I have heard the Quebec Security spies on the individual who walks by the Legislature. Our privacy is at risk!!!! You guys believe that I was bad with my camera????
No one is safe with those ignorant Quebecois running the People's House!!!
Why don't we do the same in Quebec????
New Brunswickers are not allowed to work in Quebec but they run our Government House.
I am missing something here?????
First you are lying. Quebecers are not running our legislature. Second, he is not taking pictures and posting them for the whole world to see. You do that kind of harassing. It is so good that you are banned from the legislature. You need to be banned from the city streets.
Is this just a little bit more of that honesty you claim your so filled with? You know full well that there are cameras in many places throughout the streets of this city. There wouldn't be a legislature in this country that didn't have some form of surveillance around their grounds. What is sad is not that they have it but that their are so many seriously disturbed people out there that they need it. You know, that kind of paranoid individual that would actually think their are gun turrets atop the legislative building. ...So, you only tell the truth you say hmm?
I'm pretty sure New Brunswickers ARE allowed to work in Quebec.
I'm a New Brunswicker and I work in Quebec... plus I don't get called names by a Blogger saying that I'm a maudit New Brunswicker.
You know at least, Charles backs up what he says whether good or not so good by leaving his name and I also do the Same thing. I stand by my statements and I leave My Name when I do so. Why don't some of you Cowards back up what you say by having the decency of leaving your real name When you post a comment and let some
...Michael, because it is a blog and very few rules and no standard applies...
sure you work in quebec
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