I suggested the place that I wrote about a few weeks ago. The place is called Molly's on Queen Street!
This is the place. Look at the privacy and the gold fish.

I went there a few evening ago and it's real nice in the dark! Do you want a private conversation over a cup of coffee and meal? Go at Molly's!

Once again no one paid me to advertisse this place. As my friend told me - I have been walking downtown for the last 10 ten years and I never even knew about this place!
Ok...Lets move on to today's issue!!!!
I had one unfinished business on the issue of Methadone in this Province.

A couple of weeks ago, I walked into the office of Paul Zed < MP for Saint John > and told his executive assistant Aaron Kennedy of the problem of Dilaudid in the Loyalist City. I told Aaron that Paul Zed must act on this issue as soon as possible!

Under Elsie Wayne this issue wouldn't even be touch because she's not educated on this emotional issue!

After a week of hunting down for info on the issue in the Capital, I decided to walked into Andy Scott office and meet with the other executive assistant Andrew Holland.

I told Andrew that the Federal Government should really be concern of the issue of prescription drug in this province.

The Lord Government set aside 1.2 million dollar towards Methadone clinics but this is nowhere enough money.
The Federal Government must get involved with millions because our future generations are at stake.
Andrew reminded me that heavy drug was a problem across Canada.
I reminded Andrew that Crystala??? was a problem out west. Ontario and Quebec is main drug is Cocaine but here in the Maritimes it’s Dilaudid.

Over 20 people died in Cap Breton alone and God knows how many people died in New Brunswick?
title="Photo Sharing">

I would love to know the true numbers on this one?
Ottawa must get involved with money so we can confront this issue head on!
In the Capital? The system doesn’t work because these people are afraid to step forward.
Especially when you have open cubicles install so the whole floor can hear your personal problems.
Privacy act? BS!!!!
That’s the job of the case worker from Family Services. They will degrade you in front of everybody on the floor so therefore you will make certain that you don’t return.
This is one reason some people don’t bother seeking help.
The Federal Government could make certain that the money is well use to hire professional councilors and not amateurs.
They could hire people to go on the streets at night to confront these people who selling their bodies to get their fixed.
They could also cut down on the true waiting list therefore stopping these addicted people from going on a crime spree to get their fixed!

Yes, the Federal Government should get involved in the prescription drug problem in this Province and I will support any candidate during the next Federal Election who will step forward and say they will help these poor souls!

Something must be done now because our future generations will have a huge mess in their hands!!!

How many more people must die before the Government takes action????
title="Photo Sharing">

BY THE WAY? The guy laying down is not me. Tim and I seen this guy passed out!
Molly's must give you free food that you advertise them so much.
Your right on the money on this one because if they keep ignoring the
problem it will never go away, it will just get worst. By the way
the picture of the guy shooting up is very disturbing. It made me feel
sick to my stomach. There are too many poor souls like him that is for
sure. You should get some figures on the needle exchange program from
AIDS groups in the Province. Thats also very shocking!
free food??? Nope....it's just a nice relaxing atmosphere!!!
I agree, you must have worked out a contra deal with Molly's, free plugs on your web site for Free Food.
Sounds like a good deal.
I think you SHOULD work out a deal with Molly's. Irving's papers are nothing but ads, you mention a small business a couple times and people make it sound like you're selling out! Next time I'm in f'ton I'm eating at Molly's and telling them they owe you one! Small and medium sized businesses are the only ones keeping New Brunswicker's working while Irving competes in more and more of their industries, they need all the help they can get! In fact, that's a good job for you Charlie, try some products that compete with Irving and talk about them and maybe NB'ers will support them.
Is this the same Molly,Charles as in Molly Holly Fame, from the WWE aka WWF ?
What's the matter with you people????...lol..Can someone just do something nice for free for a change!!! There's no free food or drinks! I was there and I found the place very relax! Try it??? If you don't agree with me? Come back here and tell me that I'm full of it!!! Simple as Bonjour!!!!
"There's no free food or drinks!"
must be free smokes then eh?. LOL!.
no nothing but a cup od coffee!!!!...lol
Last I checked coffee is a drink. So free drinks.
Your right on the money on this one because if they keep ignoring the
problem it will never go away, it will just get worst. By the way
the picture of the guy shooting up is very disturbing. It made me feel
sick to my stomach. There are too many poor souls like him that is for
sure. You should get some figures on the needle exchange program from
AIDS groups in the Province. Thats also very shocking!
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