Sunday, July 10, 2005


CNN told the television audience that they can send in their own little video when Hurricane Dennis hits the shore. This is very dangerous and shouldn't be allowed. Of course, they added- This is very dangerous. Don't risk your life. Of course many will stay and film to have their 15 seconds of fame!!! CNN IS PLAYING RUSSIAN ROULETTE!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlie you of all people should know it's the drama!! And the ratings that come first these days, the more viewers the more revenue, The whole system works that way we live in a time when money outweighs all other aspects of life as we used to know it.
Governments now have that same mentality, If they can milk their own people out of millions of dollars by only loosing a few lives that balances it all out just ask any citizens of New Brunswick their more than used to being taken advantage of for the sake of ill-gotten profits.
It's one in the same Russian roulette for the sake of profits through the media or government now a day they seem to follow the same route.
A good example of this is CBC verses CTV.
CBC this morning covered updates on the British bombings in great detail to it’s Sunday morning viewers because of the close relationship between Britain and Canada
But of course that is something CTV would not do in this same fashion because it would be too much lost air time to variety and advertising time to it’s very profitable sponsors.