, and then just let all the religious nuts in both countries kill themselves off.
Their all religious nuts in both countries, and in Ran s well, and nothing nor any country will ever correct Insanity.
You know I must say, that it is really amusing to hear all of these so called experts on Religion talking like they really know what the true reason is for all of the mess known as terrorism. The truth is that unless humanity comes to know Jesus Christ as their Personal Lord and Saviour, then they are Condemned to an Eternity of suffering and lasting punishment.
Furthermore, those of you who are tossing name calling and bashing me on this blog, if you don't show who you are and by that, I mean show your name instead of all of this anonymous garbage, then you have nothing to say. I will sincerely apologize for the way I come across and if the way I have worded my coments has caused offense. but I only apologize once.
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