Friday, April 08, 2005


Yesterday was a very hectic day! Even for a person who suffers from ADHD < PROUD OF IT > it was very draining.

I met a guy and together we went around the City with a digital Camera! We must have taken close to 100 photos.

Pictures from the Premier of this Province to the poor homeless people on the streets!

These photos will appear in this blog during the next few weeks! We can’t paste all the photos at once because I have to write a comment under each one but keep an eye on this site for more news!

It’s not everyone who wanted their pictures taken with me. I wonder why?…

While walking towards the Legislature, I notice T.J. Burke < Liberal MLA > coming out from the Legislature.

I told the photographer - I know T.J. is going to say no but out of politeness? I’ll ask the newly elected MLA for a picture?

As predicted T.J. denied my invitation but I didn’t really care anyway. It’s just for a souvenir.

T.J. hasn’t spoken to me since the time that I gave the guy a blast for distracting me while I was making a presentation to the Standing Committee.

Where’s the story?

Let me look if I can locate the darn update?

Here it is

Wed, 17 Nov 2004 06:09:15

Yesterday was the day of my presentation and I wasn’t impressed at all!

They transferred the room to the floor of the Legislature because they’re doing some fixing in the normal room!

This was the first time that I made a presentation to a Legislative Committee in 15 years.

I recalled giving a presentation for the need of a new Clean air act in 1991! The politicians listen to my little speech and as a matter of fact? Elvy Robichaud was in the opposition rank and I praised him because he fought for the New Brunswickers rights!

Look at him now? Today he’s the Minister and you know the rest…

I made my presentation about the need for a new clean air act and that was that!

This time around? I wasn’t nervous but it was different because they put you in the hallway and you cannot hear the person inside speaking before you!

During the old ways the people sat in the same room! I felt like someone waiting to go into a courtroom to hear my faith with a jury!

Once there? The Liberals were on my right and the P.C.’S on my left!

I began to speak and in the corner of my eye, I noticed T.J. Burke speaking in the ear of Mike Murphy.

Mike never said a word and T.J. just kept on yakking.

I must admit that this act really bothered me. The rest of the MLA’S listen closely but I couldn’t stop being distracted by T.J. whispering in Mike Murphy ear.

After 15 minutes, I told the newly elected MLA that he was bothering and distracting me???

He quickly answered- I know! I know it’s bugging ya! That’s the reason I’m doing it!!!

He looked up in the audience on many occasions to see if they were paying attention to what I was saying?

At the end, he did give me a comment and sort of said- We have known each other for over a year and we see you around the Legislature every day! He went on to give his own views on the dog issue!

I felt like he was telling the audience that I should be ignored because I’m not working and I hang around the Legislature.

My presentation came to an end and I was told by a few MLA’S that my presentation was good! I don't believe that I presented my facts in a good way because of the distraction! Hey? There's still the talk shows??

I believe they were just being polite but I quickly confronted T.J. Burke and told him that he should be taking his Ritalin!

I have since spoken to a few politicians about T.J. Burke attitude in the House and I guess that he always talk to people in his surrounding while the opposition gives out a speech!

I find this very very very ignorant!

I didn’t enjoy the way I made my presentation because I was distracted by this MLA?

In the past, I seen myself making a point in front of 1,000 people and they don’t bother me if people whispers to each other ears but in this case? It was right beside me!

There’s a place to joke around and play but the Legislature isn’t the place.

Students sits in the gallery and what do they see? A bunch of grown men speaking to each other while someone gives a speech!

If T.J. Burke wants some respect from his fellow MLA’S and the public?

He must first show respect to others!

No…I wasn’t nervous before my presentation but if I would have known T.J. Burke was going to act like this?

I would have to told the Chairman Jody Carr to put T.J. in his shoes right at the beginning!

That was the story and since I’m a fair minded individual?

Here was T.J.’s response-

Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:03:24

Charles - you are unequivocally and undeniable falsifying what occurred yesterday. I spoke to Mr. Murphy during your interview only to clarify what you had said en francais. I did not have my
translation device on at that time. Also, you did not confront me about taking Ritalin. Since I do not require ritalin for any reason, medical or otherwise, I feel your suggestion that I take it is inflammatory and disrespectful to those who suffer from the medical diagnosis which requires the presecription. Certainly
Charles, respect is a two way street. I am more than disgusted at your false allegations and the way you chose to diseminate your one sided stories. I believe others are as well, that is why I have chosen to write back to you and defend not only my integrity and
respect for the legislature but the so many other individuals you so calously besmirch.

