I really don’t have anything to write about. In future days ahead, I will write about boarders or roomers having no rights in this Province.
I must admit that my day was almost ruined.
This is the first time that the sun came out shinning in the Capital in three weeks!

I walked on the trails and truly believe in my mind that nothing could ruin my beautiful day!
Everything was going perfect until I came face to face with this-

Why don't these people leave me alone???...lol Yes, Frank McKenna and the three Irvings sons.
As I wrote in the past, I have nothing against those guys. It’s J.D. Irving < J.K. irving son > who’s totally out of control.

He’s like the Mr.Burns on the Simpsons.

This is the latest from the lady with the garbage problem in Saint John.
I chatted with Trevor Holder this morning and I received this email from Mrs.Sherwood-

I as well just chatted to Anthony Bamford, the assistant to the Mayor.
He’s calling public works... I have a feeling we have the ball rolling.
Also ATV called me this am and they are again coming by to do yet another story.
This is getting interesting... wait and see what happens I suppose.
I will certainly keep you posted.
I wanted to write about a certain issue but I was told by some close friends of mine that I should leave that issue alone and after thinking about it?
I believe they are 100% correct but I will say this - Every City in New Brunswick should have a location for the Junkies to do their drugs!
The prescription Drug problems on the streets are at an all time high and the Lord Government must confront this issue in a serious manner!

The Junkies in Vancouver and Toronto are doing their drugs in front of Government professionals in those cities therefore we should have the same system in the cities around this Province.
In those large cities the Junkies injects their drugs in front of professionals therefore slowing down the spread of aids and other diseases.
Here in New Brunswick we live in a conservative world.
We know there’s a major drug problem in this Province but we chose to ignore this issue.
I told the Lord Government five years ago that there was a major prescription drug problem and we need methadone clinics around this province.
This picture shows U.N.B and S.T.U. in the background.

The students at those universities told me on many occasions that there was a major prescription drug problem among our youths.
From what I’m told - Many students snorts the Ritalin to pass their
exams. At the end, they turn to heavier drugs such and
If the Government would set up locations for these junkies to do their drugs? This would be a fantastic idea and a major step forward for this Province.
It sure would stop the syringes to be on the streets so other kids could find them.
I said it in the past and I will say it again!!! If you believe that Fredericton has a drug problem? Saint John is much worst!!!
But after saying this? It took five years for the Lord Government to open some methadone clinics so you can just imagine how fast they are going to move with this emotional issue!!!!
By the way? I must stop doing this act!!! If I jaywalk across the city streets?

I should keep an eye open for those Irving’s trucks! My God? They sure wouldn’t miss a chance of a lifetime!!!...lol….
Ok..too nice to be in here!!!
Please excuse the style and grammar of this update. Don’t be shy to leave a comment at the end of this blog!!
Hey, where'd the rumour go? lol
You posted a rumour around 3:00 that NB teachers had rejected their contract. You were wrong, as it turned out. Are you destroying the evidence? :)
I would just like to comment on the part of this story that concerns the "Drug Problem", I think that uif the if the system reall7y cared about those who are adicted to narcodics they would would stop empowering them and compell them to enter a drug treatment program, and I don't mean that crap at the local detoxification center either, I mean a two or three year program that is away from there socalled junky pals who are just waiting for them to get out of the detox so they can do it all over again.
I These people should be sent to reputible facilities where they must under-go at least three years of treatment that helps them with the issues that led them to the adiction in the first place. and in closing this idea of supplying these junkies with needles only keeps them coming back for more. cut off their supply, and they will have to seek real help to get off the junk for real.
Can you believe these jackasses who call themselves government, Lord government. They screwed and screwed rural areas, closed hospital beds and then closed hospitals jeopardizing their health care. Rural folks approached Lord government from every angle to stop this viciousness but no luck. They even took this government to court and although not successfully but sending a very strong message that they do not like the butchering of their health care. It did not faze Lord and his government. Now Lord is suddenly playing champion for rural folks on gas tax. What a (expletive-in keeping with their beer commercial) hypocrite? This guy is full of crap.
Who says Fredericton is clean city. We have this huge heap of crap called Lord Government which needs to be hauled away and place cleaned and sanitized.
As for the 3:00pm story about the teachers? Serves me right to take the rumour from a reporter...lol...oh well? C;est la vie...lol....as for the drug treatment program? Mike is 100% right but we don't have the money!! Stay tune for a very funny blog later on in the day!!!
Mr. S. Graham: Getting what should be readily accessible public information is harder in New Brunswick than in most places in Canada, a nationwide audit has discovered. The Canadian Newspaper Association has found that this province has one of the worst track records for openness in Canada.
On October 26, 2004, under the Right to Information Act, we requested all documentation,correspondence, and memos regarding the development and the implementation of the provincial health plan 2004-08, from 2003 to present. This request has now been in the government’s domain for the past seven months. Six weeks ago, the provincial Ombudsman himself intervened and said that the government had to release the information immediately. One week ago, during questioning in this Chamber, the Premier said that he would take the request under advisement.
My question to the Premier today is this: Are you ready to respect the Right to Information Act and
to release the information that was requested, as required by law?
Mr. Lord: The simple answer to the question is: Absolutely. Our government intends to
respect the right-to-information legislation. I stated that last week, and I am happy to state it again today.
Above exchange was in the legislature yesterday. Lord says he intends. Yes! Road to hell is paved with good intentions. Lord had good intentions for last 6 years. When would he get off his ugly ass and actually do something on number of issues. Your write Lord and other clowns he has in cabinet and your letters end up in some black hole never to be seen again. This man is a major burden on NB society and must unload this burden.
Good morning Charles
Totally agree with you on the bullshit part but one likes to make an appearance once in awhile just to let them know that you are still
Perhaps one day seeing your face in the gallery will click in and they
will realize that you had not given up the fight.
If I do not get down and see you, have a good summer and perhaps will
catch you later. Keep up your good work and as you see, by the number of visitors to your site, there is a lot of interest in it.
You may not be able to change the government's ignorant stance on your positions but you may be able to let the citizens of this province realize how horrible this
goverment is.
The Liberals may not be much better but they surly could not be as bad.
Take care
I like the pics!
The garbage is STILL sitting in front of or building on lower Victoria Street......
Just keeping you updated. It was suposed to be picked up BY Monday ( 2 days ago) not sure what the hold up is, I have again emailed Anthony Bamford regarding this, am waiting on a reply :)
Have you spoke to anyone about this recently?
I will let you know more later today (June15th) or at the time I find something out.
Mrs S
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