Sunday, November 11, 2007

I bought a ticket in Quebec but I can't cash it!!!!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison
If I won a free ticket or something? I would have to mail it to Quebec. Pretty sad eh???


Anonymous said...

Don't worry.
You won't win.
Thats all taken care of.

Anonymous said...

Today, Charles, you were the rudest I have ever seen anyone at a Remembrance Day Service. You had no idea of the protocol of the service, when it was ok to shoot, when to get out of the way, or anything of the sort. You are a moron. Did you notice all of the other media were wearing dark clothing? That's not a coincidence, it's to not draw attention to themselves at a sensitive time. You have no such standards of professionalism.

Up until now, most events have not required the sort of media screening and credentials process that journalists in other jurisdictions go through. I fear if you keep this up, soon every event will be media managed like it is in larger cities. Then *really* only the biggest media outlets with recognition will be allowed to play.

The bizarre part of your intrusions, is that in the long run its going to have the effect of limiting access for all of us. All because you lack common sense and have an overriding sense of self importance.

Shame, shame, shame. Remembrance Day is no place for your haggard frame galloping about, bright white ballcap and all...


Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I don't believe that I was bad...I was just following the other media outlets looking for the perfect shot....

Darn camera don't taje good shots outside.

I don't undertstand what I wear has nothing to do with the event?

I have a jacket and that's good enough for me.....

Anonymous said...

I also saw Charles at the Rememberance Ceremony in Saint John at Harbour Station. As usual he was very much in the way and I felt he distracted from the solemnity of the event. He seems to have to be always in the forefront. You are an embarrasment to all bloggers.

Anonymous said...

I also saw Charles at the Rememberance Ceremony in Saint John at Harbour Station. As usual he was very much in the way and I felt he distracted from the solemnity of the event. He seems to have to be always in the forefront. You are an embarrasment to all bloggers.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I did the same action as I did in Fredericton last year.

The only difference was I was inside this time around.

Sorry if some people were distracted by my presence but what can a person do?

There were two Irving's photographer so therefore there could be a couple of pictures of Monday.

I'm going to stop attending the events inside a building.

My camera don't take good pictures.....

Anonymous said...

Charles, he wasn't commenting on the quality of your photos. He was commenting on the quality of your performance at the ceremony. Did you even read his comment before replying?

If all the other media wore dark clothing, you should be doing the same in order to fit in and not offend people. What you wear does matter.

Anonymous said...

where are your pics of yesterday, saw you on the floor taking pics of the vets, great idea to document them,

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I'm on Social assistant so therefore I don't wear fancy clothes!!!

I wore dark clothing during Atlantica and look what happened?

I was too scruffy to be a journalist.

You mark my word? The Irvings are working overtime to be the only one to have access to an area to take pictures.

As the biggest blogger in this Province? I shouldn't be force to wear fancy clothes.

We had a trial on blogging and you know the verdict.

I got blogger on my jacket and hat so therefore everyone knows who I am.

Enough said....


Anonymous said...

I also agree that your behaviour was way out of line and you should have taken a few pictures and stayed out of the way instead of parading around.

Plus if you are on social assistance, where do you get all the money for your smokes, loto tikets and trips to Toronto? Ok that last one is out of line you could have gotten a free ride to Toronto and back, but what about all those smokes and loto tickets? Were do you get the money for that?

Anonymous said...

Allowing jealousy to control your life is unbecoming cj.
Tell us more about your perfect life!

Anonymous said...

My life if far from perfect, but I work hard for my money. I have a job, I pay my morgage, car and bills. I don't smoke or gamble. I save my money for retirement and I do some travelling for entertainment.

But one thing is that I don't mooch off social assistance and complain about it like Charles. Social assistance is for people who actually need it not someone like Charles that doesn't want to work. I know he is going to give the excuse of ADHD, but that is Charles always full of excuses.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see some evidence of this "biggest blogger in NB" claim of yours. What do you get a few hundred page views a day?

Anonymous said...

Actually CJ your life sounds quite perfect,except for complaining yourself,about others,and being the judge of others.We have a democratic system which handles social issues,and if you have complaints don't direct to the most unfortunate of society,but to the lawmakers such as doug young,who live off the taxpayer at a FAR greater expense than the people dropped by the wayside,by our political and educational system.
As it is how do you feel about demanding that people needing support you force to live on 600$ a month,kids that hunger at school.Yes exactly what do you do to deserve so much more than others,considering there isn't a job anywhere that now requires any effort.Life has been made for you by the poverty living HARD working people of yesteryear.

Anonymous said...

What you wear does matter and it does say something about you. Call it superficial of society, but that is the way it is. At a job interview, the first judgement is made on what you wear and then how to carry yourself. At a solemn event, our society wears dark colors and photo's are taken quietly and discreetly. I see many of your pictures in church - do you just randomly take pics during the service or wait for the appropriate time. The Blogger jacket and hat are great, I have a Gap sweater and a Ford hat, neither of which are appropriate at certain events. So, yes, appearance in our superficial society is important.

Anonymous said...

Jesus - did Irving give their staff a day off to come pick on Charles?

First of all, no self-respecting blogger is going to drag themselves outside for a remembrance day ceremony, let alone four of them - so you're either plants or liars.

Secondly, this quote is astounding:

"If all the other media wore dark clothing, you should be doing the same in order to fit in and not offend people."

If all the rest of the media jumps off a bridge, should Charles follow them too? Anyone offended by someone's red jacket is not sane enough to dictate behavioral codes upon others.

Good luck Charles, don't let the bastards get you down!

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

I just wish those bastards would ignore this blog?

Yes, they are Irving's employees leaving these nasty comments.

I caught McKinnon leaving a nasty one a few months ago....

What's his name again? Robert MacKinnon???

I'm just going to continue doing what I do best and that's to be the biggest pain in the butt this Province have ever saw!!!


Anonymous said...

Well Charles all I can say is you take very good photo's and I'm glad to see you didn't go out in the nude at the Remembrance Day Service, now that would have upset everyone there. Not a lot of people have black or dark clothing to wear, at least you were there doing your part for the people that couldn't make it out. You have the photo's to show the people how it was. Keep up the good work, your good with what you do, and it's a shame you don't get paid for the work you do.