You know what? I’m the type who can dish it and also can take it but it’s not everyone who’s like me!

Of course, I bumped into A highly respected P.C. executive. Terry Andow and he also denied my request because he’s still upset of what I wrote about Bernard Lord staff denying me the right to call the Premier on a talk show a few weeks ago!

Hey? These people wishes to hold grudges? I really don’t care and will continue to speak out on issues that I don’t feel is right! C’est la vie!

WCIE wrote a piece on the pregnant girl yesterday with the pictures of evidence.

This morning, I was at the Cafeteria in the Legislature and I noticed Trevor Holder sitting down!

I asked Trevor if he saw the pictures of the pregnant woman on my blog site?

He told me that he didn’t!

Seconds later, a bureaucrat from Family Services quickly showed the pictures to the MLA and he added – There’s two side to every story?

Well? What’s the side of Family Services? How come they don’t go and chat with the girl? Doesn’t make any sense!

Ok..I was so exhausted last night that I didn’t bother phoning the talk show. I just laid back with a coffee and took notes of what issues were debated.

1-caller< Dalhousie > Nursing Home

2-Fredericton – Praise the Premier of the way she was treated in the hospital. She had Cancer and was taken care of after 7 months. Also the HST should be remove from her light bill and Gas is too high

3-Saint John- Nursing Home< Premier should join them for one day of work!

4-Campbellton- House should be able to be renovated? The Senior called office but never called hr back
5-Saint John -VLT’S by Tim Smith! Poor Tim, he called minutes before the break and read his letter that he sent to the premier. I did learn something? Bernard Lord reads his emails? He told the audience that he receives around 2,500 emails a day! Never once in his six years of being Premier have I had an email from the Premier. Frank McKenna used to reply to his emails all the time. But anyway, the premier told Tim after the break that VLT’S are here to stay because New Brunswickers voted to keep them!

6-Campbellton- Dialogises Machines for Kidneys.

7-Dalhousie- Home support workers for Seniors. Premier told the audience that he was going to follow up himself on that issue

8-Sussex Corner- Drug Program

9-Moncton- Environment < restaurant at parlee beach>

10-Grand Bay- Grade 11 student about Teacher’s strike

11- Bathurst- Home support Workers

12-Hillbororough- Not time workers should get more money????

The Premier had an easy ride if you ask moi???? Mr. Volpe last week got slaughtered compare to the Premier and I wonder why? I predicted that he was going to receive many angry calls because he was on Rogers all week long telling the audience that he’ll be on Voice of the Province. I was 100% wrong on that one!!!

Charles 04_07_05 071

Yesterday, Mr.Volpe told me that he was going to appear on the French Talk show < Rogers >

I have a question? How come the French Talk Show isn’t showed in the Capital or Saint John?

I am certain that many Acadians would love to asked questions to the Finance Minister.

Ohhh??? By the way? The Lord Government almost fell yesterday and I should have known there was something going on because I asked Kelly Lambrock < MLA his interview with me is on this site > for a picture with me.

Anyway, I noticed that he had no time for a picture but he was all over the place. He walked in the Liberal building beside the Legislature, the Liberal building across the street and he even walked to the Legislature from behind the House.

He was all over the place and I wonder why?

Hours later, I found out the story. He was gathering all the Liberal MLA’s for a vote that could have bought down the Lord Government.

Here’s the story


Ok….I just or pasted way to much!!! Please excuse the grammar and style of this update because I just write the darn thing and send it along the information Highway! Have a good weekend!!!!


Anonymous said...

The new format will work out well for all of the people who have asked
you in the past to write letters on their behalf. It will be great for any
issues around. I have one at the moment. I stayed over my home this week
in Saint John and I could not believe the Industrial Noise coming from the Pulp Mill.It has gotten worst or I am not use to it anymore. It wasn't
just the sound of steam being let go it was also the trains that blew
their whistles late into the night. Its hard to believe that Saint John pays the highest price in the Province for Taxes and we have the worst noise
polution to listen too.

Anonymous said...

