Deputy Mayor Hooton

Councillor Daryl Bishop

There’s something bugging me! < Not the first time >..lol...
Last week, someone send me an email and by mistake? He added all the people on his list with his electronic letter.
Just like a seagull, I quickly gobble all the emails.
I added these new victims to my list!!!! THEY'RE ALL MINE ..MINE..MINE... HA HA HA HA HA...lol! Just kidding!!...lol
This list was different because it had all high class citizens. I mean really high class people like this type? You know? The snobby type!!!

So you can just imagine the reaction on their faces once they began receiving emails from this peasant?..lol…
I was told by some politicians < pictures above > that they wish me to remove them off my list!
My answer is - Sorry!!! Once you’re an elected official???? You're fair game!!!
I refuse to remove them off my list!
Am I wrong or right on this issue? Please let me know???
I might add that I have over 100 elected officials on my list from different part of the Province!
Charles - it depends if these are personal e-mail addresses or "work" e-mail addresses. If they're work addresses, then yes, I would say they're fair game, but if it's their personal addresses, then it's the same as calling them at home (something I think is unacceptable)... but not everyone shares that opinion.
To be honest, I wouldn't worry about it, as I suspect those that don't want to read your stuff will simply add your address to their spam/ignore list.
I will comment on this one is I may. Charles, lets say that you are an MLA for Fredericton south, I need to contact you about a certain legislation that is effecting me in a negative way. I find your office/work email address charles.leblanc@gnb.ca, I have a right to use that email to contact you concerning issues that effect me or, my rights as a Voting Citizen. However I have no right to your private email or your home email unless you give me your permission to have it every person whetherheor, she pe an elected official or not, is entitled to privacy,
You can contact elected officials any time about theri business as an elected official, by email, phone or whatever. You should maybe take in easy on municipal politicans, execpt maybe mayors of cities, because they don't get paid enought to be on duty 24/7, in my opinion.
But just because someone is an elected official, it's not ok to track them down at home about anything else. Let's say a city councillor is, oh I don't know, an investigator for the Human Rights Commission. It's rude to call him at home and ask about his work stuff, and don't be surprised if he hangs up on you.
I don't know if any politician gets paid enough to be on 24/7. Many municipal politicians depending on the size of the community get paid nothing or next to nothing. What's an NB politician make these days - $40,000 or so? I know a lot of poor people would love to have the money but when the average family income in Canada these days is almost $70,000, it doesn't seem excessive. I think Lord might make $110,000 or so, Shawn Graham about $90,000. It's good money but compare it to a CEO of a company the size of the NB Government and it's chump change. Politicians have to be paid a decent salary like anyone else or it would be difficult to get quality candidates. Granted, we don't always get quality candidates anyway but....
Well? Many of them have pasted their personal email on the town web page. So what does that tell ya???
If they've posted their e-mail address on the town webpage (as you say), then I would assume they intend for people to use it.
Same rule applies for the phone, in my opinion. If they've given consent to have their personal e-mail used for "work" purposes, then I'd say go for it.
Someone up top of this list said they'd just use the spam/ignore filter anyway. I remember having to do with Charlie's e-mails before he started the blog - so it's very easy to do.
That's exactly what I tell these elected officials. Just delete me once you see my name or just blocked me!!!! But people are so nosy!!! They want to see what's going on in here!!!!..lol
I expect as word gets out, the site will actually become more popular. Good work, Chaarles.
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