Sunday, April 03, 2005

New graphs reveal what we already know to be true...

Have a look at the new graphs found in our Fredericton's Poor section. Also, if you have thought of a beneficial change Charles and I can make to this Blog please let Charles or I know so we can get the news to you in a more appropriate or meaningful way. We want this site to be as user friendly and informative as we can make it.

Regards, WCIE


Anonymous said...

It's obvious that you are beginning a new process in cornering the politicains to face up to the facts of what we as New Brunswickers have known all along but in this way it makes it harder to deny.It will be interesting to see what elaberate flip flopping conversations will come out of their mouths when faced with the facts as written in such clarity..

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

We must thank the Fredericton Soup Kitchen for the charts! It's a darn shame that we cannot get the the charts from the other Soup Kitchens in the Province. If you believe that the Capital is bad? Saint John has a much more bigger problem!!!