Thursday, July 07, 2005


Once again, I heard a rumuor that Elizabeth Weir will join the Provincial Liberals? What do you think? Would that be a good move for Elizabeth? Feel free to leave your comments!



Anonymous said...

There is just no way this could work she has sat alone for many many years and done battle for the little guy under the title of New Democrats.
She is the very symbol of that title here in New Brunswick

I for one would not want to see her change her story direction at this time in her career.
As it shall at the present read she stood toe-to-toe and eye-to-eye with the best both the other
official parties had to offer on behalf of the underdogs and the unheard of this Province.

For her to cross the floor at this hour would be the wrong thing to do as far as her principle of beliefs go. Too many years have passed to say she finally sees there are similarities between their beliefs.
The public would see it no other way than to put a loud title to her name, But a title that will not be accepted as such by too many voters.

Mrs. Weir along with the NDP logo and the Province of New Brunswick are as recognizable to the people of this Province as the names of most Towns and Cities.

It simply does not or will not fit in properly.
she has proven for too many years that she could not except the agendas of these other parties toward the future for New Brunswick and the direction in which it is headed.
For her to take a drastic turn like that after soo many years would not be taken in proper context.

This is the simplistic view without actually getting into the inner politics of this issue but the point stands in its entirety

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between getting in bed with the Liberals (JK Irving) and the Consevatives (Arthur Irving). They are both Irving parties.

Elizabeth if you are reading this you had better set your sites on Ottawa and the NDP.

You may get my vote! I am telling you this as a swing voting Liberal!