Lord was asked a question about video gambling in the legislature Friday. Do not hold your breath because he did not answer the question as usual. What were we thinking when we elected this guy our premier. Lord lied when he said he will do something about VLTs. His government should have been brought down on Thursday. Lord government is deadwood and it must go. Here is the exchange in the legislature:
Mr. Murphy: We expected more when the Premier was dealing with the federal government,because they were calling him Mr. Dithers and we knew we had Dagwood Bumstead. One of the repercussions of that is that Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are now reducing their VLT numbers and their VLT usage. This government has indicated that it is going to make $2.5 million more on taxes on video lottery income, up to $120 million.We have had suicides on this, we have had families lose their lives on this. I would like to know from this minister, who now has a surplus because of Mr. Dithers, as they call him, if he is going to now implement a reduction of VLT usage in this province?

Mr. Lord: I think the member for Moncton North is showing the hypocrisy of his position. He likes to stand up in this House and grandstand on the issue of VLTs. This is the same guy who wants casinos in New Brunswick. I would like opposition members to make up their minds. We are being very clear. If the member wants to compare us to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, go ahead. In the last six years, this government has reduced the debt of this province, and that has not taken place in Newfoundland or in Nova Scotia. This government has lowered taxes for hardworking individuals. This has not taken place in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, and it did not take place from 1987 to 1999, when the Liberals were in office.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Lord's comments are in reality very shallow to the liberal member Mr.Murphy as he is basicly saying the two provinces in question are trying to find other ways of paying their bills than to carry on with the present solution of paying with BLOOD MONEY AT THE EXPENSE OF ADDICTED PERSONALITIES.
Mr.Murphy may do well to point this out to our premier and also let him know that the voters of this province are watching this unfold as such. You are doing great at calling this man to task please do not let him minipulate our rules of the house toward the voters who put him there any longer he MUST be told that life is precious and no person deserves to loose a loved one to total greed at his expense that why we have a demacratic system to fair equality to all.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Murphy has said exactly what he should Mr.Lord has failed to recognize that casinos are a business and are set up it that way and in a specific place with specific hours of operation that is not the question,once again he has chosen to avoid the issue of having these machines spread throughout our comunities and destroying peoples lives in the process by not being able to get around them.

Anonymous said...

There must be a dump Bernard Lord movement in this province. He has completely mismanaged, shown total incompetence and insulted our intelligence too often. He gave away $6 million to Molson and when people got upset his basic reply is “screw you I am doing it.” $ 112 million tax break to Irvings and his response the same, “screw you it is happening”. When his government decided to close hospitals and cut beds and people got upset his response the same “screw you”. Orimulsion debacle and his response basically “too bad it happened, now pay higher electricity rates”. Auto insurance, his response “screw you insurance companies are my friends” and same response on many other issues

Mr. Smith put his life on line to point out an evil called video lotteries and what it is doing to individuals and their families. Families are being destroyed and individuals have committed suicide. His response is the same “screw you, VLTs are making money and they are here to stay”. Why New Brunswickers are tolerating such an incompetent, inconsiderate, heartless, self-centered, arrogant man as our premier. He must be dumped and dumped soon. What more proof people need?

Anonymous said...

could you imagine bernard lord as leader of the federal conservatives I don't think peter mackay could you think he's having bad dreams trying to make stephen harper look like he knows what he's doing just think of the NIGHTMARES if that was bernard lord????

Anonymous said...

that party was the first old school party that almost became extinct with bernard at the helm that would pretty well seal the deal /the conservative WHO?????lol

Anonymous said...

The scary part is that if bernard lord remained around long enough as premier New Brunswick may become extinct.

Anonymous said...

Charlie I don't know if the title should say that bernard lord got an easy ride I believe by his response to the question that he pretty well helped out the citizens of this province who were not shore of the rumours of how he likes to brush off responsability. Until now they finally got to hear an answer to a problem in his own words and I know they now heard what has been said all along the death count in this province due to addict generated money is not high enough to worry about yet so there is no need for consern. I guess he must have a suicide limit that the rest of us have not seen but as he said in his own words a study shows that New Brunswick has the lowest rate per capita I suppose the other consern I might have with that is the study was from halfway across the country but we've been right here telling him that one death is one too many and I might add to the other comment in this section(taped Comments do not lie)I can't wait to see how he'll reword that but I'm sure he'll come up with a twister that might work.

Blogger Charles LeBlanc said...

He definetely had an easy ride compared to Mr.Volpe the week before.