Stay tune for many stories on the Porters!!! This Father and son team have cross the line.

If you believe I was bad against the Irvings? You haven't seen anything like the way I'm going to go after these guys!!!
Shawn Graham must fire these racist guys who are dead set against the poor people of this Province!!!!
Truly stay tuned!!!
Bout time someone got rid of these bums.Too many good people lost or left or pushed aside because of this kind.
What do they know that was used as blackmail.Only answer
Learn the definition of the word racist.
You can't be "racist" against the poor. They're not a race. You can however "discriminate". Charles, at least try and think before you write. Buy a dictionary. Look up the meaning of a word. Write a draft version of a post, then review it for errors, then post it.
"The poor" is not a race, Charles. I think the word you're looking for is "prejudiced".
First of all, their is not such thing as "racist against the poor".
Second, no, they're not racist, and they're not anti-poor.
They also do not judge people just because of where they come from (such as Quebec, for example).
If you're so poor, how can you afford to drink beer and smoke?
Tim Porter is a vile man. The fact he walks on legs rather than hooves should amaze those who are so unfortunate as to know him. I would compare him to a dark prince, consumed with power. His ilk should not be trifled with. He destroys everything that crosses his evil path. It would not surprise me if he sprouted horns. He is vermin. His father isn't a bad guy though.
Because there's readers out there who knows that I don't have any money and they get to read this blog for free.
They understand it can be very stressful to be a blogger so once they see me on the streets?
They hand me a few bucks for smokes and beers!!!
I'm not going to say no to a good drunk!!!!
Its none of your business how Charles can afford beer and cigarette and be on welfare.
Most people I know that are on welfere smoke cigarettes and drink beer.
So mind your own business!
-- maurice the homeless guy --
Nothing good was ever named Porter.
I once saw Tim Porter smoke a beer - talk about evil!
I make it my business 'cause my taxes pays for his monthly cheque. And when Charles talks about the poor on this particular blog, he refers to himself, not every person who's poor.
8:56 PM
If someone gives charles a case of beer and a pack of smokes its none of your business.
Who said that it came out of his welfere check?
Charles is famous and his fans bring him smoke and beer all the time.
So mind your own business.
And you dont even pay taxes anyway.
So shutup and mind your own business.
Fart breath!
-- maurice the homeless guy --
I'd like to add to this articulate discussion if I may. I've encountered this "Tim Porter" on a number of occasions. My impressions are simple...he may look like just another pretty face, but i beg you.. do not let his dashing good looks and boyish charm fool you. He is indeed possessed with dark power and his resourcefulness is staggering. I have however, discovered his weakness..his achilles heel...let his own generosity defeat him. First, you must go to a social event which he is attending and then claim to be a blogger...i have seen him buy beer by the truckload for bloggers without regard for the cost. This may take awhile (he is a civil servant afterall) but down the road...this strategy will pay huge dividends. Second, you must attack him with sensationalist claims on an obscure website...i like your approach with this Charles, big kudos....only then will you punish this civil servant for his lifetime of public service and rational thought. Shame on you Mr. Porter.....
Hey Maurice, i don't think the people who give Charles free booze and smokes are doing him a favour. Things aren't free in life. You gotta earn what you get. The more he'll get stuff for nothing, the less he'll try to get a job. And by the way, my taxes pays his monthly cheque so he can have a roof and bread to put on his table, not cigarettes and beers.
Can we get back to saying bad things about Tim Porter?! How did this get turned around where Charles is being made out to be the bad guy?
Maurice, your insults towards other people translate a major weakness in your arguments when defending Charles.
People giving charles beer are certainly doing him a favour. As for work, I've never seen a harder working journalist in New Brunswick. Irving hires photographers who get a picture in the paper at a rate of one a day. And yes, you also pay for those Irving reporters, all thanks to a protected monopoly as well as cash handed out, as well as tax credits, as well as crown land giveaways.
You subsidize Irving far more than Charles, your contribution to Charles is less than a penny a year, if you want that back go find Charles and I'm sure he'll give it to you. Make sure you give him change though.
And for that you get a blog where not only can you openly gripe, but is far more entertaining, and almost as informative (with a hell of a lot more and better pictures) as the Irving rags.
Charles should really quit smoking, but there isn't anything wrong with the occasional beer, although the occasional drunk can kill those brain cells, and Charles really needs all those functioning.
But for finances, post your name here and I'm sure somebody will cut you a cheque for a dime-that'll cover the next decade. Meanwhile, the forestry companies thank you for your $350 contribution to their pocketbooks, and Irving thanks all you St. Johners for the (minimum) $5 a year contribution to their LNG terminal.
Have another beer when you can get one Charles, just make sure its Pumphouse or Moosehead.
Tim porter has laid many souls to waste. As heads is tails, just call Tim Lucifer. Yes Charles, he is in desperate need of some restraint.
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